Publishing the Names of Child Molesters -- As Long as They're NOT Catholic Priests!
The Colorado Catholic Conference just published a list of 85 people charged with sex abuse offenses in the past decade.'s a list of PUBLIC school employees! This was reported in the Denver Post Feb 15 issue, in an article titled, "Deflections Make Church Look Worse."
Rome is again trying to deflect attention away from the perverts in its priesthood. After all, if the Catholic Church was REALLY concerned about children, you'd think they'd publish a list of Catholic priests who are sex offenders! (Don't hold your breath waiting for that to happen.)
This feeble Catholic attempt inadvertently backfired – because it showed that of the 85, 58 lost their licenses, and 47 of them plead guilty or were found guilty.
The conviction rate for PRIESTLY sex offenders has not been nearly that high. Why?
1. Because "Momma Church" was always protecting them.
2. Public schools are not in the habit of covering for child molesters by paying out millions of dollars in sex abuse settlements.
One man, who as a boy was sodomized by a Catholic priest who was also his high school principal, said:
"If you (the Catholic Church) can't say it's not true, then you've got to deflect attention to the public schools."
And sadly, "We asked the district attorney to file criminal charges. My perpetrator was never charged."
Question – What career should a child molester consider if he wants to be best protected in his criminal activities?
Answer – He should consider a career in the Roman Catholic priesthood.
May God protect children from – the Roman Catholic priesthood.
Rome is again trying to deflect attention away from the perverts in its priesthood. After all, if the Catholic Church was REALLY concerned about children, you'd think they'd publish a list of Catholic priests who are sex offenders! (Don't hold your breath waiting for that to happen.)
This feeble Catholic attempt inadvertently backfired – because it showed that of the 85, 58 lost their licenses, and 47 of them plead guilty or were found guilty.
The conviction rate for PRIESTLY sex offenders has not been nearly that high. Why?
1. Because "Momma Church" was always protecting them.
2. Public schools are not in the habit of covering for child molesters by paying out millions of dollars in sex abuse settlements.
One man, who as a boy was sodomized by a Catholic priest who was also his high school principal, said:
"If you (the Catholic Church) can't say it's not true, then you've got to deflect attention to the public schools."
And sadly, "We asked the district attorney to file criminal charges. My perpetrator was never charged."
Question – What career should a child molester consider if he wants to be best protected in his criminal activities?
Answer – He should consider a career in the Roman Catholic priesthood.
May God protect children from – the Roman Catholic priesthood.
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