The REAL Heart of the Catholic Church Revealed Immediately After Sept 11
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and Moslem leaders issued a joint statement September 14 regarding the recent attack on the United States. It's contents reveal that Romish bishops, in their pursuit of deception, will even lie about Islam and the Koran. After all, Roman bishops have had hundreds of years practice lying about what the BIBLE says!
Along with the usual self-congratulations that, "Catholics and Muslims meet regularly as friends and religious partners," and that they, "abhor all terrorist acts," the statement also says, "Nothing in our Holy Scriptures (BIBLE and Koran), nothing in our understanding of God's revelation, nothing that is Christian or Islamic justifies terrorist acts and disruption of millions of lives which we have witnessed this week." Really???
The Koran, in Surah 8:60 says, "Strike terror into the heart of the enemies of Allah and your enemies." Surah 9:5 says, "So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolators (anyone who rejects Islam) wherever you find them, and take them captives and besiege them."
The Koran only confirms what our history books tell us, that Islam was spread by the sword, but the Catholic Church has never let the truth stand in the way of furthering her evil ends. It is plain to see that the best device unregenerate man has come up with to mock God is - Roman Catholicism.
These American bishops are not only guilty of treason towards Jesus Christ, but by their oath of loyalty to the head of another country, the Vatican, we must question which side these bishops will take - America's, or whatever the leader (the pope) they have sworn allegiance to will tell them? The above quoted statement shows that these Roman bishops will lie about the Koran, even over the graves of 3000 Americans, many of whom were probably Catholic.
What motive could Rome have for this lie about the Koran? Rome is using this attack on the USA to further pursue her ecumenical drive and ingratiate herself with Islam. The American media this past weekend was filled with Romish cries for tolerance, love, and to not hate, and this must be playing very well with Moslems worldwide.
What was missing from these Roman homilies was a determination to stop these terrorists from killing more people. Why? Because if Rome was to exhort the USA to defend itself, Moslems might not want to be so cozy with Rome. As all this develops, view everything Rome says and does in a context of ecumenism, and I believe it will make sense.
Romanists and apostates may seek unity with Islam, but BIBLE believing, born again Christians will stand on Christ ALONE, the BIBLE ALONE, His grace ALONE, and by faith ALONE! No Surrender - to either Rome or Islam.
Along with the usual self-congratulations that, "Catholics and Muslims meet regularly as friends and religious partners," and that they, "abhor all terrorist acts," the statement also says, "Nothing in our Holy Scriptures (BIBLE and Koran), nothing in our understanding of God's revelation, nothing that is Christian or Islamic justifies terrorist acts and disruption of millions of lives which we have witnessed this week." Really???
The Koran, in Surah 8:60 says, "Strike terror into the heart of the enemies of Allah and your enemies." Surah 9:5 says, "So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolators (anyone who rejects Islam) wherever you find them, and take them captives and besiege them."
The Koran only confirms what our history books tell us, that Islam was spread by the sword, but the Catholic Church has never let the truth stand in the way of furthering her evil ends. It is plain to see that the best device unregenerate man has come up with to mock God is - Roman Catholicism.
These American bishops are not only guilty of treason towards Jesus Christ, but by their oath of loyalty to the head of another country, the Vatican, we must question which side these bishops will take - America's, or whatever the leader (the pope) they have sworn allegiance to will tell them? The above quoted statement shows that these Roman bishops will lie about the Koran, even over the graves of 3000 Americans, many of whom were probably Catholic.
What motive could Rome have for this lie about the Koran? Rome is using this attack on the USA to further pursue her ecumenical drive and ingratiate herself with Islam. The American media this past weekend was filled with Romish cries for tolerance, love, and to not hate, and this must be playing very well with Moslems worldwide.
What was missing from these Roman homilies was a determination to stop these terrorists from killing more people. Why? Because if Rome was to exhort the USA to defend itself, Moslems might not want to be so cozy with Rome. As all this develops, view everything Rome says and does in a context of ecumenism, and I believe it will make sense.
Romanists and apostates may seek unity with Islam, but BIBLE believing, born again Christians will stand on Christ ALONE, the BIBLE ALONE, His grace ALONE, and by faith ALONE! No Surrender - to either Rome or Islam.
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