Thursday, December 27, 2001

Rome - Determined to "Shack Up" with Islam

To further emphasize the point that Roman Catholicism worships the same god as the Moslems, the US Conference of Catholic Bishops on December 11 posted, 'Vatican Council and Papal Statements on Islam.'

This could be in response to the grumblings of individual Catholics about such "worship," but the pope and his bishops will tolerate no internal dissent on the issue of full unity between Rome and Islam. Their "ears" in the local parishes have picked up these grumblings, and Rome wants to nip them in the bud. Of course, it doesn't matter what the average Catholic thinks, he will have to meekly submit to whatever his priest tells him. What else can a Catholic do? In Roman teaching, his salvation absolutely depends on that priest!!!

Some gleanings from the above mentioned statement:

1. Second Vatican Council, Nov 21, 1964: "These (Moslems) profess to hold the faith of Abraham, and together with us they adore the one, merciful God, mankind's judge on the last day."

2. Second Vatican Council, Oct 28, 1965: "They (Moslems) strive to submit themselves without reserve to the hidden decrees of God, just as Abraham submitted himself to God's plan, to whose faith Muslims eagerly link their own."

3. John Paul II, Aug 19, 1985: "For us (Catholics and Moslems), Abraham is a model of faith in God...We believe in the same God, the one God, the living God."

4. John Paul II, May 5, 2001: "Together we acknowledge the one, indivisible God, the Creator of all that exists."

Jesus faced the same problem with the Jews 2000 years ago. They thought they had the "faith of Abraham," but they didn't! Jesus told them in John 8:56, "YOUR FATHER ABRAHAM REJOICED TO SEE MY DAY, AND HE SAW IT AND WAS GLAD." So Abraham rejoiced when he saw Christ's day.

Paul explains the meaning of "faith in Abraham" in Galatians 3:14, "THAT THE BLESSING OF ABRAHAM MIGHT COME ON THE GENTILES THROUGH JESUS CHRIST, THAT WE MIGHT RECEIVE THE PROMISE OF THE SPIRIT THROUGH FAITH." The "faith of Abraham" is faith in CHRIST. Moslems and Jews certainly don't have this, and neither do Roman Catholics - the God of Abraham does not entrust His church to Roman popes and bishops who think Jesus and Allah are the same!

Make no mistake, the Roman Church wants unity with Islam as soon as possible. Catholics will only have two options - to remain in a church whose leadership clearly believes Allah worship is the same as worshipping Jesus Christ, as the above Vatican II and papal statements indicate, or to confess the sin of Romanism, and flee the Catholic Church. Jesus Christ is NOT Allah, Zeus, Jupiter, or any other man-made deity.

I pray many Catholics see the pope and his church are wrong in equating Moslem faith with faith in Christ. May God give Catholics the courage to repent and forever forsake the Roman Church, and by faith ALONE receive the real God of Abraham - the one who came to this earth and paid for our sins ALONE on the cross - Jesus Christ!

Thursday, December 20, 2001

Truth - A Casualty of Roman Ecumenism

The 'Catholic News Service' December 5 article titled, "Cardinal Says Covenant Central Issue of Jewish-Christian Dialogue," detailed the lecture of Cardinal Walter Kasper at a December 3-4 meeting of Jewish and Roman clergy in Connecticut.

The lecture, in referring to the grafting of branches in Romans 11:17-24, has the Cardinal saying the relationship between the "'old covenant' of Judaism and the 'new covenant' of Christianity was so 'complex that it cannot be reduced to a concise formula'." Also, such grafting is an appropriate way of, "expressing a dialectic of continuity and discontinuity that could hardly be harmonized with concepts."

Dialectics? Complexity? What did he say?? Thank God we have a BIBLE that even children can understand! 2 Timothy 3:15 says, "AND THAT FROM A CHILD THOU HAST KNOWN THE HOLY SCRIPTURES, WHICH ARE ABLE TO MAKE THEE WISE UNTO SALVATION THROUGH FAITH WHICH IS IN CHRIST JESUS." The Roman clergy is always looking to confuse people, and the above quote is a good example. No wonder this guy is a Cardinal!

Kasper also said Jews and Christians "must give up their claims of exclusivety." He also spoke against "the totalitarian claim to possess absolute truth already."

Some comments:

1. Jesus Christ just happens to be a very "exclusive" God! Jesus said in John 8:24, "FOR IF YE BELIEVE NOT THAT I AM HE, YE SHALL DIE IN YOUR SINS." If Cardinal Kasper does not believe in the exclusivety of faith in Jesus Christ for the free forgiveness of sins, this proves he is not a believer in Jesus Christ. I also doubt that the Jews at this meeting are trusting in Christ for the forgiveness of sins.

2. "Totalitarian claim." I find it hypocritical Cardinal Kasper says this when he belongs to a world-wide institution ruled by an absolute monarch - the pope.

3. So Cardinal Kasper doesn't believe anyone can "possess absolute truth." I find in the BIBLE the attitude of a similar man who didn't believe in any "absolute truth." His name was Pontius Pilate, and he said to the "Absolute Truth" on trial in John 18:38, "WHAT IS TRUTH?" Since Cardinal Kasper doesn't believe in any "absolute truth," I have to conclude that he would have been lock-in-step with that bloodthirsty mob howling, "AWAY WITH HIM, AWAY WITH HIM, CRUCIFY HIM." Many people in Jerusalem 2000 years ago didn't like "absolute truth" either!

The above mentioned ecumenical meeting is nothing but a part of the continued Roman Catholic drive for world-wide political and religious allies in order to gather strength to persecute those who by faith ALONE are trusting in Jesus Christ ALONE for the free forgiveness of sins.

May God grant bible believing Protestants the grace to stand ALONE for the truth of the BIBLE and JESUS CHRIST, no matter how much worldly wickedness the Roman Church can hurl at us! WE WILL NOT GIVE UP THE EXCLUSIVETY OF JESUS CHRIST!

Thursday, December 13, 2001

Rated "R" for Rome!

The Archdiocese of Cincinnati, Ohio, had a review of the new Harry Potter movie in it's November 16 issue of, 'The Catholic Telegraph.' Titled, "HP a good movie, but not for young ones," the article said some things about this movie of a young wizard that bore closer inspection, so I went to see the film to compare it to what the archdiocese wrote.

Let me say, I don't recommend bible believing Protestants go to movies - it's been a long time since I've been in a theater, and it's a lot more evil in there than ever. You're not missing a thing!

The article said, "Parents concerned about the film's witchcraft should know that it is unlikely to pose any threat to Catholic beliefs." Yes - they actually said this!! So let's see what's in this movie that is, "unlikely to pose any threat to Catholic beliefs."

1. The whole idea of "wizardry" is condemned in the BIBLE. Deuteronomy 18:12 says, "FOR ALL THAT DO THESE THINGS ARE AN ABOMINATION UNTO THE LORD." I guess Rome is not too concerned about, "ABOMINATION(S) UNTO THE LORD."

2. Harry's first work of magic was to communicate with and set free a large serpent at a zoo. All the animals in the world, and this one is chosen?

3. Stop and think about Harry's last name, "Potter." In the BIBLE, it is used as a description of God! Isaiah 64:8 says, "BUT NOW, O LORD, THOU ART OUR FATHER, WE ARE THE CLAY, AND THOU OUR POTTER..." Coincidentally, the pope also robs God of a title from the BIBLE, "HOLY FATHER," John 17:11.

4. Harry has a "mark" on his forehead that he got as a baby when his parents were killed, but he miraculously survived. Revelation 13 tells us of the beast, "WHOSE DEADLY WOUND WAS HEALED," and that, "ANOTHER BEAST," will promote worship of the first beast with signs and wonders. Then he will, "CAUSETH ALL, BOTH SMALL AND GREAT, RICH AND POOR, FREE AND BOND, TO RECEIVE A MARK IN THEIR RIGHT HAND OR IN THEIR FOREHEADS." The parallels are too close! These two beasts will be so evil Revelation 19:20 shows us they will be, "CAST ALIVE," into the lake of fire. And Rome sees nothing wrong with such "imagery." All I can say is the world is being prepared to receive such men.

5. Another parallel. In the movie, a spell is interrupted when eye contact is broken. Interesting. I remember reading once in a Roman publication that it was important for the priest and "communicant" to maintain eye contact when the host is received. I wonder what reason Rome has for this?

6. In the movie, you get eternal life by drinking Unicorn blood, whereas the Roman Mass concocts a similar elixir for eternal life. Also, young student wizards practice saying magic words over chalices, as well as having classes that teach them to, "bewitch minds," and, "ensnare the senses."

I rate this movie an "R" - for Rome! This film doesn't, "pose any threat to Catholic beliefs," because Catholicism is already rife with witchcraft! May God protect us from a Roman Church that evidently has no fear of the occult.

Friday, December 07, 2001

Pope: Immigration a Great Way to Destroy the USA and Western Europe

The pope of Rome, in his July 25 letter, 'Message for the 88th World Day of Migration,' let slip a few statements about his beliefs that once again demonstrates why bible believing Protestants renounce the pope, "as Christ's enemy, and antichrist, and all his false doctrine," as Thomas Cranmer so aptly said in 1556, just before his murder at the hands of the Catholic Church for his refusal to worship a piece of bread.

The overall message of this letter is the "need" for inter-religious dialogue and support for continued massive illegal immigration into Europe and America.

Europe - because increased immigration will speed calls for a more powerful European Union, a supra-national organization the pope hopes to use to hound bible believing Protestants in Europe who dare teach the bible differently than him.

America - because it is not yet weakened and Catholic enough for him. Since the Catholic Church is never able to go out and get converts (except for the occasional person who grew up in a Protestant church, but has rejected Christ and instead thinks God is impressed with idolatry), the only way to get more Catholics into the USA is to bring them in from other countries.

The pope in this letter insults the work of the Holy Spirit by saying, "On the day of Pentecost, it was the Spirit of Truth who completed the divine design for the unity of mankind in the diversity of cultures AND RELIGIONS." (Emphasis mine). So, according to the pope, the Holy Spirit had a hand in, "the divine design," of other religions!

The pope must want his one-world religion so bad he can taste it!! But the truth is, God the Holy Spirit did NOT, "design," Wicca, Islam, Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, Buddhism, Mormonism, Voodoo, etc. Another spirit did.

The pope also denies the work of the Holy Spirit and instead deifies Mary by attributing to her the work of the Holy Spirit in teaching and witnessing. They don't call the pope, "the man of sin," for nothing! The pontiff writes, "May Mary...who knew the tribulations of migration and the trials of solitude and abandonment, teach us to give witness to the word who became life among us and for us."

But the BIBLE says it's the Holy Spirit Who will teach us and empower us to give witness of Christ. Jesus said in John 16:13, "HOWBEIT WHEN HE, THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH, IS COME, HE WILL GUIDE YOU INTO ALL TRUTH..." In 1 Corinthians 2:4, Paul decribes the source of his power in teaching, "AND MY SPEECH AND PREACHING WAS NOT WITH ENTICING WORDS OF MAN'S WISDOM, BUT IN DEMONSTRATION OF THE SPIRIT AND OF POWER."

The BIBLE is very clear - it's the Holy Spirit Who teaches and empowers. We have a choice - to trust the pope who points to Mary for empowerment, or to look to God the Holy Spirit for empowerment, as taught by the BIBLE. I choose God the Holy Spirit and the BIBLE. I pray the Holy Spirit today draws many Catholics to repent of the sin of Romanism, and brings them to faith in Christ ALONE.