Thursday, December 23, 2004

What Rome Really Wants from Immigration

Catholic bishops in Scotland are serving their pope well by agitating the government for what they euphemistically call "asylum and immigration reform." This was reported in a Dec 20 'Zenit News Agency' article titled, "Scottish Bishops Ask Britain to 'Welcome the Stranger.'"

The article quoted part of Cardinal Keith O'Brien's Christmas radio broadcast:

"How do we welcome strangers? In our detention centers for asylum seekers, refugees including children are virtually incarcerated there while their petitions for asylum in our country are scrutinized, sometimes taking weeks and months."


1. The Catholic Church does NOT care about the "stranger," but in using immigration to divide and weaken nations – in this case the hated Britain.

2. This Catholic Cardinal is concerned about "children?" Where were Catholic bishops when thousands of children were being sexually molested by priests? O'Brien does not care one whit about children, but in using them as an excuse for Britain to lower it's defenses.

The pope and his lapdog bishops continue to extol the virtues of "multiculturalism" and "diversity" in pushing immigration for western Europe and the USA. But - let's take a look at what "diversity" has done for a country the pope and his bishops conveniently NEVER mention as an example:


Isn't Iraq a 'great' place with its "diverse" population of Sunni Moslems, Shia Moslems, and Kurds? If "diversity" is so wonderful – I suggest the pope and all his bishops take an extended tour of Iraq – in unescorted and unarmoured vehicles, too!

Yes – this is what "diversity" and "multiculturalism" lead to. And this is what Rome wants for western Europe and the USA.

May God give us the eye-salve to see that the pope is not only an enemy of Christians, but also – an enemy of nations.