Friday, January 20, 2006

Making Excuses for Gangs

The growth of Latin American gangs in the USA is an embarrassment to those who advocate unlimited illegal immigration – such as the Roman Catholic Church. Therefore, Rome has to explain away and make excuses for these murderous thugs. Such an example was seen in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, Ohio newspaper, The Catholic Telegraph, in a Jan 13 article titled, "Seeking Justice at the Highest Level in El Salvador."

The "MS-13" gang (which began in El Salvador) is a particularly brutal gang, with 10,000 members in the USA operating in 33 states. They are highly organized and into drugs, theft, and murder. MS-13 also has 50,000 members in Mexico and Central America.

In typical bleeding heart fashion that liberals like the Clinton's or Kennedy's could appreciate, the article makes excuses for these gangs:

"Why are the gangs so violent? Because it's practically the same treatment that they have received. Violence from their parents. Violence from the government. Violence in their lack of human rights. They usually will return that violence. They are violent to themselves. They are the first victims of their own violence, drugs and abuse. They violate their own bodies with all these tattoos. They've never understood that they are important people who have rights."

Ohhhhhh......I get's the PARENT'S and GOVERNMENT'S fault!

Interestingly, the article made NO MENTION of the religion in El Salvador for the past 500 years – ROMAN CATHOLICISM!

Also, according to CNN on Jan 11:

"The Department of Homeland Security is warning border patrol agents that Mexican illegal alien smugglers plan to hire members of the violent...MS-13 Gang to assassinate them."

"The alien smugglers intend to smuggle MS-13 gang members into the United States for the sole purpose of killing border patrol agents."

All the while, President George Bush continues to dodge the issue of illegal immigration. Bush's latest line is that illegal immigration is like Prohibition was, so maybe the USA should just not bother defending its borders!! Bush said in Louisville on Jan 11:

"It also makes sense to take pressure off the border by giving people a legal means on a temporary basis to come here, so they don't have to sneak across. Now, some of you all may be old enough to remember the days of Prohibition. I'm not. But remember, we illegalized whiskey, and guess what? People found all kind of ways to make it and to run it."

Question – How can the Bush policy of defending the US border with Mexico be best summed up?

Answer – "Cut and run." "Retreat and defeat." Sounds familiar!

May God protect the USA from this Catholic invasion, and from Rome's Amigo in the White House – George W. Bush.