Wednesday, January 30, 2002

The Roman Catholic Priesthood - A Great Place for Perverts to Hide Out

An example of the Roman Catholic way of protecting it's homosexual priests was highlighted in a January 26 'Boston Globe' article titled, "Priest Says He, Too, Molested Boys," as the "priestly" ministry of 'Father' Ronald Paquin was unfolded.

It's no wonder so many perverted men choose the Roman priesthood as their "vocation," because they are provided trusting access to many young boys, the "Church" will protect them, and they know Catholic parents will look the other way.

Paquin was himself raped by a Catholic priest when he was 13. Ordained a priest in 1973, Paquin carried on the paedophile Catholic "tradition" at two different parishes until 1990, when he was removed and sent to one of those "treatment center(s) for sexually abusive priests" for 4-1/2 months.

Since then, the article states, "Paquin said he has been subsidized by the archdiocese until recently, when he was dropped from the payroll and forced to get a job." "Forced to get a job?" Poor baby! And let's be REAL here, if the recent 'Father' Geoghan molestation issues had not blown up in Rome's face in Boston, the Catholic Church would still be supporting 'Father' Paquin.

The Roman priesthood is a great way of life for perverts. What young, 18 year old homosexual wouldn't jump at the chance to be paid and protected by a respected, worldwide organization while getting first shot at all those young boys, and then if he's caught, he's still taken care of for the rest of his life?

Now, Paquin might not get paid for the rest of his life - he's a "bone" the Archdiocese of Boston had to throw to the public. Even so, he still got 12 years paid vacation after his removal. Did you ever wonder where all those "Bishop's Appeal" monies go?

'Father' Donald Cozzens, former director of the St. Mary's Seminary in Cleveland, Ohio, said in his 1999 book, 'The Changing Face of the Priesthood,' "Studies find that approximately half of American priests and seminarians are homosexually oriented...(and) the percentage appears to be highest among priests under 40."

Question - what kind of a parent regularly exposes their children to homosexual men? Answer - a Catholic parent.

The article quotes a parent describing his son's teenage years with Paquin. "I thought something was wrong because he was having trouble in school, and he seemed to be a very unhappy kid. But I couldn't figure him out...I didn't know what the hell was going on." this parent knows "what the hell" went on, and if he doesn't confess the sin of being a Catholic parent, there will be hell to pay. Is it a sin to be a Catholic parent? Absolutely yes!!!

Lord, we ask that you comfort, set free, and especially bless those attacked over the years by the Roman priesthood, and may You also protect the untouched children that this very week Catholic priests are casting ravenous eyes upon. For such Catholic priests we can only pray from Psalm 58:6, "BREAK THEIR TEETH, O GOD, IN THEIR MOUTH: BREAK OUT THE GREAT TEETH OF THE YOUNG LIONS, O LORD." For the children, we pray for their protection, and that God grant them the grace to flee forever the Catholic Church, and receive Christ by faith ALONE.

Wednesday, January 23, 2002

Different Rules, But not Better Rules

With so many homosexual and paedophile priests in it's employ, the Vatican is constantly looking for ways to cover for these perverts. The Roman Catholic Church is never sorry that children get molested by priests - Rome is sorry the priests get caught!

Masters at clouding issues, the Roman propaganda machine is again churning out conflicting and confusing statements regarding "new norms" for handling such offenses.

On January 9, 'The Catholic News Service' had an article titled, "Papal Letter Announces New Norms for Clergy Sex Abuse Cases." This papal letter, called, "Protection of the Holiness of the Sacraments," was basically just an announcement, with no details. The article said, "The new norms, however, were not published. Vatican sources have said the norms will be sent to local bishops on a case-by-case basis, because of the sensitivity of the issue."

Also, "The norms impose 'pontifical secret' on such cases, which means they would be handled with strict confidentiality." In addition, "The new norms require local bishops to report probable cases of sexual abuse by clergy against minors to the doctrinal congregation (ed. note - the modern office of Inquisition, in Rome). The doctrinal congregation could then allow a local diocese to handle the case...or the congregation could take up the case immediately."

What good does all this do??? Catholic parents are not allowed to know what these "norms" are, and then, the case can be bumped up to the Vatican!!! A case to be tried by the Inquisition? I doubt if that will bring comfort to many hearts. the average Catholic parent has any say so with a case to "be tried in an all-clerical court" in Rome?

And - 'pontifical secret?' Who does Rome REALLY want to protect? Of course it's the priest and the "Church." The January 9 article also reports that these "new norms" set a 10 year "statute of limitations," which begins on the victim's 18th birthday, for bringing such cases to the attention of the Catholic Church.

The bottom line is these "new norms" only HELP the perverts in the Catholic Church - by dragging a case thousands of miles away, and imposing a limit of age 28 for anyone to say they were molested by Catholic priests.

THEN, on January 16, 'The Catholic News Service' had an article titled, "U.S. Sex Abuse Norms Expected to Apply Only to Religious Priests." (Remember, 'The Catholic News Service' is the official news organ of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops). So a week later, the rules are changed, and now it's reported that these "new norms" only apply to U.S. religious-order priests (Franciscans, Jesuits, etc.) and not U.S. diocesan parish priests. I wonder how the rules will be reported next week?

The Roman Church in the U.S. is probably filling Catholic media with this information now to make Catholics think the "Church" is doing something about these degenerate priests, especially in wake of the recent problems Rome is having in Boston - where 'Father' John Geoghan (pronounced "GAY'gun" - seriously) has been charged with around 130 cases of child molestation over the years.

The end result is diocesan perverts have the SAME protection as ever, and the religious-order perverts are even MORE protected!!! Yes, these are "new norms," but not "better norms." Jesus Christ will hold accountable every parent who brought up their children in the Catholic Church.

I pray many Catholics realize that God did not entrust His church to an organization containing the single largest group of homosexual men in the world - the Roman Catholic Priesthood. For all these children brutalized by Roman priests, may Jesus Christ lovingly free them from Catholicism, and may these children receive Christ by faith ALONE.

Wednesday, January 16, 2002

Rome Working Against Israel

'The Catholic News Service' on January 2 in an article titled, "During West Bank Protest, Patriarch Sabbah Calls for Free Palestine," reported that, "While leading a peaceful New Year's Eve procession of more than 2,000 people, Latin Patriarch Michel Sabbah of Jerusalem called for an end to the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories, and for free access to Jerusalem."

Patriarchate chancellor 'Father' Raed Abusahlia was quoted as saying, "In order to open Jerusalem they have to end the occupation and open Jerusalem for Muslims, Christians, and Jews." Catholic marcher and visitor from Detroit Heidi Aref said, "Jerusalem should be open to everyone. We are asserting the right to enter Jerusalem. They have no right to bar us from entering."

The above teaches us a few things about Romanism:

1. Catholicism still pays no attention to the word of God. The BIBLE is very clear that God has promised the land to Israel forever. In Genesis 13:15, God promises Abram, "FOR ALL THE LAND WHICH THOU SEEST, TO THEE WILL I GIVE IT, AND TO THY SEED FOR EVER." God again promises Abraham in Genesis 17:18, "AND I WILL GIVE UNTO THEE, AND TO THY SEED AFTER THEE, THE LAND WHEREIN THOU ART A STRANGER, ALL THE LAND OF CANAAN, FOR AN EVERLASTING POSSESSION; AND I WILL BE THEIR GOD." The "SEED" is the son of God's promise - Isaac, not the son of fleshly works - Ishmael. It seems Patriarch Sabbah doesn't believe God when He makes promises that are "EVERLASTING" and "FOR EVER."

2. Catholicism hates the idea of sovereign nations exersizing rule over their own territory. Rome loves the blurring of borders, as it weakens nations and makes them more susceptible to Roman influence. This is why the pope is promoting the European Union so much, as well as the strong Catholic support for illegal immigration into the United States.

3. Catholic arrogance. Heidi Aref has no "right" to enter Jerusalem. She is in Israel as a guest and should act accordingly.

4. The Patriarch also said, "If Israel would withdraw it's troops from Palestinian territories and open access to Jerusalem, the Palestinian people would give Israel their security." This is not some innocent and naive statement. This Patriarch is no dummy - he knows EXACTLY what he is saying. The whole Moslem world has been at Israel's throat, especially since the re-establishment of the state of Israel in 1948, and now Sabbah says the Jews should trust their security to the goodwill of the Palestinians? Such a policy would lead to a bloodbath. The only conclusion I can come to is this Roman clergyman must want a Jewish bloodbath - no matter how many Palestinians get killed in the process.

I pray that God protects Israel from Catholic intrigue, and that the Jews beware of Rome's false cries for "peace." I also pray many Jews be granted the repentance to see Jesus of Nazareth as the only available sacrifice for sin, and that many Jews receive Christ by faith ALONE.

Friday, January 04, 2002

A Roman Bishop Lies About the Work of Christ

Another Roman Catholic bishop has denied Jesus Christ. Auxiliary Bishop of Detroit Thomas Gumbleton denied the Lord and His work in, "The Peace Pulpit," a column in the December 28 issue of the 'National Catholic Reporter.' His Excellency wrote:

"I think maybe it's important, first of all, to make very clear that Jesus did not come because God was demanding a price for sin, that God would send Jesus into the world and kill him in order to pay such a price. No, it's nothing like that at all."

Bishop Gumbleton has become the leading candidate for "Apostate of the Year" with such a blasphemous statement. Well........yes there is a "price for sin." Ask any Old Testament Jew - the sheep, lambs, doves, etc., offered in sacrifice for sin were not free; the best of the flock was put to death. It cost God His Son on the cross!

The BIBLE is very clear about sin having a cost. Exodus 21:24 says, "EYE FOR EYE, TOOTH FOR TOOTH, HAND FOR HAND, FOOT FOR FOOT." There is a principle of restitution when God's holy law is broken - and man's problem is he cannot make this restitution. Thank God He sent His Son to make this restitution, to pay the price, ON THE CROSS - because sinful men cannot! Isaiah 53:6 says, "THE LORD LAID ON HIM (Christ) THE INIQUITY OF US ALL."

The Roman clergy will never tell anyone to check out the BIBLE on what they say, let alone, God forbid, use a concordance!! God anticipated mockers of His Son like Bishop Gumbleton, and God even uses financial terms in describing what Christ did for us on the cross:

1. Romans 4:6 says, "GOD IMPUTETH RIGHTEOUSNESS WITHOUT WORKS." "IMPUTETH" in the Greek is 'logizomai,' which means to put down to an account, or to take an inventory.

2. Matthew 20:28 and Mark 10:45 both use the word "RANSOM," in the Greek, 'lutron,' which means to loosen with regard to a redemptive price.

3. 1 Timothy 2:6 says, "WHO (Christ) GAVE HIMSELF A RANSOM FOR ALL." "RANSOM" here in Greek is 'antilutron,' which also means a redemptive price.

4. John 19:30 has Christ saying on the cross, "IT IS FINISHED," 'tetelestai' in the Greek, which means a debt is cancelled, or that something has been paid in full.

With Bishop Gumbleton's impudence to the cross of Christ, another financial type of word comes to mind - the Hebrew 'shalam,' which can mean to repay. Deuteronomy 7:10 says God will, "REPAYETH THEM THAT HATE HIM (God) TO THEIR FACE, TO DESTROY THEM; HE WILL NOT BE SLACK TO HIM THAT HATETH HIM, HE WILL REPAY HIM TO HIS FACE." This biblical promise is truly frightening - but it's a promise for those who sneer at the cross of Christ, and those Catholics who continue to cling to their priests, and refuse to come to Christ.

I pray God opens the eyes of many Catholics to the lies their priests are telling them every Sunday. May they confess being a Catholic as sin, repent of Rome, and receive Christ by faith ALONE.