A Catholic Bible - All Style and No Substance
The 'National Catholic Reporter' in it's June 1 issue reported on the progress of the "St. John's Bible" project. This is a large, medieval-style, goose quill hand written, on calfskin vellum pages bible, that will be completed in 2006, and is being sponsored by the St. John's Benedictine Abbey of Minnesota.
So far, the four gospels and Acts have been completed. Jesus said in John 8:32, "AND YE SHALL KNOW THE TRUTH, AND THE TRUTH SHALL MAKE YOU FREE." He also said in Matthew 18:11, "FOR THE SON OF MAN IS COME TO SAVE THAT WHICH WAS LOST."
However, as the article reports, the Benedictines do not seem so much concerned with man's sinful nature and his need for a Saviour, but in promoting a political correctness through this endeavor that would certainly win warm applause at the United Nations.
As for this bible, they see, "in it's pages the reflections of a multicultural world and of humankind's (Ed. note - don't say 'mankind', we might offend some feminists) strides in science, space travel, and technology."
The great achievement in the bible is that the Son of God has provided atonement for man's sin. Acts 13:39 says, "AND BY HIM ALL THAT BELIEVE ARE JUSTIFIED FROM ALL THINGS, FROM WHICH YE COULD NOT BE JUSTIFIED BY THE LAW OF MOSES." The monks are evidently more impressed with hand held calculators than the work of Christ.
Regarding the Abbey's, "commitment to religious dialogue," the monks hope that this bible helps people to, "celebrate the heritage of shared religious belief and become more aware of the uniting forces of sacred texts," and that, "the church rejoices in the truth wherever it may be found."
These monks may rejoice in the 'Koran,' 'Glories of Mary,' or the 'Book of Mormon,' but bible-believing Christians won't. It's designers say this bible's themes are, "social justice, the role of women, stewardship of the earth, and God's covenant with humankind." Are they describing the bible or Labour's platform for the British election?
'Father' Eric Hollas says of this bible, "There's something exciting about spending 10 minutes to draw a single letter." He's got to be kidding!!
I'll tell you what's exciting - 1 John 3:2 says, "BELOVED, NOW WE ARE THE SONS OF GOD." The bible says I have a Father in heaven, "NOW," not possibly, not later, not maybe, but, "NOW."
Jesus promises in John 6:37, "HIM THAT COMETH TO ME I WILL IN NO WISE CAST OUT." What's exciting about the bible is that its truth will turn people from death to life, from hell to heaven, and from Rome to Christ. It's exciting knowing I don't need a Roman priest to come to Jesus Christ and have my sins forgiven.
May many Catholics come directly to Christ, confess the sin of having believed in Roman priestcraft, and by faith ALONE be born again.
So far, the four gospels and Acts have been completed. Jesus said in John 8:32, "AND YE SHALL KNOW THE TRUTH, AND THE TRUTH SHALL MAKE YOU FREE." He also said in Matthew 18:11, "FOR THE SON OF MAN IS COME TO SAVE THAT WHICH WAS LOST."
However, as the article reports, the Benedictines do not seem so much concerned with man's sinful nature and his need for a Saviour, but in promoting a political correctness through this endeavor that would certainly win warm applause at the United Nations.
As for this bible, they see, "in it's pages the reflections of a multicultural world and of humankind's (Ed. note - don't say 'mankind', we might offend some feminists) strides in science, space travel, and technology."
The great achievement in the bible is that the Son of God has provided atonement for man's sin. Acts 13:39 says, "AND BY HIM ALL THAT BELIEVE ARE JUSTIFIED FROM ALL THINGS, FROM WHICH YE COULD NOT BE JUSTIFIED BY THE LAW OF MOSES." The monks are evidently more impressed with hand held calculators than the work of Christ.
Regarding the Abbey's, "commitment to religious dialogue," the monks hope that this bible helps people to, "celebrate the heritage of shared religious belief and become more aware of the uniting forces of sacred texts," and that, "the church rejoices in the truth wherever it may be found."
These monks may rejoice in the 'Koran,' 'Glories of Mary,' or the 'Book of Mormon,' but bible-believing Christians won't. It's designers say this bible's themes are, "social justice, the role of women, stewardship of the earth, and God's covenant with humankind." Are they describing the bible or Labour's platform for the British election?
'Father' Eric Hollas says of this bible, "There's something exciting about spending 10 minutes to draw a single letter." He's got to be kidding!!
I'll tell you what's exciting - 1 John 3:2 says, "BELOVED, NOW WE ARE THE SONS OF GOD." The bible says I have a Father in heaven, "NOW," not possibly, not later, not maybe, but, "NOW."
Jesus promises in John 6:37, "HIM THAT COMETH TO ME I WILL IN NO WISE CAST OUT." What's exciting about the bible is that its truth will turn people from death to life, from hell to heaven, and from Rome to Christ. It's exciting knowing I don't need a Roman priest to come to Jesus Christ and have my sins forgiven.
May many Catholics come directly to Christ, confess the sin of having believed in Roman priestcraft, and by faith ALONE be born again.
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