Thursday, August 08, 2002

American Catholics Working Against the USA

The US Conference of Catholic Bishops continues its relentless fight to turn the USA into just another Latin American, Catholic country, by aiding and abetting illegal immigration. This was reported August 2 in the 'Catholic News Service' article, "Cross-Border Church Activists Speak Up for Those Who Cross the Border." Rome boasted:

"As soon as members of Congress return for their short fall session in September, a group of activists organized by Catholic Relief Services, the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, and the US-Mexico border dioceses will be knocking at the doors of the Capitol. They'll come from San Diego, Calif., El Paso, Texas, Tucson, Ariz., and Altar, Sonora, make their case...about the deadly effects of the US border policy."

With beefed-up US border patrols, illegal immigrants sometimes die from the desert heat while hiding from border authorities. So the Catholic Church, which will never do or say anything about the fundamental problem - poverty in Mexico, is instead trying to place the blame for these deaths on the US Border Patrol.

Here we see Rome continuing to trample on the rights of Americans to defend their borders by using Catholic foreign nationals to lobby Congress! The article also pontificates:

"Deaths in the border region became a dramatic problem WHEN (emphasis mine) thousands of new Border Patrol employees...effectively closed off traditional crossing points." Only the perverted thinking of Catholicism could end up placing the blame for these deaths on the US Border Patrol as it defends the USA.

The Catholic Relief Service will also be, "Setting up a small community shelter for people in transit through the border town of Altar, Sonora; recruiting volunteer lawyers; and creating a system of complaints of abuse by authorities on both sides of the border." Hmmmm......too bad they won't do as much for American children sexually molested by Catholic priests!

May bible believing Protestants daily come to the throne of grace and ask God to protect the United States from the Catholic Church, and that the Lord do to the Vatican what the Vatican wants to do to the United States.