Thursday, April 26, 2001

What Happens to "Jesus" When Rome is Done With Him?

The Roman Catholic Diocese of Youngstown, Ohio has some rules in it's diocesan guidelines for "Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist" on how a person should handle the Roman "Jesus Christ" when he's "under the species" of bread and wine.

First of all, "extraordinary ministers" are lay people who have to pass out the eucharist during Mass because there aren't enough priests. In referring to the vessels containing the Roman Jesus (eucharist) it says, "The containers may be of any worthy non-absorbent material."

Interesting. If a wooden chalice is used, (wood was worthy enough for the cross) the Roman Jesus could be absorbed and locked into the wood. Or, don't spill him - will then the Roman Jesus be locked into a rag or paper towel?

As regarding the bread side of things, only the doctrine of the eucharist could turn Jesus Christ into a crumb on a plate. What if all the crumbs aren't eaten or picked up? Do the ants eat the Roman Jesus? Does he end up in a vacuum cleaner bag? And we all know what the human digestive process turns the Roman Jesus into after a few hours - I need not go any further! How Satan must laugh that people can believe the God of the universe can be reduced to such circumstances.

The guidelines also say, "Rinse the cups/chalice with a small amount of water and consume it or pour it in the sacrarium." A "sacrarium", to quote from 'Father' Paul Turner's article on the internet, "is a special sink found in...most Catholic churches. The first time you see one it looks like someone made it wrong. The drain opens into a pipe that bypasses the sewer and runs straight down into the earth...In this way any remaining particles of communion are washed into the earth." according to Rome, Jesus can end up being "particles" flushed out on to the ground. This is the conclusion the Roman doctrine of the eucharist brings us to.

The real Jesus of the bible was put in the ground 2000 years ago, but He rose out of the ground three days later and now sits at the right hand of the Father where, "HE IS ABLE ALSO TO SAVE THEM TO THE UTTERMOST THAT COME UNTO GOD BY HIM, SEEING HE EVER LIVETH TO MAKE INTERCESSION FOR THEM." Hebrews 7:25.

Our choice of Jesus is very clear - either the Roman Jesus who is called a "particle", dumped onto the ground, or subject to stomach acids. Or the Jesus of the bible who is at the right hand of the Father. I'll take the Jesus of the bible.

Friday, April 20, 2001

Catholic Bishop: It's Alright to be a Homosexual, Just Don't do Homosexual "Acts"

In his 'Statement on Homosexuality', Roman Catholic Bishop Joseph Adamec of the Altoona-Johnstown Diocese of Pennsylvania quotes the Catholic Catechism paragraph 2357 as saying:

"Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity, tradition has always declared that homosexuals acts are intrinsically disordered." The Bishop shortly thereafter qualifies this by saying, "Please note that it (the quote from above) is speaking of 'acts'".

The Bishop further writes, "A homosexual person is neither morally good or morally bad, it is homosexual genital acts that are morally wrong."

1 Thessalonians 5:21 says, "Prove all things; hold fast that which is good." Let's see -

Note that the Bishop makes the point that the homosexual "acts" are wrong - Rome does this so that it never has to address the issue of the heart, the need for true repentance, and faith in Christ ALONE, in welcoming homosexuals into their community.

By his qualifying word "acts", this Bishop is neglecting the change of heart that the homosexual needs - Jesus said in Matthew 5:28, "Whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart." The root of the problem is the heart; change the heart and the correct "acts" will follow.

Bishop Adamec deceives homosexuals when he asks them to strive to live a chaste life without showing them where the power is. And it's not in the false Roman eucharist - Jesus does not turn Himself into a piece of bread at the command of a Roman priest.

You will often see the phrase in Roman circles, "Gay and Lesbian Catholics." Can such people exist? Yes, they have not received Christ by faith ALONE. Can there be "Gay and Lesbian Christians?" No!

The bible says in 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, "Be not deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolators, nor adulterers, nor EFFEMINATE, nor ABUSERS OF THEMSELVES WITH MANKIND...shall inherit the kingdom of God. And such WERE some of you; but ye are WASHED, but ye are SANCTIFIED, but ye are JUSTIFIED in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God."

The "and such WERE some of you" indicates that lifestyle is now in the past; that when faith is placed in Christ ALONE the result is what 2 Corinthians 5:17 says, "If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away..."

Lastly, Jesus came to call the "morally bad people". Jesus says in Matthew 9:13, "I did not come to call the righteous but SINNERS to repentance." Romans 3:23 says, "For ALL have sinned, and come short of the glory of God."

Again we have a very clear choice: the teaching of a Roman bishop who says, "a homosexual person is neither morally good or bad", or Jesus Christ who came to "call...sinners to repentance." I'll take the teaching of Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, April 17, 2001

What's a Bishop to do When He's Stuck With a Bunch of Old Real Estate?

In his most recent pastoral letter, Bishop Anthony Pilla of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Cleveland, Ohio continues to place emphasis on his "Church in the City" program. These are partnerships Bishop Pilla wants between certain suburban Roman churches and inner city Roman churches.

To quote 'His Excellency':

"These partnerships are marked by a mutual giving and receiving, and by intentional and inclusive relationships...In all these cases, parish life has become more vibrant..."

However, under their breath, more than a few Cleveland area Catholics will mutter that all Bishop Pilla is doing is dragging suburban money into the city to maintain old church property that Rome is stuck with.

There's a "giving and receiving" alright - the people give and Rome receives! This Bishop is certainly no "Pilla" of faith!

May Catholics see through this flim-flam, repent of the sin of Romanism, and receive Christ by faith ALONE. Jesus said in Acts 20:35, "IT IS MORE BLESSED TO GIVE THAN TO RECEIVE." May God grant us a new Reformation.

Friday, April 13, 2001

Gun Control - Catholic Style

Another example of Roman Catholic liberalism:

An editorial in a recent 'National Catholic Reporter' describes the efforts of 'Father' Gerald Waris at a Roman church school in Kansas City, Missouri. Evidently parents at the school have expressed concerns about potential school shootings. 'Father' Waris' proposed solution to the parents was that they give him all the firearms they possess! He of course, when asked, would return them any time.

The editorial concludes:

"Parents worry, they ask questions, they wonder how such things (school shootings)could happen. And they keep the guns."

However, the real root of the problem is the unregenerate heart of the students and parents - and the false gospel of the Roman eucharist does nothing to redress this problem!

One doesn't have to be a prophet to see that this violence will continue unless people repent of their sin and turn to faith in Christ ALONE. In healing Jairus' daughter Jesus said in Luke 8:50, "FEAR NOT, BELIEVE ONLY, AND SHE SHALL BE MADE WHOLE." Jairus did not have to join the Roman church, get baptized, go to confession, receive the eucharist, ad nauseaum! Jairus "BELIEVE(d) ONLY".

Those who partake of Roman works should really not call themselves "believers" but "workers", for they are working in a sacramental system with no end in sight. The good news this Resurrection weekend is I have a choice - to work for my salvation through Rome or to rest on the completed work of Jesus Christ. I'll take the completed work of Jesus Christ.

Friday, April 06, 2001

May God Give Us New Reformers!

Another example of the apostacy of these days will take place in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania next week as area "Religious Leaders" will gather for their annual "Prayer for the Pittsburgh community."

Not only will Roman Bishop Donald Wuerl participate along with a Byzantine Catholic Archbishop and a Greek Orthodox Metropolitan, but also (and all these guys meet for "bible study" once a month as well) the local Baptist Association representative, The Methodist Bishop, Lutheran Bishop, Episcopal Bishop, a representative from the local Presbytery, and the Salvation Army Lt. Colonel.

Can anyone today imagine that Charles Spurgeon, John Wesley, Martin Luther, Thomas Cranmer, John Knox, or Harry Ironside would sit down with men such as our above bishops and metropolitan? Men who claim to have the power to command Jesus to turn Himself into a piece of bread?

No - we used to have Christian leaders who exposed such imposters! By the way, the above Mr. Cranmer was burned at the stake by Rome for not worshipping a piece of bread. As Thomas Cranmer said, "And as for the Pope, I refuse him, as Christ's enemy and Antichrist, with all his false doctrine."

These Pittsburgh apostates have "sown to the wind, and will reap the Weurl-wind". These men are wasting their time; Psalm 66:18 says, "IF I REGARD INIQUITY IN MY HEART, THE LORD WILL NOT HEAR ME." Pittsburgh may rejoice in this ecumenism, but heaven does not. May God grant us what Satan fears - another Reformation.