Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Catholic Church - Using the Legal System When it Suits "Them"

The Catholic Church in New Orleans is using that virulent anti-Christian legal firm, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), in its fight to protect illegal aliens. This was reported in the Aug 21 Catholic News Service, in an article titled, "New Orleans Archdiocese Increases Outreach to Hispanic Day Laborers."

The article describes the activities of the "New Orleans Archdiocese Hispanic Apostolate." One club the "apostolate" is shaking at employers is the SPLC when illegals' "rights" as workers have been "abused."

Hmmmm......It was the SPLC that led the fight in 2003 to remove the Ten Commandments monument from the Alabama State Rotunda and to force Judge Roy Moore off the bench of the Alabama Supreme Court!

The SPLC is run by a Jew, of all people, Morris Dees. Arguing the case against the Ten Commandments was SPLC attorney Stephen Glassroth. Their co-counsels were the "Americans United for the Separation of Church and State," as well as the infamous "American Civil Liberties Union."

Question – Why would the Catholic Church use such an ungodly and un-American organization as the SPLC?

Answer – Probably because the Catholic Church is itself an ungodly and un-American organization!

Also, it is a felony to aid and abet illegal aliens. But Rome isn't worried – George W. Bush, the best friend an illegal alien ever had – is in the White House.

Please pray daily that God protect the USA from the Catholic Church and illegal immigration. Why pray daily? Because Rome is working daily to turn the United States into another Mexico.