Friday, February 16, 2001

A Cardinal's Phony Humility

In a report on the newly named American Roman Catholic Cardinal, Avery Dulles, the Washington Post reports that in " to (his) my vow of poverty or just plain stinginess," Mr. Dulles has been known to layer his shoe soles with duct tape to make them last longer.

Once again, we get a glimpse of the Catholic god; a god who demands "holiness" such as described here. If anyone thinks God is impressed by an act like this, they do not know the God of the bible. I know that there are people in the world who cannot afford shoes, and may our Lord bless them and provide for them, but God does not begrudge someone a pair of shoes, especially in the prosperous western world.

Paul wrote about such false men and their "piety" in Colossians 2:23, "Which things indeed have a shew of wisdom in will worship, and humility, and neglecting of the body; not in any honour to the satisfying of the flesh."

May we instead be shod with the true "gospel of peace" by receiving the true Jesus Christ by true faith ALONE.