Wednesday, December 29, 2004

They're Still Blaming Everyone - Except the Priests!

Catholic attorney Patrick Schiltz will be giving a talk Jan 10 in Dayton, Ohio, on how lawyers can help Rome defend itself against sex abuse lawsuits. This was reported in the Dec 24 issue of 'The Catholic Telegraph,' the Archdiocese of Cincinnati newspaper, in an article titled, "Lawyer to Examine Cost of Clergy Sex Abuse Crisis."

Schiltz is a law professor at the University of St. Thomas in Minnesota. Since 1987 he "has represented or advised religious organizations in connection to more than 500 clergy sexual misconduct cases across the country and internationally." He said:

"I will focus on the role that lawyers, especially the church's own lawyers, played in creating the clergy sexual abuse crisis and I will talk about how those same lawyers now have the opportunity to help the church emerge from the crisis."

Comment – was "lawyers" who helped to create "the clergy sexual abuse crisis!" This must be VERY comforting to the perverts and their protectors in the Catholic Church.

Ever since this story came out in 2002, one of the Catholic Church's defenses has been to spread blame anywhere – except their priests, of course!

Schiltz seems to be one of those Catholics who care more about the "church" than children. His true heart was betrayed in an article he wrote in the July 7, 2003 issue of 'America: The National Catholic Weekly.' He wrote:

1."Plaintiffs' lawyers know that judges and jurors have been poisoned by the recent media coverage..."

Comment – This is another one of the Catholic defenses in the past few years – to blame the media and its "poison." And, we also see the classic Catholic view that people, in this case judges and jurors, must not be not capable of thinking for themselves.

2. "Since early 2002, the legal world has become much more dangerous for the church than it was previously."

Comment – Yes......and for hundreds of years the Catholic priesthood has been dangerous for children!

May Jesus Christ continue to expose the wickedness of the Roman priesthood, no matter how many lawyers and legal tricks Rome can muster!

Thursday, December 23, 2004

What Rome Really Wants from Immigration

Catholic bishops in Scotland are serving their pope well by agitating the government for what they euphemistically call "asylum and immigration reform." This was reported in a Dec 20 'Zenit News Agency' article titled, "Scottish Bishops Ask Britain to 'Welcome the Stranger.'"

The article quoted part of Cardinal Keith O'Brien's Christmas radio broadcast:

"How do we welcome strangers? In our detention centers for asylum seekers, refugees including children are virtually incarcerated there while their petitions for asylum in our country are scrutinized, sometimes taking weeks and months."


1. The Catholic Church does NOT care about the "stranger," but in using immigration to divide and weaken nations – in this case the hated Britain.

2. This Catholic Cardinal is concerned about "children?" Where were Catholic bishops when thousands of children were being sexually molested by priests? O'Brien does not care one whit about children, but in using them as an excuse for Britain to lower it's defenses.

The pope and his lapdog bishops continue to extol the virtues of "multiculturalism" and "diversity" in pushing immigration for western Europe and the USA. But - let's take a look at what "diversity" has done for a country the pope and his bishops conveniently NEVER mention as an example:


Isn't Iraq a 'great' place with its "diverse" population of Sunni Moslems, Shia Moslems, and Kurds? If "diversity" is so wonderful – I suggest the pope and all his bishops take an extended tour of Iraq – in unescorted and unarmoured vehicles, too!

Yes – this is what "diversity" and "multiculturalism" lead to. And this is what Rome wants for western Europe and the USA.

May God give us the eye-salve to see that the pope is not only an enemy of Christians, but also – an enemy of nations.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Pope - Working to Weaken Nations

The pope of Rome continues to work for the weakening of nations by advocating his 'divide and conquer' policy. The latest example was seen in his message for the upcoming "World Day of Migrants and Refugees," to be observed Jan 16.

The pope's message titled, "Pluralism That Goes Beyond Mere Tolerance and Reaches Sympathy," once again makes a mock concern of illegal immigrants, while in reality espouses policies that would weaken nations.

'His Holiness' said:

"Integration (of immigrants) is not presented as an assimilation that leads migrants to suppress or to forget their own cultural identity."

Comment – The pope says right here he does not want immigrants "assimilated." Why? Because he knows a "multicultural" and "diverse" country is weaker – and thus more open to exploitation by the Catholic Church.

The pope went on:

"It is necessary to recognize the legitimate plurality of cultures present in a country, in harmony with the preservation of law and order, on which depend social peace and the freedom of citizens."

The pope is a liar. In fact, the opposite is true! "Plurality" does NOT lead to "peace" but to division and strife! For examples of what "plurality" can do, just look at what happened to Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union – they broke up – followed by constant war and violence in places like Chechnya and Kosovo. Could it be the pope wants the same thing for places like Yorkshire and Ohio?

This is EXACTLY what the pope hopes illegal immigration with its "plurality of cultures" will do to the USA and other western nations – turn them into a polyglot of many, weak, bickering, little multicultural states more easily controlled by the Catholic Church, just like in those Dark Ages that Catholics so lovingly look back at.

Whatever nation you live in, except if it's the Vatican, pray that our Lord Jesus Christ protects our nations from the intrigues of – the Roman Catholic Church.

Friday, December 10, 2004


At the United Nations on Dec 7, the Catholic Church participated in a "Confronting Islamophobia" seminar. This was reported in a Dec 9 'Catholic News Service' article titled, "Priest Says Catholic Church Working to Improve Relations With Muslims."

"Islamophobia." In these days of political correctness, we should not be surprised at the invention of this new word!

Speaking at the seminar was Hungarian priest 'Father' Gyorgy Fodor, president of Peter Pazmany Catholic University in Budapest. 'Father' said:

"Catholics acknowledged that Paradise would be open to Muslims who followed the principles of their faith."

Hmmmm......Let's take a look at a "principle" found in the Koran. Surah 2:186 says:

"I (Allah) respond to the invocations of the supplicant when he calls on Me without any mediator or intercessor."

However, the bible says in 1 Timothy 2:5:

"For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus."

So – a Catholic priest teaches that people can get to heaven without a mediator. But the bible teaches that a mediator is absolutely essential! Acts 4:12 says about Jesus:

"Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved."

Maybe the 'Catholic News Service' should have instead titled their article, "Priest Denies the Need for Jesus Christ!"

The choice is evident – should we trust the teachings of Catholic priests, or the teachings of the bible? I trust the bible.

Well – if the United Nations can invent a word, so can I. Roman Catholics suffer from "biblephobia" – a fear of the truth of the bible, as the bible clearly exposes the false and hell-bound teachings of the Catholic Church.

May God grant many Catholics repentance from Rome and faith ALONE in the "one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus."

Friday, December 03, 2004

More "Fruits" From (and in) the Roman Priesthood

Massachusetts priest Robert Gale was sentenced to prison Dec 1 for the sexual abuse of a parish boy between 1980-1985. The abuse occurred about twice a month during that period. This was reported in a Dec 2 'Boston Globe' article titled, "Priest Gets 4 1/2 - 5 Years."

The victim, now 34, said:

"He lied to the court, he lied to myself, and he lied to the public. Knowing in his heart that he lied, he tried to use the judicial system to beat justice by hiding behind the statute of limitations. It showed what moral character, or lack thereof, that he has."

From 1968 to 1987 various Catholic churches complained to their bishops about Gale – but of course – they kept covering for him.

It's obvious - the Catholic Church is NOT the church established by Jesus Christ.

Our Lord said of such false prophets and ravening wolves in Matthew 7:16a: "YE SHALL KNOW THEM BY THEIR FRUITS." Was Jesus talking about the Catholic priesthood here? You bet He was!!

All the while – the Catholic propaganda mill keeps saying how the pope loves children! He is quoted in a Nov 29 'Zenit News Agency' article titled "Papal Intention: For Children" as saying:

"May children be considered as precious gifts of God, to whom is due respect, understanding and love...Jesus' words are an exhortation to examine how children are treated in our families, in civil society, and in the Church."

Yes, John Paul, we HAVE examined "how children are the Church," and we have found the Catholic Church wanting.

But then, what else could we expect from the world's largest organized group of homosexual men – the Roman Catholic priesthood!

May Jesus Christ continue to protect children from John Paul II and the ravening wolves in his wicked, man-made priesthood.