"Diversity" - Bad for America, Good for Rome
Roman archbishop Daniel Pilarczyk of Cincinnati, Ohio continued the over 450 year Catholic "tradition" of attack on Protestant nations in his November 7 lecture titled, 'In Pursuit of Racial Justice.' This lecture was supposed to speak on the race riots that took place in (heavily Catholic, I might add) Cincinnati this past April, but "His Grace" used the lecture as a platform for his liberal and one-world "diversity" views, and to show his contempt for the United States of America.
Like any good liberal, Pilarczyk extols the virtues of "diversity." He said, "We need diversity to make up for the limitations that each of us brings to our common civic existence." Really??? If "diversity" is so wonderful, why aren't Roman bishops in Latin America preaching it? Certainly Latin America could use a little more religious "diversity." Or better yet, how about the city of Rome? Now there's a place that could use a little more "diversity." Or is "diversity" only good for the USA?
"Diversity" is nothing but a liberal code word for the continued fragmentation and balkanization of the United States. A common language, culture, and heritage are vital to the strength of the United States - and Pilarczyk well knows further "diversity" will destroy the United States. He doesn't care, his sworn allegiance is to a man, the pope, not the US Constitution. Our Lord Jesus Christ had a way of describing religious phonies like Daniel Pilarczyk - "HYPOCRITES."
Naturally in such a lecture, the politically correct groups are spoken of nicely. BUT, the only group of people he saves his wrath for are, "White Anglo-Saxon Puritans who distrust everyone but themselves, who insist that everyone believe and behave as they themselves do, who burn witches. Many of our founding fathers were not particularly pleasant people." Whoa! Were the people who settled the USA in the 1600's and 1700's all that bad?
Some thoughts:
1. A Catholic archbishop is the last guy who ought to bring up the subject of burning people.
2. We see the real heart of a Roman clergyman exposed. They hate the fact that the USA was settled by bible-believing Protestants, and that God blessed this land. There's a reason Pilarczyk's Polish ancestors did not emigrate to Mexico or Panama - God would have nothing to do with countries steeped in Romish idolatry - and it shows. Any blessings the Lord gives the USA today is in spite of Catholicism, not because of it.
3. God gave our freedoms in the United States through the Anglo-Saxon common law. Liberty is a foreign concept to the Roman mind.
4. The BIBLE anticipated and describes such men as Archbishop Pilarczyk, with their rage toward those who dare to trust in Christ ALONE by faith ALONE for a full and free salvation. Psalm 37:12-13 says, "THE WICKED PLOTTETH AGAINST THE JUST, AND GNASHETH UPON HIM WITH HIS TEETH. THE LORD SHALL LAUGH AT HIM: FOR HE SEETH THAT HIS DAY IS COMING."
I pray many see that Rome continues to work for the destruction of Protestant nations not under her boot. May Catholics repent and confess their church as sin, forsake Rome forever, and receive Christ by faith ALONE.
Like any good liberal, Pilarczyk extols the virtues of "diversity." He said, "We need diversity to make up for the limitations that each of us brings to our common civic existence." Really??? If "diversity" is so wonderful, why aren't Roman bishops in Latin America preaching it? Certainly Latin America could use a little more religious "diversity." Or better yet, how about the city of Rome? Now there's a place that could use a little more "diversity." Or is "diversity" only good for the USA?
"Diversity" is nothing but a liberal code word for the continued fragmentation and balkanization of the United States. A common language, culture, and heritage are vital to the strength of the United States - and Pilarczyk well knows further "diversity" will destroy the United States. He doesn't care, his sworn allegiance is to a man, the pope, not the US Constitution. Our Lord Jesus Christ had a way of describing religious phonies like Daniel Pilarczyk - "HYPOCRITES."
Naturally in such a lecture, the politically correct groups are spoken of nicely. BUT, the only group of people he saves his wrath for are, "White Anglo-Saxon Puritans who distrust everyone but themselves, who insist that everyone believe and behave as they themselves do, who burn witches. Many of our founding fathers were not particularly pleasant people." Whoa! Were the people who settled the USA in the 1600's and 1700's all that bad?
Some thoughts:
1. A Catholic archbishop is the last guy who ought to bring up the subject of burning people.
2. We see the real heart of a Roman clergyman exposed. They hate the fact that the USA was settled by bible-believing Protestants, and that God blessed this land. There's a reason Pilarczyk's Polish ancestors did not emigrate to Mexico or Panama - God would have nothing to do with countries steeped in Romish idolatry - and it shows. Any blessings the Lord gives the USA today is in spite of Catholicism, not because of it.
3. God gave our freedoms in the United States through the Anglo-Saxon common law. Liberty is a foreign concept to the Roman mind.
4. The BIBLE anticipated and describes such men as Archbishop Pilarczyk, with their rage toward those who dare to trust in Christ ALONE by faith ALONE for a full and free salvation. Psalm 37:12-13 says, "THE WICKED PLOTTETH AGAINST THE JUST, AND GNASHETH UPON HIM WITH HIS TEETH. THE LORD SHALL LAUGH AT HIM: FOR HE SEETH THAT HIS DAY IS COMING."
I pray many see that Rome continues to work for the destruction of Protestant nations not under her boot. May Catholics repent and confess their church as sin, forsake Rome forever, and receive Christ by faith ALONE.
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