Making Mary Politically Correct
Combining the spirit of political correctness and idolatry, the Roman Catholic Diocese of Cleveland, Ohio is sponsoring an art show in October called, "The Many Faces of Mary."
This show is supposed to celebrate the spirit of "Encuentro," which according to the diocesan letter on this event describes a, "Face-to-face meeting of persons of deep faith." As the letter notes, such an example of an "Encuentro" was Mary going to see Elizabeth and, "In that meeting, a new dynamic was created." "New dynamic?!" That's all it says, with no further explanation.
But in a way, it does make sense, because Rome is always looking for ways to preach Mary outside of what the bible says, and the phrase, "new dynamic," is open-ended enough to be the source of many Catholic homilies on the false Mary Rome teaches on.
The bible nowhere talks about a, "new dynamic," but it does say in 2 Corinthians 5:17, "IF ANY MAN BE IN CHRIST, HE IS A NEW CREATURE: OLD THINGS ARE PASSED AWAY; BEHOLD, ALL THINGS ARE BECOME NEW." People need to repent of their sins, and have a new relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ ALONE, not a, "new dynamic."
To further quote the letter, "This art show is an opportunity for artists of the diocese to express their experience of Mary in the richness of their cultural and personal diversity." This is the politically correct side of the show - I can just see it now - paintings of the "Colored Mary," "Navajo Mary," Guatemalan Mary," "Nigerian Mary," "Kenyan Mary," "Hindu Mary," "Vietnamese Mary," "Samoan Mary," and maybe even a, "Polish Mary."
This art show is not going to honor God, but it's another Roman attempt to mix Mary worship with a twist of "diversity" certain to please all those liberals out there.
However, I must give Rome credit for warning people about participating in this event, for the letter also says, "Artists should note that any artwork submitted by them for the exhibition at "The Many Faces of Mary" exhibit would be done at their own risk." Yes, they risk being guilty of idol worship!
God warned us of such misguided Mary worship in Romans 1:25 which says, "WHO CHANGED THE TRUTH OF GOD INTO A LIE, AND WORSHIPPED AND SERVED THE CREATURE MORE THAN THE CREATOR, WHO IS BLESSED FOREVER. AMEN." I pray the Lord's Spirit convicts many Catholics of the sin of Mary worship, that they repent, leave Rome, and be born again.
This show is supposed to celebrate the spirit of "Encuentro," which according to the diocesan letter on this event describes a, "Face-to-face meeting of persons of deep faith." As the letter notes, such an example of an "Encuentro" was Mary going to see Elizabeth and, "In that meeting, a new dynamic was created." "New dynamic?!" That's all it says, with no further explanation.
But in a way, it does make sense, because Rome is always looking for ways to preach Mary outside of what the bible says, and the phrase, "new dynamic," is open-ended enough to be the source of many Catholic homilies on the false Mary Rome teaches on.
The bible nowhere talks about a, "new dynamic," but it does say in 2 Corinthians 5:17, "IF ANY MAN BE IN CHRIST, HE IS A NEW CREATURE: OLD THINGS ARE PASSED AWAY; BEHOLD, ALL THINGS ARE BECOME NEW." People need to repent of their sins, and have a new relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ ALONE, not a, "new dynamic."
To further quote the letter, "This art show is an opportunity for artists of the diocese to express their experience of Mary in the richness of their cultural and personal diversity." This is the politically correct side of the show - I can just see it now - paintings of the "Colored Mary," "Navajo Mary," Guatemalan Mary," "Nigerian Mary," "Kenyan Mary," "Hindu Mary," "Vietnamese Mary," "Samoan Mary," and maybe even a, "Polish Mary."
This art show is not going to honor God, but it's another Roman attempt to mix Mary worship with a twist of "diversity" certain to please all those liberals out there.
However, I must give Rome credit for warning people about participating in this event, for the letter also says, "Artists should note that any artwork submitted by them for the exhibition at "The Many Faces of Mary" exhibit would be done at their own risk." Yes, they risk being guilty of idol worship!
God warned us of such misguided Mary worship in Romans 1:25 which says, "WHO CHANGED THE TRUTH OF GOD INTO A LIE, AND WORSHIPPED AND SERVED THE CREATURE MORE THAN THE CREATOR, WHO IS BLESSED FOREVER. AMEN." I pray the Lord's Spirit convicts many Catholics of the sin of Mary worship, that they repent, leave Rome, and be born again.
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