Wednesday, August 01, 2001

Double-Checking Catholic Media

The Roman manner of playing down Catholic idolatry in the United States has become evident by the way the , 'Catholic News Service,' (CNS) has reported on the volcanic eruptions at Mt. Etna, in Sicily.

Their home page says, "Our mission is to report fully, fairly, and freely about the involvement of the Church in the world today." Really????

The title to their July 30 article on the eruptions is, "Sicilian Catholics Pray God Will Spare Them From Mt. Etna," and quotes the local archbishop, Luigi Bonmarito, as saying, "I bless this mountain and invoke the mercy of God upon the craters so they would close."

This sounds nice - no mention in this Catholic article of prayer to anyone but God. This is the "party line" your local Catholic priest or apologist will tell you, "Yes, we agree prayer should only be given to God." the CNS reporting on this event, "fully, fairly, and freely?"

The BBC is quotes the archbishop as ALSO saying, "We are here to implore the Madonna to give us the faith, hope, and the courage to confront our difficulties." So - Mary is being asked to give them, "faith, hope, and...courage." This looks like prayer to me!

Rome tries to hide behind her lies, but the truth about it's corrupt nature always shows. I can only conclude that the CNS is not reporting on prayers to the Madonna because too much pushing of Mary now might impede Roman ecumenical moves in the USA. I also should not trust anything from a Catholic source or media - they might not be giving me the full story, as this episode demonstrates.

I pray no one gets hurt or injured in Sicily, and I also pray the Lord's Spirit will convict Catholics in Sicily and elsewhere of the sin of prayer to anyone but God. Jesus said in John 16:23, "AND IN THAT DAY YE SHALL ASK ME NOTHING. VERILY, VERILY, I SAY UNTO YOU, WHATSOEVER YE ASK THE FATHER IN MY NAME HE WILL GIVE IT TO YOU." Jesus tells us to pray to the Father in Jesus' name. The archbishop says to call on the Madonna. Who should I believe, Jesus or Rome? I'll believe Jesus.

May Catholics repent and confess the sin of praying to Mary and other saints, forsake the Catholic church, and receive Christ by faith ALONE.