Roman Doctrine Never "Changes," It Only "Develops"
In his article, 'The Development of Doctrine,' Catholic Bishop Fabian Bruskewitz of Lincoln, Nebraska demonstrates that Rome will still present brazen falsehood, and expect people to blindly believe them.
He writes, "Development of doctrine does not mean new revelation...we now await no further revelation until the coming of Christ...(and) there is a once-and-for-allness about this revelation which St. Jude says has been, 'delivered once and for all to the saints.'"
How can Bishop Bruskewitz say such untruth in the face of new unbiblical Roman revelation? For example - papal infallibility, purgatory, plenary indulgences, the assumption of Mary, bread worship, etc. Not to mention Rome's belief that "Mary" appeared in 1917 in Fatima, Portugal, and said, "People are going to hell because there is no one to make sacrifice for them."
Romish belief in this last statement constitutes a complete denial of the work of Jesus Christ on the cross as an all-sufficient sacrifice for sin. This really shows how much disdain and contempt the Roman clergy has for Christ and His people.
'His Excellency' would just love it if we would check our brains at the door and unreservedly obey him, but the bible says in 2 Timothy 1:7, "FOR GOD HATH NOT GIVEN US THE SPIRIT OF FEAR; BUT OF POWER, AND LOVE, AND OF A SOUND MIND."
God gives His born again children, "SOUND MIND(s)," that we may, as 1 John 4:1 says, "BELIEVE NOT EVERY SPIRIT, BUT TRY THE SPIRITS WHETHER THEY ARE OF GOD: BECAUSE MANY FALSE PROPHETS (Bishop Bruskewitz, for example) ARE GONE OUT INTO THE WORLD."
This illustrates the difference between the Roman god and the God of the bible. The Roman god wrote a bible that no one, except for a few priests, can understand. Great misunderstandings happen and many people are lost because they are reading the bible for themselves. The Roman god only wanted the bible in Latin (which is the only language you will find the bible in at, but the 'Catechism,' papal letters, and so on are in English and other languages), so if you go to the official Vatican website and want to read the bible, take your Latin primer or your local pharmacist along to help!
The God of the bible wants His word in everyone's hands. He even promises, as Revelation 1:3 says, "BLESSED IS HE THAT READETH, AND THEY THAT HEAR THE WORDS OF THIS PROPHECY, AND KEEP THOSE THINGS WHICH ARE WRITTEN THEREIN."
If the Bereans of Acts 17:11, "SEARCHED THE SCRIPTURES DAILY," in checking out Paul's teachings, should we do any less with the Roman clergy? May God expose the deceptive and utterly black hearts of these Roman bishops, and may Catholics repent of their Romanism, and receive Christ by faith ALONE.
He writes, "Development of doctrine does not mean new revelation...we now await no further revelation until the coming of Christ...(and) there is a once-and-for-allness about this revelation which St. Jude says has been, 'delivered once and for all to the saints.'"
How can Bishop Bruskewitz say such untruth in the face of new unbiblical Roman revelation? For example - papal infallibility, purgatory, plenary indulgences, the assumption of Mary, bread worship, etc. Not to mention Rome's belief that "Mary" appeared in 1917 in Fatima, Portugal, and said, "People are going to hell because there is no one to make sacrifice for them."
Romish belief in this last statement constitutes a complete denial of the work of Jesus Christ on the cross as an all-sufficient sacrifice for sin. This really shows how much disdain and contempt the Roman clergy has for Christ and His people.
'His Excellency' would just love it if we would check our brains at the door and unreservedly obey him, but the bible says in 2 Timothy 1:7, "FOR GOD HATH NOT GIVEN US THE SPIRIT OF FEAR; BUT OF POWER, AND LOVE, AND OF A SOUND MIND."
God gives His born again children, "SOUND MIND(s)," that we may, as 1 John 4:1 says, "BELIEVE NOT EVERY SPIRIT, BUT TRY THE SPIRITS WHETHER THEY ARE OF GOD: BECAUSE MANY FALSE PROPHETS (Bishop Bruskewitz, for example) ARE GONE OUT INTO THE WORLD."
This illustrates the difference between the Roman god and the God of the bible. The Roman god wrote a bible that no one, except for a few priests, can understand. Great misunderstandings happen and many people are lost because they are reading the bible for themselves. The Roman god only wanted the bible in Latin (which is the only language you will find the bible in at, but the 'Catechism,' papal letters, and so on are in English and other languages), so if you go to the official Vatican website and want to read the bible, take your Latin primer or your local pharmacist along to help!
The God of the bible wants His word in everyone's hands. He even promises, as Revelation 1:3 says, "BLESSED IS HE THAT READETH, AND THEY THAT HEAR THE WORDS OF THIS PROPHECY, AND KEEP THOSE THINGS WHICH ARE WRITTEN THEREIN."
If the Bereans of Acts 17:11, "SEARCHED THE SCRIPTURES DAILY," in checking out Paul's teachings, should we do any less with the Roman clergy? May God expose the deceptive and utterly black hearts of these Roman bishops, and may Catholics repent of their Romanism, and receive Christ by faith ALONE.
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