Catholic Archbishop Casts Doubt on the Bible
The Roman archbishop of Cincinnati, Ohio, Daniel Pilarczyk, continues his assault on what the bible says in an October 5 article from 'The Catholic Telegraph.' In addition, the article exposes one way Rome deliberately keeps bible truth from people.
His article is on the scheduled epistle reading for October 7, which happens to be 2 Timothy 1:6-8, 13-14. In the opening paragraph of the article, "His Grace" displays his doubt of the word of God when he writes, "Scholars do not believe that the pastoral letters are the immediate work of Paul, but represent the work of unknown writers trying to extend Paul's teaching and mind-set into a new church context." There are two points I would like to make:
1. 1 and 2 Timothy both start out in the very first verse with, "PAUL, AN APOSTLE OF JESUS CHRIST," and Titus starts out, "PAUL, A SERVANT OF GOD, AND AN APOSTLE OF JESUS CHRIST." I wonder what part of, "PAUL, AN APOSTLE OF JESUS CHRIST," Archbishop Pilarczyk finds so hard to understand? "PAUL" means "PAUL," it's very plain who the author is. By casting his doubt on the bible to Catholics of southwest Ohio, this archbishop is continuing the same line of attack used in the Garden of Eden in Genesis 3:1, when Satan said, "YEAH, HATH GOD SAID," in getting Eve to doubt the word of God.
2. By presenting the fiction of, "unknown writers trying to extend Paul's teaching," this man is very subtly planting seeds that he and the rest of the Roman clergy are those who today, "extend Paul's teaching." Whereas in fact, the Roman clergy supresses Paul's teaching and the rest of bible truth.
As for the epistle reading itself, note how verses 9-12 are left out, and Rome has a good reason, for verse 12 reads, "FOR WHICH CAUSE I ALSO SUFFER THESE THINGS, NEVERTHELESS I AM NOT ASHAMED: FOR I KNOW WHOM I HAVE BELIEVED, AND AM PERSUADED THAT HE IS ABLE TO KEEP THAT WHICH I HAVE COMMITTED UNTO HIM AGAINST THAT DAY." God evidently felt verses 9-12 to be important enough to be put in-between verses 8 and 13, but some Roman committee in times past decided differently.
Rome hides verse 12 because if, "HE IS ABLE TO KEEP," was heard by the people, some might get the notion that you can know you have the full assurance of salvation through the work of Christ ALONE. And of course, Rome hates the work of Christ ALONE, hates the biblical teaching that truly born again Christians know they are going to heaven, and has instead substituted a man-made sacramental system of works where no one can be sure they will ever get to heaven.
May the Lord's Spirit show many Catholics that salvation is through faith ALONE in Christ ALONE - totally apart from the drudgery of the never-ending (and money-making) Roman sacramental system that in truth only leads to hell.
His article is on the scheduled epistle reading for October 7, which happens to be 2 Timothy 1:6-8, 13-14. In the opening paragraph of the article, "His Grace" displays his doubt of the word of God when he writes, "Scholars do not believe that the pastoral letters are the immediate work of Paul, but represent the work of unknown writers trying to extend Paul's teaching and mind-set into a new church context." There are two points I would like to make:
1. 1 and 2 Timothy both start out in the very first verse with, "PAUL, AN APOSTLE OF JESUS CHRIST," and Titus starts out, "PAUL, A SERVANT OF GOD, AND AN APOSTLE OF JESUS CHRIST." I wonder what part of, "PAUL, AN APOSTLE OF JESUS CHRIST," Archbishop Pilarczyk finds so hard to understand? "PAUL" means "PAUL," it's very plain who the author is. By casting his doubt on the bible to Catholics of southwest Ohio, this archbishop is continuing the same line of attack used in the Garden of Eden in Genesis 3:1, when Satan said, "YEAH, HATH GOD SAID," in getting Eve to doubt the word of God.
2. By presenting the fiction of, "unknown writers trying to extend Paul's teaching," this man is very subtly planting seeds that he and the rest of the Roman clergy are those who today, "extend Paul's teaching." Whereas in fact, the Roman clergy supresses Paul's teaching and the rest of bible truth.
As for the epistle reading itself, note how verses 9-12 are left out, and Rome has a good reason, for verse 12 reads, "FOR WHICH CAUSE I ALSO SUFFER THESE THINGS, NEVERTHELESS I AM NOT ASHAMED: FOR I KNOW WHOM I HAVE BELIEVED, AND AM PERSUADED THAT HE IS ABLE TO KEEP THAT WHICH I HAVE COMMITTED UNTO HIM AGAINST THAT DAY." God evidently felt verses 9-12 to be important enough to be put in-between verses 8 and 13, but some Roman committee in times past decided differently.
Rome hides verse 12 because if, "HE IS ABLE TO KEEP," was heard by the people, some might get the notion that you can know you have the full assurance of salvation through the work of Christ ALONE. And of course, Rome hates the work of Christ ALONE, hates the biblical teaching that truly born again Christians know they are going to heaven, and has instead substituted a man-made sacramental system of works where no one can be sure they will ever get to heaven.
May the Lord's Spirit show many Catholics that salvation is through faith ALONE in Christ ALONE - totally apart from the drudgery of the never-ending (and money-making) Roman sacramental system that in truth only leads to hell.
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