Is There Really a "Priest Shortage?"
In the United States there is one priest for every 1400 Catholics. In Mexico there is one priest for every 7300 Catholics. And - the numbers for the rest of Latin America mirrors those of Mexico.
So......WHY is a seminary in Mexico training men to be priests in the USA? After all, the "need" in Mexico appears to be much greater! This is the unanswered question in a Sept 24 'Catholic News Service' article titled, "Students at Mexican Seminary Prepare to Serve Bilingual U.S. Parishes."
The Catholic Church constantly groans about its "priest shortage," and is always exhorting the "faithful" to pray for more priestly "vocations." But - with numbers like these - one would think the USA should be sending priests TO Mexico, instead of vice-versa!
Some comments:
1. The Catholic Church is crying crocodile tears when it complains about a "priest shortage." In Mexico - we see a country with one priest for every 7300 Catholics - yet Rome feels Mexico can export priests!
2. This is another example of the Catholic desire to further divide and Latinize the USA. Priests specially trained in Mexico are being sent north to make sure that Mexicans stay "Mexican," and don't become Americans.
3. Catholic love of money. Much of Rome's finances come from the USA - so naturally Rome would concentrate efforts there.
This shows the Catholic Church in Latin America AND the United States is not interested in using its priesthood to serve people, but in using it to foment discontent in the Protestant USA. Rome has always hated Protestant nations and worked for their destruction.
Please continue to pray daily that Christ protect the USA from - the Roman Catholic Church.
So......WHY is a seminary in Mexico training men to be priests in the USA? After all, the "need" in Mexico appears to be much greater! This is the unanswered question in a Sept 24 'Catholic News Service' article titled, "Students at Mexican Seminary Prepare to Serve Bilingual U.S. Parishes."
The Catholic Church constantly groans about its "priest shortage," and is always exhorting the "faithful" to pray for more priestly "vocations." But - with numbers like these - one would think the USA should be sending priests TO Mexico, instead of vice-versa!
Some comments:
1. The Catholic Church is crying crocodile tears when it complains about a "priest shortage." In Mexico - we see a country with one priest for every 7300 Catholics - yet Rome feels Mexico can export priests!
2. This is another example of the Catholic desire to further divide and Latinize the USA. Priests specially trained in Mexico are being sent north to make sure that Mexicans stay "Mexican," and don't become Americans.
3. Catholic love of money. Much of Rome's finances come from the USA - so naturally Rome would concentrate efforts there.
This shows the Catholic Church in Latin America AND the United States is not interested in using its priesthood to serve people, but in using it to foment discontent in the Protestant USA. Rome has always hated Protestant nations and worked for their destruction.
Please continue to pray daily that Christ protect the USA from - the Roman Catholic Church.
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