"This is a Poor Priest, Have Pity on Him..."
Although I've been on vacation for a few weeks and away from the Internet, I have still via newspapers been following the ways in which Rome has been covering for their perverted priests. One such way was noted in 'The Florida Times-Union' of April 27, in an article titled, "Catholic Dispute Filters into Military."
The article in general deals with sexual escapades of Roman priests in the US military, but it also gives an example of how low a Roman bishop will stoop to make excuses for priests, by his ignoring the need for justice being done and instead making the perpetrating priest the victim!
Bishop John Glynn leads the Washington-based military archdiocese that certifies Catholic chaplains. The article recounts one time when Glynn persuaded a priestly molestation victim to not pursue justice. Here we have a person who was sexually molested by a Roman Catholic priest, and this is how Glynn persuaded the victim to not press charges:
Glynn said, "We helped the young man (the one molested by the priest) realize that he was dealing with a very tragic figure (priest). We were trying to say, 'This is a poor priest. Have pity on him. He has alcohol problems.'"
Please note how Bishop Glynn really did not care for what happened to the victim of a priest's sexual lusts, but in only trying to make the abused person feel sorry for the priest, so that the priest became the "victim" in all this!! And it worked!!
Are Catholics so brainwashed that they will allow themselves to make the criminal the victim? Absolutely yes!
In Deuteronomy 13:8, God told Israel what their reaction should be towards false prophets that lead the people away from truth and into bondage and idolatry. "THOU SHALT NOT CONSENT UNTO HIM; NEITHER SHALL THINE EYE PITY HIM; NEITHER SHALT THOU SPARE, NEITHER SHALT THOU CONCEAL HIM."
God in His word has established an everlasting principle about false prophets, and this MUST be our attitude towards the Roman priesthood. May every one of us pray daily that the Lord clearly expose the Roman Catholic priesthood for all the bondage, idolatry, hurt, tears, shame, and bloodshed it has brought on people down through the centuries - even to the present day.
The article in general deals with sexual escapades of Roman priests in the US military, but it also gives an example of how low a Roman bishop will stoop to make excuses for priests, by his ignoring the need for justice being done and instead making the perpetrating priest the victim!
Bishop John Glynn leads the Washington-based military archdiocese that certifies Catholic chaplains. The article recounts one time when Glynn persuaded a priestly molestation victim to not pursue justice. Here we have a person who was sexually molested by a Roman Catholic priest, and this is how Glynn persuaded the victim to not press charges:
Glynn said, "We helped the young man (the one molested by the priest) realize that he was dealing with a very tragic figure (priest). We were trying to say, 'This is a poor priest. Have pity on him. He has alcohol problems.'"
Please note how Bishop Glynn really did not care for what happened to the victim of a priest's sexual lusts, but in only trying to make the abused person feel sorry for the priest, so that the priest became the "victim" in all this!! And it worked!!
Are Catholics so brainwashed that they will allow themselves to make the criminal the victim? Absolutely yes!
In Deuteronomy 13:8, God told Israel what their reaction should be towards false prophets that lead the people away from truth and into bondage and idolatry. "THOU SHALT NOT CONSENT UNTO HIM; NEITHER SHALL THINE EYE PITY HIM; NEITHER SHALT THOU SPARE, NEITHER SHALT THOU CONCEAL HIM."
God in His word has established an everlasting principle about false prophets, and this MUST be our attitude towards the Roman priesthood. May every one of us pray daily that the Lord clearly expose the Roman Catholic priesthood for all the bondage, idolatry, hurt, tears, shame, and bloodshed it has brought on people down through the centuries - even to the present day.
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