Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

The Catholic Church teaches that its bishops are "successors to the apostles." The 'Catechism of the Catholic Church,' paragraph 862 goes even further and says of the bishops that:

"Whosoever listens to them (bishops) is listening to Christ." see what "Christ" is supposedly saying these days, let's take a look at a Dec 17 article titled, "Analyzing Rudolph," by Bishop Thomas Tobin of the Diocese of Youngstown, Ohio, in the diocesan newspaper, 'The Catholic Exponent.'

Tobin took the song "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer," and drew spiritual lessons from it. I’m not kidding! Read the following quotes from the article and ask yourself, "Is Christ really teaching this???"

1. "Throughout your life you've probably been working under the unfortunate misconception that "Rudolph" is nothing more than a cute little Christmas song for children. However, a careful in-depth analysis has revealed that this little ditty is in fact a powerful parable, filled with poignant, if obscure, psychological, sociological and theological themes."

Comment – I have to be honest, I have never considered the "theological themes" of "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer." What will be next - an exegetical study of "Jingle Bells?"

2. "Because Rudolph was different, with a 'red, very shiny nose,' he was an outcast relegated to the margins of society and rejected by his own peer group...One can only wonder what this did for poor Rudolph's psyche and self-esteem. How many nights did he cry himself to sleep, his tears freezing to his pillow in the frigid North Pole air? How many sessions of intense psychotherapy did Rudolph need before he was able to climb out of the depths of his emotional abyss?"

Comment – These are teachings of Christ???

3. "The song affirms the value of strong and wise leadership. It was Santa who intervened in the reindeer squabble and saved the day, recognizing that what some saw as a liability could be turned into an asset...No wonder Santa emerged as the 'Alpha male' of the pack. His ability to effectively use limited resources and build a diverse and cynical herd into an efficient team is to be recognized and applauded."

Comment – Does this mean the pope is the "Alpha male" of the Roman priesthood?

It's very clear that Jesus Christ is NOT teaching through Catholic bishops. But – the spirit of antichrist is!

What is a Roman Catholic? It's a person who has rejected the REAL Jesus Christ of the bible, and has instead set up a system of other "christs" – the Roman priesthood.

How dead in sin is the Roman Catholic? He actually prefers stories about Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, instead of the truth of the bible!

Please pray that the REAL Jesus Christ continues to save people out of – the Roman Catholic Church.