Friday, April 08, 2005

What Chance Does the Average Catholic Have?

The Catholic 'Zenit News Agency,' in an April 7 article titled, "9 Days of Special Masses for Pope Planned," reported:

"Archbishop Pietro Marini, master of liturgical celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff, published the program for the nine days of official mourning for John Paul II. According to an ancient custom, for nine consecutive days there are special Eucharistic celebrations for the repose of the soul of the deceased Roman Pontiff, starting with the funeral Mass."

These are for the nine days in-between the pope's funeral and the beginning of the conclave to select the next pope.


1. If John Paul II needs Masses said for the "repose" of his soul, then according to the Catholic Church, he must NOT be in heaven yet! Question – How many Masses will it take? Answer – Rome will never say!

2. The world and the media have been telling us all week what a great and holy man John Paul was. If a man like John Paul needs Masses, and how many no one can say, for the "repose" of his soul, what chance does the average Catholic have of ever getting into heaven?

Churches in Rome today still say Masses for the "repose" of prior popes. And these Masses have been going on for years! If popes aren't yet in heaven with all this "help," what chance does the average Catholic have of ever getting into heaven?

May God's Spirit show many Catholics that if popes aren't yet in heaven, then what chance does the average Catholic have of ever getting into heaven? May Catholics confess the sin of Catholicism, forsake Rome forever, and receive Christ by faith ALONE for the full and free forgiveness of sins – no pope, priest, or Catholic Church needed!