What Next - Rain Dances to Mary?
Further proof that the Roman Catholic Church is NOT the church established by Jesus Christ has come to light in an article titled, "Bishops Statement on American Indians Supports Traditions," from the November 2 issue of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, Ohio newspaper, 'The Catholic Telegraph.'
The article reports on how the Roman Diocese of Rapid City, South Dakota is embracing all sorts of Lakota (or "Sioux" for those who wish to remain politically INcorrect) spirituality into their Roman practices.
The article says, "The Second Vatican Council came to the recognition that there is no conflict between Christianity and traditional Lakota spirituality...Catholicism goes hand in hand with the Lakota way and the role of the Church is to be present for the people in all aspects of life."
I agree!! Romanism does go "hand in hand" with this American Indian animist religion of witch doctors and medicine men! For example:
Nagi Gluhapi - The Keeping of the Soul. The Sioux have their own version of praying for those in "purgatory." Nagi Gluhapi is a rite where the souls of the dead are purified. This is a rite given to the Sioux by the "White Buffalo Maiden." There's a lot of rituals to be gone through in this, such as holding a lock of the deceased's hair in some smoke, smoking a sacred pipe, and so on. HOWEVER, the Sioux are one up on Rome - at the end of Nagi Gluhapi, the soul is released! But in Romanism, when you ask your priest when will enough Masses be said to get a loved one out of purgatory - with clasped hands, tilted head, and a soft, uncertain, somber voice he will say, "Well, we can never really know."
The article continues, "Many people are now practicing both Catholicism and Lakota rites such as sweats and vision quests...and elements of Lakota culture spirituality are being incorporated into the Mass. These include certain rituals such as incensing with sage and an eagle feather, singing hymns in Lakota, dancing and drumming." Let's see what a "vision quest" is:
Hanblecheyapi - Crying for a Vision. Yes, just like Rome, the Sioux have despised the word of God and are seeking visions. The Sioux just do it a little different than Bernadette Soubirous or Lucia Santos of Lourdes and Fatima fame. To cry for a vision is to become a "lamenter," and to "lament," you need to go to a medicine man and he starts you on another long set of rituals. It starts off with bringing a filled smoking pipe to a medicine man, who then holds it up to the sky and says a bunch of prayers. Then the lamenter gathers sticks and stones, sits in the "purification lodge," etc., and finally ends up naked on a mountain top waiting for some kind of vision.
American Indian religion is wickedness! What's next? Will American Roman bishops turn in their miters for feathered war bonnets, their vestments for buffalo robes, and dance around the altar grunting, "hay-yuh hay-yuh, hay-yuh hay-yuh?"
Jesus Christ does NOT accept the worship of Indian sun dances OR the Roman Mass. But, we should not be surprised by their commonalities and desire to join ranks, because "Lakota rites" and Roman Catholicism both issue from the same polluted fount - the devil!
The BIBLE says in 2 Corinthians 6:14-15, "WHAT COMMUNION HATH LIGHT WITH DARKNESS? AND WHAT ACCORD HATH CHRIST WITH BELIAL?" Verse 17 says, "WHEREFORE COME OUT FROM AMONG THEM, AND BE YE SEPARATE, SAITH THE LORD, AND TOUCH NOT THE UNCLEAN THING, AND I WILL RECEIVE YOU." May many Catholics repent of the uncleanness of Catholicism, forsake Rome, and receive Christ by faith ALONE.
The article reports on how the Roman Diocese of Rapid City, South Dakota is embracing all sorts of Lakota (or "Sioux" for those who wish to remain politically INcorrect) spirituality into their Roman practices.
The article says, "The Second Vatican Council came to the recognition that there is no conflict between Christianity and traditional Lakota spirituality...Catholicism goes hand in hand with the Lakota way and the role of the Church is to be present for the people in all aspects of life."
I agree!! Romanism does go "hand in hand" with this American Indian animist religion of witch doctors and medicine men! For example:
Nagi Gluhapi - The Keeping of the Soul. The Sioux have their own version of praying for those in "purgatory." Nagi Gluhapi is a rite where the souls of the dead are purified. This is a rite given to the Sioux by the "White Buffalo Maiden." There's a lot of rituals to be gone through in this, such as holding a lock of the deceased's hair in some smoke, smoking a sacred pipe, and so on. HOWEVER, the Sioux are one up on Rome - at the end of Nagi Gluhapi, the soul is released! But in Romanism, when you ask your priest when will enough Masses be said to get a loved one out of purgatory - with clasped hands, tilted head, and a soft, uncertain, somber voice he will say, "Well, we can never really know."
The article continues, "Many people are now practicing both Catholicism and Lakota rites such as sweats and vision quests...and elements of Lakota culture spirituality are being incorporated into the Mass. These include certain rituals such as incensing with sage and an eagle feather, singing hymns in Lakota, dancing and drumming." Let's see what a "vision quest" is:
Hanblecheyapi - Crying for a Vision. Yes, just like Rome, the Sioux have despised the word of God and are seeking visions. The Sioux just do it a little different than Bernadette Soubirous or Lucia Santos of Lourdes and Fatima fame. To cry for a vision is to become a "lamenter," and to "lament," you need to go to a medicine man and he starts you on another long set of rituals. It starts off with bringing a filled smoking pipe to a medicine man, who then holds it up to the sky and says a bunch of prayers. Then the lamenter gathers sticks and stones, sits in the "purification lodge," etc., and finally ends up naked on a mountain top waiting for some kind of vision.
American Indian religion is wickedness! What's next? Will American Roman bishops turn in their miters for feathered war bonnets, their vestments for buffalo robes, and dance around the altar grunting, "hay-yuh hay-yuh, hay-yuh hay-yuh?"
Jesus Christ does NOT accept the worship of Indian sun dances OR the Roman Mass. But, we should not be surprised by their commonalities and desire to join ranks, because "Lakota rites" and Roman Catholicism both issue from the same polluted fount - the devil!
The BIBLE says in 2 Corinthians 6:14-15, "WHAT COMMUNION HATH LIGHT WITH DARKNESS? AND WHAT ACCORD HATH CHRIST WITH BELIAL?" Verse 17 says, "WHEREFORE COME OUT FROM AMONG THEM, AND BE YE SEPARATE, SAITH THE LORD, AND TOUCH NOT THE UNCLEAN THING, AND I WILL RECEIVE YOU." May many Catholics repent of the uncleanness of Catholicism, forsake Rome, and receive Christ by faith ALONE.
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