Thursday, June 22, 2006

What Some Priests "Mustum" Do

What about a priest who can't drink wine? If this is the case, he can't drink his god! However, the grab bag of Catholic theology has the answer, as seen in a June 13 Zenit News Agency article titled, "Use of Mustum at Mass."

"Mustum" is unfermented grape juice. Here are some quotes from the article:

"The question of the validity of the use of 'mustum'...for priests suffering from alcoholism or for some other medical reason was finally resolved by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in 1994 in a letter signed by then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger."

Comment – many invalid "mustum Masses" were said over the centuries before Rome "finally" figured it out in 1994?

"The permission to use 'mustum' can be granted by ordinaries (usually a bishop) to priests affected by alcoholism or other conditions which prevent the ingestion of even the smallest quantity of alcohol, after presentation of a medical certificate."

Comment – So......the "jesus" of Rome won't turn himself into grape juice until the Catholic bishop first gives the okay!

Another comment – Also......the "jesus" of Rome won't turn himself into grape juice until a doctor signs off on a "medical certificate?"

What kind of "jesus" do Catholics worship?

The "Mass" is an abomination and a lie. May God show Catholics they "mustum" leave the Roman Church, and receive Christ by faith ALONE for the full and free forgiveness of sins – no wafers, wine, or grape juice needed!