Friday, August 31, 2001

What an Audience With the Pope is Really Like

There are people who believe that the pope of Rome is a man of God. Nothing could be further from the truth - the pope is the man of sin.

'The Catholic News Service' inadvertently gives us a glimpse of the pope's real heart, in an August 24 article titled, "Cane and able: Pope communicates with diverse groups at audiences." The article reports on what goes on during papal audiences, and one statement made in the article describes why the pope will not shake hands with the large crowds, "Handshaking is a no-no - the pope once lost his gold ring that way, when it slipped off into the fingers of a chagrined pilgrim, who returned it a few hours later."

Peter said in Acts 3:6, "SILVER AND GOLD I HAVE NONE," and Jesus died naked on a cross for our sins, while His clothes were being gambled for. Matthew 27:35 says, "AND THEY CRUCIFIED HIM, AND PARTED HIS GARMENTS, CASTING LOTS." It looks like this "Vicar" of Christ is more concerned about his personal jewelry than people!

Secondly, the title of the article says the, "Pope communicates," but the article says he does not communicate!! It says of these general papal audiences, "Few people in his audience can follow what he's saying, though. The hall's bad acoustics and the uncertain tenor of his voice make it impossible." Some thoughts:

1. Why don't they fix the sound system, or is there a deliberate reason that they don't fix it?

2. Why do people go to hear a man they can't hear? I would think Christ's "Vicar", the personal representative of Christ on earth, would want to be heard.

3. Surely the pope is aware the people are not able to hear him.

4. The pope's contempt for all (including Catholics) is revealed in that he knows people spend thousands to get to Rome, and travel from all over the world to be in this audience, and then they can't hear what Christ's "personal representative" on earth has to say! In addition to being the man of sin and the antichrist, the pope is also a bad host. However, the travel industry and the local Italian merchants say, "Gracci!"

5. It is a microcosm of what Rome really is, all glitz and no substance, words spoken, but not understood. What good are words if they can't be heard? The pope shows himself to be a cloud without water and a tree without fruit. There is no hope in a pope.

May the Lord's Spirit open the hearts of Catholics to see the futility that is in the pope and his church, may many Catholics be granted the repentance to confess Catholicism as sin, forsake it, and receive Christ by faith ALONE.

Thursday, August 23, 2001

Worship a Liar - Become a Liar

18th century Roman saint, Alphonse de Ligouri, was a worshipper of Mary, and his book, 'The Glories of Mary,' shows that Christ ALONE was not good enough for Ligouri.

In the introduction of this book he says, "I invoke thy Son and thee (Mary) to succour me in that last moment; and I say, Jesus and Mary, to you I commend my soul." It's clear by the "thy" and "thee" that Ligouri is directing his prayer to Mary, not Christ.

What's frightening about all this Catholic Mary worship through the centuries is that it's all based on extra-biblical revelations and visions. But, these visions of Mary have actually been demons posing as "Mary." We know this because these apparitions say things that contradict the BIBLE.

So, why do men like Ligouri and the rest of the Roman clergy cannot help but tell lies? The BIBLE (as always) has the answer. Psalm 115:8 says of those who worship idols, "THEY THAT MAKE THEM ARE LIKE UNTO THEM; SO IS EVERYONE THAT TRUSTETH IN THEM." In a way, you are what you worship.

The polluted source of all these "Marian" apparitions and worship is the devil. Those who engage in this Roman "Mary" activity are actually worshipping the father of lies, the devil. We should not be surprised that a clergy and a church so deeply involved in this satanically inspired false worship become, "LIKE UNTO THEM," their father the devil.

Jesus said in John 8:44, "YE ARE OF YOUR FATHER THE DEVIL, AND THE LUSTS OF YOUR FATHER YE WILL DO." The answer to my question above of why Rome will always lie to us is provided in John 8:44 by Jesus - the Roman clergy and all Mary worshippers are doing the lusts of their father.

I pray that many Catholics would turn away from the whole Marian system, repent and confess Romanism as sin, and receive Christ by faith ALONE.

Monday, August 20, 2001

Deep Down - We All know That the Roman Clergy Does NOT Want People Reading the Bible

The Roman clergy loves to play the poor, mis-understood, and aggrieved innocents in plying their lying. Such an example is Bishop Sam Jacobs of Alexandria, Louisiana, in his May 16 article, "Word of God is Light on our Path."

"WITH AN IMPUDENT FACE" (Proverbs 7:13) he piously writes, "There seemed to have been some false understanding prior to the Council (Vatican II) that the Church discouraged the Catholic laity from reading the word of God."

There's no mis-understanding at all - 'His Excellency' is a liar, he doesn't want people reading the bible. I pray that bible believing Christians are not fooled by such syrupy and phony Roman "meekness."

The fourth session of the Council of Trent said of the Catholic Latin Vulgate bible, "no one is to dare, or presume to reject it under any pretext whatever," and, "it (the Council of Trent) decrees, that no one, relying on his own skill, shall...presume to interpret the said sacred scriptures contrary to the sense which holy mother Church...hath held and doth hold."

In the Council of Trent's "Rules Concerning Prohibited Books" chapter - stop!!! "Prohibited Books?" Doesn't that say it all?? Could it be the bible has been "Prohibited" by Rome? Section IV of this chapter says it is, "left to the judgment of the bishop or inquisitor, who may with the advice of the pastor or confessor permit the reading of the Sacred Books," and, "Those, however, who presume to read or possess them (bibles in a language people can understand, not Latin) without such permission may not receive absolution from their sins till they have handed them over to the ordinary."

Wow! Let's review this and take a quick quiz - Who would take away a person's bible:

A. Gestapo Officer.

B. KGB Commissar.

C. Catholic Bishop.

D. Islamic Imam.

E. Russian Orthodox Patriarch.

(Answer at bottom.)

After reading this, it's obvious Rome, "discouraged the Catholic laity from reading the word of God." The Roman clergy always have and always will hate the truth of the bible, because it exposes one of the greatest crimes against the Kingdom of God - the fraudulent and perverted Roman Catholic priesthood.

May Catholics repent and confess the sin of being in a church that hates the bible, forsake their false priests, and receive Christ by faith ALONE. Lord, we thank You for giving us the bible in spite of all Romish efforts to hide, distort, and corrupt it.

(Answer - although all choices hate the bible, the best choice is "C" - a Catholic bishop - like Sam Jacobs, for example.)

Tuesday, August 14, 2001

Catholic "Rabbit's Foots" on Sale Now! has a variety of scapulars available for sale - from $3.50 for the "green wool scapular," up to the $24.95 "4-way cross sterling silver" model.

The "4-way cross" is interesting because one can get four times the idolatry in one item - very efficient! This "4-way cross" is actually four medals attached together and they consist of:

1. On top, a sacred heart medal which also doubles as a scapular medal (excuse me, five for the price of one!)

2. On the bottom, a miraculous medal which looks like "Mary" standing there.

3. On the left side, a St. Joseph medal.

4. And on the right side - drum roll, please........a St. Christopher medal! I thought Rome had disposed of this guy, but evidently not!

However, I doubt if the operators of are being threatened with excommunication over this. So don't believe Catholic propaganda about "St. Christopher" being gone, he has proven to be too good a money maker over the centuries for the Vatican.

On the back of this medal it says, "I am a Catholic - please call a priest." Just as your child's toys come, "batteries not included," this medal comes, "priest not included."

The website does not say what the priest will charge for the, "ab-ba ka-da-bra," he will say over this medal to initially powerize it so that if it is worn properly, the wearer will be, "preserved from eternal fire," as the "Blessed Virgin" told St. Simon Stock back in 1251.

This is nothing but Roman witchcraft! Anyone trusting in a scapular mocks God; as if God can be bought off for $24.95 and the incantations of a Roman priest. 1 Peter 1:18-19 says, "YE WERE NOT REDEEMED WITH CORRUPTIBLE THINGS, AS SILVER AND GOLD, FROM YOUR VAIN CONVERSATION RECEIVED BY TRADITION FROM YOUR FATHERS; BUT WITH THE PRECIOUS BLOOD OF CHRIST, AS OF A LAMB WITHOUT BLEMISH AND WITHOUT SPOT."

The only thing God is impressed with is the infinitely PRECIOUS BLOOD OF CHRIST. The only way for a Catholic to be washed with this blood is to repent, confess and forsake the sin of Catholicism, and receive Christ by faith ALONE. Lord, please free many today from the Roman system of magic.

Friday, August 10, 2001

Wear a Scapular Correctly - and Get Into Heaven!

The dictionary defines the word 'equivocal' as meaning, "capable of two interpretations; cryptic; evasive; ambiguous." Equivocation is the technique Rome uses most cleverly to defend it's doctrine and teachings.

Psalm 119:69a says, "THE PROUD HAVE FORGED A LIE AGAINST ME," and Roman teaching and media continue to "FORGE" this "tradition" to the present day. In a 'Catholic News Service' August 6 article, "Not a magic charm: Exploring the purpose of the brown scapular," it says, "The scapular is not a magic charm of protection, (or) an automatic guarantee of salvation..."

But........doing our homework, what did the "Blessed Virgin" (in reality a demonic being posing as Mary) say to St. Simon Stock when 'she' appeared to him holding a scapular on July 16, 1251, in Cambridge, England?

'She' said, "Receive, my beloved son, this scapular of thy order, it is the special sign of my favor, which I have obtained for thee and for thy children of Mt. Carmel. He who dies clothed with this habit shall be preserved from eternal fire. It is the badge of protection, a shield in time of danger, and a pledge of special peace and protection."

The equivocation in the article is that the scapular is not, "an automatic guarantee of salvation," and the Romanist would argue "Mary" is not promising heaven here!

Yet........those promises of preservation "from eternal fire," that the scapular is a "badge," "shield," and a "pledge," are plain enough - if you're not going to hell, you're going to heaven. (The Romanist would try to further muddy the waters with talk of a "purgatory" - but the BIBLE nowhere teaches about such a place, and belief in purgatory is a denial of the work of Jesus Christ on the cross as an all-sufficient sacrifice for sin.)

The scapular is nothing but Catholic voodoo! By the way, 'Catholic Online' says of the scapular, "the scapular must be worn in the proper manner; if an individual neglects to wear it for a time, the benefits are forfeited."

The scapular vividly contrasts the difference between the Roman god and the God of the BIBLE. The Roman god is impressed by the way a person wears a strap around their necks. The God of the BIBLE is impressed with those clothed in the righteousness of Jesus Christ.

Romans 13:14 says, "BUT PUT YE ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, AND MAKE NO PROVISION FOR THE FLESH, TO FULFIL THE LUSTS THEREOF." The only way for a Catholic to, "PUT YE ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST," is to repent of the sin of Romanism, reject a church that teaches baubles and trinkets can preserve "from eternal fire," and receive Christ by faith ALONE.

Monday, August 06, 2001

Rome - Prohibiting Prayer for Others

The hypocrisy of the Catholic Church and it's false "love" for other people can be seen in an August memorandum from the Roman Catholic Diocese of Cleveland, Ohio.

To recap, at a joint prayer meeting on June 3, the local Roman bishop, Anthony Pilla, signed 'A Covenant' with the local Lutheran and Episcopalian bishops where they will, "Work toward the day when there will be no obstacles to our union in the tradition of the apostles."

And now, the Cleveland diocese is encouraging it's priests to offer prayers for, "other Churches and ecclesial Communities...during the litanies and other invocations of the liturgical service, BUT NOT (emphasis mine) during the Eucharistic Anaphora."

This "BUT NOT" indicates that Lutherans and Episcopalians aren't good enough yet to be prayed for in all parts of the Roman Mass! Isn't Rome's love wonderful?

This is not a local dictate, but one from on high as the memorandum quotes from the March, 1993, Vatican, 'Directory for the Application of Principles and Norms of Ecumenism,' #121, "ecclesiological tradition permits mention in the Eucharistic Anaphora (Prayer/Canon) only the names of persons who are in full communion with the Church."

As a bible-believing, born again Christian, I can pray for Catholics all the time, but according to the Vatican, the Catholic cannot pray for me all the time.

What kind of a clergy can claim to have the power to shut the doors to God? Answer - the Roman clergy!

May Catholics realize that their church is filled with such foolish and man-made rules; this is the heart of Romanism - that a priest controls access to God. But the BIBLE says in Hebrews 4:16, "LET US THEREFORE COME BOLDLY UNTO THE THRONE OF GRACE, THAT WE MAY OBTAIN MERCY, AND FIND GRACE TO HELP IN TIME OF NEED."

Catholics can experience the joy of coming to "THE THRONE OF GRACE" 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, no Roman priest needed, only if they repent of the sin of Romanism, forsake the Catholic church, and receive Christ by faith ALONE.

Wednesday, August 01, 2001

Double-Checking Catholic Media

The Roman manner of playing down Catholic idolatry in the United States has become evident by the way the , 'Catholic News Service,' (CNS) has reported on the volcanic eruptions at Mt. Etna, in Sicily.

Their home page says, "Our mission is to report fully, fairly, and freely about the involvement of the Church in the world today." Really????

The title to their July 30 article on the eruptions is, "Sicilian Catholics Pray God Will Spare Them From Mt. Etna," and quotes the local archbishop, Luigi Bonmarito, as saying, "I bless this mountain and invoke the mercy of God upon the craters so they would close."

This sounds nice - no mention in this Catholic article of prayer to anyone but God. This is the "party line" your local Catholic priest or apologist will tell you, "Yes, we agree prayer should only be given to God." the CNS reporting on this event, "fully, fairly, and freely?"

The BBC is quotes the archbishop as ALSO saying, "We are here to implore the Madonna to give us the faith, hope, and the courage to confront our difficulties." So - Mary is being asked to give them, "faith, hope, and...courage." This looks like prayer to me!

Rome tries to hide behind her lies, but the truth about it's corrupt nature always shows. I can only conclude that the CNS is not reporting on prayers to the Madonna because too much pushing of Mary now might impede Roman ecumenical moves in the USA. I also should not trust anything from a Catholic source or media - they might not be giving me the full story, as this episode demonstrates.

I pray no one gets hurt or injured in Sicily, and I also pray the Lord's Spirit will convict Catholics in Sicily and elsewhere of the sin of prayer to anyone but God. Jesus said in John 16:23, "AND IN THAT DAY YE SHALL ASK ME NOTHING. VERILY, VERILY, I SAY UNTO YOU, WHATSOEVER YE ASK THE FATHER IN MY NAME HE WILL GIVE IT TO YOU." Jesus tells us to pray to the Father in Jesus' name. The archbishop says to call on the Madonna. Who should I believe, Jesus or Rome? I'll believe Jesus.

May Catholics repent and confess the sin of praying to Mary and other saints, forsake the Catholic church, and receive Christ by faith ALONE.