Monday, May 09, 2005

"Justice" - Catholic Style

US Catholic bishops will begin a new attack on the United States May 10. This was noted in a May 3 letter from the bishops titled, 'Catholic Leaders to Launch Immigration Reform Campaign.'

The letter said this will be:

"A new effort to educate and galvanize Catholics of the need for JUSTICE FOR IMMIGRANTS (emphasis mine) and to challenge President Bush and Congress to adopt reform measures built on principles issued by U.S. and Mexican bishops in 2003."


As is always the case with Catholic priests – they NEVER give you the FULL story. Here's one immigration story you can be sure the Catholic Church WON'T be telling:

On April 29, suburban New York City housewife Mary Nagle was murdered by an illegal alien who earlier in the day had been at her house as part of a power washing crew cleaning her porch. After the murder he even used the dead woman's cell phone to call and taunt those on her phone list.

The illegal alien murderer, Ronald Castellanos from Guatemala, was arrested several hours later. His tourist visa ran out in 2001, yet he managed to stay in the country.

Castellanos had been arrested in 2002 for assaulting a woman, but the judge let him go. Despite this, he was able to get a job with the power washing company because Castellanos carried a California driver's license.

Mary Nagle left behind a husband, a six-year-old girl, and an eight-year-old boy.

By the way, Mary Nagle was a Catholic. Sadly, her family can thank Rome for its unwavering support of illegal immigration.

"JUSTICE?" The Catholic Church isn't at all interested in "justice," but in using illegal immigration to tear down the hated United States.

Please pray daily that God protect the United States from – illegal immigration and the Roman Catholic Church.