Friday, April 29, 2005

Keeping Children Disobedient - The Catholic Way

The Roman Catholic Diocese of Columbus, Ohio is again celebrating "Spank Out Day" this April 30. As the diocesan website states:

"'Spank Out Day' is recognized each year on April 30...Its intention is to promote non-violent ways to teach children appropriate behavior and to give widespread attention to the need to end corporal punishment."

End corporal punishment? This is a totally unbiblical way to raise children – but then – Rome is an unbiblical church!

The bible says in:

1. Proverbs 13:24 – "He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes."

2. Proverbs 22:15 – "Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction will drive it far from him."

3. Proverbs 23:13,14 - "Withhold not correction from the child; for if thou beatest him with a rod, he shall not die. Thou shalt beat him with a rod, and shalt deliver his soul from hell."

By asking parents to "spare the rod," I can only conclude that the Catholic Church WANTS parents to "hate" their children, and to "deliver" their souls TO hell!

The Columbus diocese knows their "Spank Out Day" is contrary to the word of God. So what do they do? They recommend a website – - that has a "religion" section containing popular bible-denying techniques. Here are some quotes:

1. "The bible is often used to support hitting children...this is an unwise and secular INTERPRETATION (emphasis mine) of the bible."

Comment – "INTERPRETATION." Enemies of Christ love using this one! But, God was very clear and plain when He had the Book of Proverbs written – the above verses need NO mystical or secret "interpretation."

2. "I would like to share with you a PERSONAL EXPERIENCE (emphasis mine) of how the Holy Spirit gave me the wisdom..."

Comment – "PERSONAL EXPERIENCE." This is another God-disobeying method used not only by Catholics, but also such screwballs as Benny Hinn and Paul Crouch – where a "personal experience" is more important than what the bible teaches.

3. "God has given me a SPECIAL MESSAGE (emphasis mine) for you."

Comment – "SPECIAL MESSAGE." This indicates a very dangerous person – because they would have you believe their "special message" overrules the bible!

From sexually abusing untold thousands of children - to teaching parents to raise children in ways opposed to the word of God; May Jesus Christ Himself protect and free Catholic children from – the Roman Catholic Church.