Rated "R" for Rome!
The Archdiocese of Cincinnati, Ohio, had a review of the new Harry Potter movie in it's November 16 issue of, 'The Catholic Telegraph.' Titled, "HP a good movie, but not for young ones," the article said some things about this movie of a young wizard that bore closer inspection, so I went to see the film to compare it to what the archdiocese wrote.
Let me say, I don't recommend bible believing Protestants go to movies - it's been a long time since I've been in a theater, and it's a lot more evil in there than ever. You're not missing a thing!
The article said, "Parents concerned about the film's witchcraft should know that it is unlikely to pose any threat to Catholic beliefs." Yes - they actually said this!! So let's see what's in this movie that is, "unlikely to pose any threat to Catholic beliefs."
1. The whole idea of "wizardry" is condemned in the BIBLE. Deuteronomy 18:12 says, "FOR ALL THAT DO THESE THINGS ARE AN ABOMINATION UNTO THE LORD." I guess Rome is not too concerned about, "ABOMINATION(S) UNTO THE LORD."
2. Harry's first work of magic was to communicate with and set free a large serpent at a zoo. All the animals in the world, and this one is chosen?
3. Stop and think about Harry's last name, "Potter." In the BIBLE, it is used as a description of God! Isaiah 64:8 says, "BUT NOW, O LORD, THOU ART OUR FATHER, WE ARE THE CLAY, AND THOU OUR POTTER..." Coincidentally, the pope also robs God of a title from the BIBLE, "HOLY FATHER," John 17:11.
4. Harry has a "mark" on his forehead that he got as a baby when his parents were killed, but he miraculously survived. Revelation 13 tells us of the beast, "WHOSE DEADLY WOUND WAS HEALED," and that, "ANOTHER BEAST," will promote worship of the first beast with signs and wonders. Then he will, "CAUSETH ALL, BOTH SMALL AND GREAT, RICH AND POOR, FREE AND BOND, TO RECEIVE A MARK IN THEIR RIGHT HAND OR IN THEIR FOREHEADS." The parallels are too close! These two beasts will be so evil Revelation 19:20 shows us they will be, "CAST ALIVE," into the lake of fire. And Rome sees nothing wrong with such "imagery." All I can say is the world is being prepared to receive such men.
5. Another parallel. In the movie, a spell is interrupted when eye contact is broken. Interesting. I remember reading once in a Roman publication that it was important for the priest and "communicant" to maintain eye contact when the host is received. I wonder what reason Rome has for this?
6. In the movie, you get eternal life by drinking Unicorn blood, whereas the Roman Mass concocts a similar elixir for eternal life. Also, young student wizards practice saying magic words over chalices, as well as having classes that teach them to, "bewitch minds," and, "ensnare the senses."
I rate this movie an "R" - for Rome! This film doesn't, "pose any threat to Catholic beliefs," because Catholicism is already rife with witchcraft! May God protect us from a Roman Church that evidently has no fear of the occult.
Let me say, I don't recommend bible believing Protestants go to movies - it's been a long time since I've been in a theater, and it's a lot more evil in there than ever. You're not missing a thing!
The article said, "Parents concerned about the film's witchcraft should know that it is unlikely to pose any threat to Catholic beliefs." Yes - they actually said this!! So let's see what's in this movie that is, "unlikely to pose any threat to Catholic beliefs."
1. The whole idea of "wizardry" is condemned in the BIBLE. Deuteronomy 18:12 says, "FOR ALL THAT DO THESE THINGS ARE AN ABOMINATION UNTO THE LORD." I guess Rome is not too concerned about, "ABOMINATION(S) UNTO THE LORD."
2. Harry's first work of magic was to communicate with and set free a large serpent at a zoo. All the animals in the world, and this one is chosen?
3. Stop and think about Harry's last name, "Potter." In the BIBLE, it is used as a description of God! Isaiah 64:8 says, "BUT NOW, O LORD, THOU ART OUR FATHER, WE ARE THE CLAY, AND THOU OUR POTTER..." Coincidentally, the pope also robs God of a title from the BIBLE, "HOLY FATHER," John 17:11.
4. Harry has a "mark" on his forehead that he got as a baby when his parents were killed, but he miraculously survived. Revelation 13 tells us of the beast, "WHOSE DEADLY WOUND WAS HEALED," and that, "ANOTHER BEAST," will promote worship of the first beast with signs and wonders. Then he will, "CAUSETH ALL, BOTH SMALL AND GREAT, RICH AND POOR, FREE AND BOND, TO RECEIVE A MARK IN THEIR RIGHT HAND OR IN THEIR FOREHEADS." The parallels are too close! These two beasts will be so evil Revelation 19:20 shows us they will be, "CAST ALIVE," into the lake of fire. And Rome sees nothing wrong with such "imagery." All I can say is the world is being prepared to receive such men.
5. Another parallel. In the movie, a spell is interrupted when eye contact is broken. Interesting. I remember reading once in a Roman publication that it was important for the priest and "communicant" to maintain eye contact when the host is received. I wonder what reason Rome has for this?
6. In the movie, you get eternal life by drinking Unicorn blood, whereas the Roman Mass concocts a similar elixir for eternal life. Also, young student wizards practice saying magic words over chalices, as well as having classes that teach them to, "bewitch minds," and, "ensnare the senses."
I rate this movie an "R" - for Rome! This film doesn't, "pose any threat to Catholic beliefs," because Catholicism is already rife with witchcraft! May God protect us from a Roman Church that evidently has no fear of the occult.
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