Billy Graham - Pope is Now in Heaven
The world's leading evangelical apostate Billy Graham said on the April 2 TV show "Larry King Live" that John Paul II is now in heaven! Here's a quote from the transcript of the interview:
"KING: There is no question in your mind that he is with God now?"
"GRAHAM: Oh, no. There may be a question about my own, but I don't think Cardinal Wojtyla, or the Pope -- I think he's with the Lord, because he believed. He believed in the cross. That was his focus throughout his ministry, the cross, no matter if you were talking to him from personal issue or an ethical problem, he felt that there was the answer to all of our problems, the cross and the resurrection. And he was a strong believer."
The crimes of the pope against the Kingdom of God are too numerous to detail. But I will mention two:
1. He styled himself "Holy Father."
Comment - This is blasphemy – only God the Father has such a title – as Jesus addressed Him in John 17:11.
2. In John Paul II's Aug 19, 1985 letter to the Moslems of Morocco he wrote: "We believe in the same God, the one God, the living God, the God who created the world and brings his creatures to their perfection."
Comment – The "one God" sent His Son to earth 2000 years ago – His name is Jesus Christ. I don't see Moslems worshipping Jesus. Therefore – if the pope affirmed that he was worshipping the same "god" as the Moslems, then the pope was NOT worshipping Jesus Christ!
No Billy – the pope is NOT in heaven. The pope was a "believer" in the "same god" of Moslems. He said so! The trouble is, "Allah" can't get anyone into heaven. To say that one worships the "same god" as the Moslems is a TOTAL denial of Jesus Christ.
The pope of Rome is the greatest human enemy of the bible believing Christian. In spite of all the world's media sounding nothing but "hosannas" for the pope, may God instead expose the pope for what him and his church are – antichrist!
"KING: There is no question in your mind that he is with God now?"
"GRAHAM: Oh, no. There may be a question about my own, but I don't think Cardinal Wojtyla, or the Pope -- I think he's with the Lord, because he believed. He believed in the cross. That was his focus throughout his ministry, the cross, no matter if you were talking to him from personal issue or an ethical problem, he felt that there was the answer to all of our problems, the cross and the resurrection. And he was a strong believer."
The crimes of the pope against the Kingdom of God are too numerous to detail. But I will mention two:
1. He styled himself "Holy Father."
Comment - This is blasphemy – only God the Father has such a title – as Jesus addressed Him in John 17:11.
2. In John Paul II's Aug 19, 1985 letter to the Moslems of Morocco he wrote: "We believe in the same God, the one God, the living God, the God who created the world and brings his creatures to their perfection."
Comment – The "one God" sent His Son to earth 2000 years ago – His name is Jesus Christ. I don't see Moslems worshipping Jesus. Therefore – if the pope affirmed that he was worshipping the same "god" as the Moslems, then the pope was NOT worshipping Jesus Christ!
No Billy – the pope is NOT in heaven. The pope was a "believer" in the "same god" of Moslems. He said so! The trouble is, "Allah" can't get anyone into heaven. To say that one worships the "same god" as the Moslems is a TOTAL denial of Jesus Christ.
The pope of Rome is the greatest human enemy of the bible believing Christian. In spite of all the world's media sounding nothing but "hosannas" for the pope, may God instead expose the pope for what him and his church are – antichrist!
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