Monday, May 14, 2001

Watch Out for Those White Protestant Men!

In Rome's continued attempts to please leftist liberals, the newspaper of the Buffalo, New York, Roman Catholic Diocese recently featured an article about violence, school shootings, Timothy McVeigh, and masculinity that could have come straight from the offices of Senator Clinton or the present occupants of 10 Downing St.

The article, "Evil Is As Evil Does," quotes Don Sabo, a professor at the Catholic D'Youville College. Mr. Sabo says regarding school shooters and McVeigh, "He's typical of a larger number of white men in America who vent their twisted anger at men, women, and children...They share a common gender; they are boys; and they share a common race; they are white."

(Ed note - Ohhhhh, I get it! The problem is white men!)

Mr. Sabo also says, "These patterns of violence may be related to the way masculinity gets defined in American culture." That phrase Mr. Sabo just used, "American culture" - experience has taught me that to more than a few Catholics it really means "Protestanism."

Mr. Sabo offers no solution to the issue. However, as a teacher at a Catholic college, he is probably impressed with the masculinity of the Roman priesthood!

He then goes on to say that these violent types of men come from "small towns." Again, many a Catholic in the USA views "small towns" as meaning "Protestants."

His article ends in a hand wringing about, "this cycle of violence that seems to be spiraling...(and) this sort of punish-the-perpetrators formula doesn't seem to be working."

Well......I'm worried about some white men, too - Tony Blair, Al Gore, Bernard Cardinal Law, Archbishop Carey, and Charles J. Wojtyla (alias John Paul II). And, I don't discriminate - I worry about every Roman priest, whatever his race or color! Satan is an equal opportunity employer.

The masculinity problem of Catholic families will end when Catholic men have the guts to tell their priests, "No more confessions with my family."

The woman in Luke 7 was able to go directly to Christ, and He said to her in Luke 7:48, "THY SINS ARE FORGIVEN." In Luke 7:50 He said, "THY FAITH HATH SAVED THEE; GO IN PEACE." A peace in knowing she had salvation; a PEACE given by Christ because there is NO purgatory to have worry about.

The solution to all this violence is quite simple - people need to repent of their sin and receive Christ by faith ALONE.

Lastly, in typical liberal fashion, Mr. Sabo neglects to tell his readers what religion Tim McVeigh was baptized, confessed, communioned, and confirmed in - Romanism!

May our Lord show Catholics the hypocrisy of their church, and give them the grace to confess Romanism as sin, and receive Christ by faith ALONE.