"Feeding" the Catholic Faithful
In its efforts to keep Catholics away from the bible, the Roman Church continues to spiritualize anything it can to feed the "faithful." A typical Catholic teaching spiritualization was found recently in the Diocese of Columbus, Ohio newspaper, 'The Catholic Times,' in an article titled, "The Advent Wreath."
Instead of feeding its flock the word of God, the Columbus diocese is feeding them all sorts of symbolism and man-made spiritualizations regarding Christmas wreaths. Let's take a look at some of the spiritual "nourishment" provided in this article to Catholics of central Ohio:
1. "The circular form of the wreath, having no beginning or end, symbolizes infinity and God's unending love for us."
2. "The evergreens remind us of new beginnings in the dead of winter by their traditional color of life and growth, hope and promise."
3. "The use of blue and off-white (candles) serves two purposes: A) Deep blue imitates the dawning and setting sky, calling us into watchfulness and representing our waiting for the Lord more appropriately than penitential purple. B) Purple and rose are traditionally the colors of the penitential Lenten season. It might be less confusing, especially for children, to focus on one liturgical color this season."
This is spiritualization at its worst! Catholic children need the forgiveness of sins that is in Christ ALONE, but their church seems more concerned about them getting their Christmas and Lenten colors mixed up!
Well......If Rome can derive some kind of symbolic teaching from "The Advent Wreath," let me also give it a try! Here goes: Just as the wreath will wither and die because the branches have been cut off from the tree, so too will the Roman Church, by its idolatry being cut off from Christ, wither and die.
Need I go on? This is the sawdust Catholics are being fed by their priests every Sunday morning. Rome does not want the bible taught because the REAL Christ is found in the word of God, not Christmas wreaths.
The pope may set a pretty table, but the only victuals he provides are cardboard! May many Catholics repent and forsake Rome, and receive the true bread of God (no, He doesn't turn Himself into a wafer), Jesus Christ, by faith ALONE.
Instead of feeding its flock the word of God, the Columbus diocese is feeding them all sorts of symbolism and man-made spiritualizations regarding Christmas wreaths. Let's take a look at some of the spiritual "nourishment" provided in this article to Catholics of central Ohio:
1. "The circular form of the wreath, having no beginning or end, symbolizes infinity and God's unending love for us."
2. "The evergreens remind us of new beginnings in the dead of winter by their traditional color of life and growth, hope and promise."
3. "The use of blue and off-white (candles) serves two purposes: A) Deep blue imitates the dawning and setting sky, calling us into watchfulness and representing our waiting for the Lord more appropriately than penitential purple. B) Purple and rose are traditionally the colors of the penitential Lenten season. It might be less confusing, especially for children, to focus on one liturgical color this season."
This is spiritualization at its worst! Catholic children need the forgiveness of sins that is in Christ ALONE, but their church seems more concerned about them getting their Christmas and Lenten colors mixed up!
Well......If Rome can derive some kind of symbolic teaching from "The Advent Wreath," let me also give it a try! Here goes: Just as the wreath will wither and die because the branches have been cut off from the tree, so too will the Roman Church, by its idolatry being cut off from Christ, wither and die.
Need I go on? This is the sawdust Catholics are being fed by their priests every Sunday morning. Rome does not want the bible taught because the REAL Christ is found in the word of God, not Christmas wreaths.
The pope may set a pretty table, but the only victuals he provides are cardboard! May many Catholics repent and forsake Rome, and receive the true bread of God (no, He doesn't turn Himself into a wafer), Jesus Christ, by faith ALONE.
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