Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Support Your Local Illegal Alien

The Roman Catholic invasion of America – better known as "illegal immigration" – continues. And Rome is now using Hurricane Katrina as the latest excuse to support illegal aliens. This was seen in the 'Catholic News Service' Sept 20 article titled, "Give Katrina Aid Regardless of Legal Residency Status, Says Bishop."

Under the present federal disaster assistance rules, illegal aliens are ineligible for material and monetary aid. After all, these are people who have broken US laws and sneaked illegally into the USA.

Therefore Bishop Gerald Barnes, chairman of the US Bishops' Committee on Migration sent a Sept 20 letter to all members of the US Senate. It read:

"We firmly believe that benefits and services should be provided to Katrina victims regardless of an individual's immigration status...Now is the time to serve our common humanity and not discriminate against victims of the disaster because they are not U.S. citizens."

So what's the government supposed to do? Just hand out money – with NO questions asked?

If what Rome wants is done, maybe we should all go down to New Orleans and present ourselves as "Katrina victims" when the money is being distributed!

Already down in Mexico they might be saying, "Vayamos a America, ello se desmayan libertan dinero!" (Translated – "Let's go to America, they're passing out free money!")

The Catholic Church sees this disaster as an opportunity to fleece the American taxpayer for more dollars to support illegal aliens and the further Romanisation of the USA.

May our Lord give the necessary help to all victims who need it. But, may He also protect our government officials from the lies and deceptions of – the Roman Catholic Church.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Rome - Protecting a Murderer

"One of the most wanted war criminals is being shielded by the Roman Catholic Church and the Vatican hierarchy, the United Nations' chief prosecutor for former Yugoslavia said yesterday."

The above is quoted from the British 'Daily Telegraph,' in a Sept 20 article titled, "Vatican Accused of Shielding 'War Criminal.'" The article continued:

"Carla del Ponte, the chief prosecutor of the UN international criminal tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, said she believed that Gen Ante Gotovina was being sheltered in a Franciscan monastery in his native Croatia."

Gotovina "is accused of overseeing and permitting the killing of at least 150 Serb civilians and the forced deportation of between 150,000 and 200,000 others..." in 1995. He has been a fugitive since 2001.

Mrs del Ponte is finding out that the Catholic Church is VERY GOOD at protecting criminals! She said, "I have information he is hiding in a Franciscan monastery and so the Catholic Church is protecting him. I have taken this up with the Vatican and the Vatican refuses totally to co-operate with us."

Surprise, surprise!! For months, del Ponte has been trying to work quietly with the Vatican about this, but to no avail. So, she has decided to make it public.

There are many monasteries in Croatia, so the basic line the Vatican has been giving del Ponte goes something like this: Tell us which monastery he's in first, and then we may do something about it.

Comment – What a joke! It's like the police asking someone if there's a criminal in his house, and he replies, "Well, if you can't tell me what room he's in, I can't answer you."

And – Catholic protection for this murderer gets even worse! In July del Ponte met with the Vatican "Secretary for Relations with States" (foreign minister) Archbishop Giovanni Lajolo. The article reported:

"He refused to help, telling her THE VATICAN WAS NOT A STATE (emphasis mine) and thus had 'no international obligations' to help the UN to hunt war criminals."

Comment – The Vatican is "NOT A STATE." Archbishop Lajolo is a LIAR. The Vatican has a postal system, a currency, a head of state (pope), a diplomatic corps, embassies, etc. The Vatican IS A STATE! When it suits their purposes – the Vatican is ALWAYS quick to use "diplomatic immunity" – for example when in the early 1990s the Cleveland, Ohio Catholic diocese hustled off to the Vatican embassy in Washington, DC some incriminating sex abuse documents, thus keeping them away from local prosecutors.

Are you praying daily that Christ protect our nations from the Roman Catholic Church? If not, why?

Friday, September 16, 2005

"Jesus" Flees New Orleans - In Plastic Bags!

The Catholic "Jesus" needed the help of priests to evacuate New Orleans before Hurricane Katrina hit. This was reported in 'The Catholic News Service' Sept 6 article titled, "Archbishop Hughes: Never Thought God Would 'Ask Me to Take This On.'"

Describing the activities of priests before the hurricane struck, Archbishop Alfred Hughes of New Orleans said:

"We asked the priests to secure property...and bring the BLESSED SACRAMENT (wafers) AND PARISH RECORDS IN PLASTIC BAGS (emphasis mine)."

Question - How powerful is the "god" of the Catholic Church? Answer – He fled New Orleans along with baptismal records and financial statements!!

Comment – Somewhere in New Orleans, there HAD to have been some wafers that got taken up in the floodwaters. I wonder how long it took before the wafers stopped being "Jesus" and again became wafers?

I guess the "god" Catholics worship must not be waterproof!!

Once again this demonstrates the insanity of the doctrine of "transubstantiation" – where supposedly Jesus turns Himself into wafers and wine at the command of a Roman priest.

May God use this episode to show Catholics the absurd nature of their church – that the real Jesus of the bible is at the right hand of the Father, not in some plastic bags along with church paperwork. May Catholics confess the sin of worshipping wafers, repent of Rome, and receive Christ by faith ALONE for the full and free forgiveness of sins.

Monday, September 12, 2005

US Federal Judge - Rome Cannot Have It "Both Ways"

The Roman Catholic Diocese of Spokane, Washington is appealing an Aug 26 federal bankruptcy decision by Judge Patricia Williams, who "dismissed the Spokane diocese's claims that the bishop there, William Skylstad, had no control over parish assets." This is quoted from the Sept 9 issue of 'The National Catholic Reporter,' in an article titled, "Diocesan Bankruptcies Raise Church Ownership Issues."

Bishop Skylstad is trying to wiggle out of this ruling, saying the individual churches, and not the diocese, own the properties.

Some Catholic dioceses' (like Spokane) are trying the bankruptcy angle in order to avoid paying for sex abuse lawsuits. The article said:

"Church lawyers argue that diocesan assets do not extend beyond the central administrative office of the diocese, the chancery. The idea is...'to reduce the size of the bankrupt estate so that much less money' is available to creditors."

Comment – The Catholic Church is claiming that all a diocese owns are its chancery office??? This is laughable!! Catholics and ex-Catholics KNOW better.

Furthermore, in the Spokane case the Catholic lawyers:

"Contended that canon law places parish holdings beyond the reach of the bishop. In addition, to subject canon law to civil judicial scrutiny violated constitutional protections related to 'free exercise' of religion."

Comment – So, Catholic lawyers say "canon law" should NOT be subject to "civil judicial scrutiny." This exposes the evil heart of Catholicism – Rome doesn't think IT should be bound by the laws of the land!

Thankfully, the judge saw through this Catholic flim-flam:

"In her ruling, Williams cited two previous disputes, one involving a group of parishioners who sought to prevent the demolition of a Catholic school, the other a lawsuit filed by a person injured on parish property. In both cases the Spokane diocese explicitly named Skylstad as 'owner' of parish properties. The diocese, implied Williams, was trying to have it both ways -- claiming control and ownership when that position suited its interests, disinterested beneficence when the situation called for another approach."

Comment – Judge Williams hit the nail right on the head!! The Catholic Church always wants to have it "both ways." This is typical Catholicism - changing the rules whenever they want.

We thank God for Judge Williams, and pray God gives American public officials the grace to see through the lies and deception of – the Roman Catholic Church.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

The Roman Catholic Church - Enemy of the Working Man

Labor Day was observed Sept 5 in the USA. This holiday is supposed to honor the American worker, but once again, the Roman Catholic Church used the day to promote its anti-American agenda. A perfect example was seen in the Sept 2 issue of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, Ohio newspaper, 'The Catholic Telegraph,' in an article titled, "Archdiocese has Impact on Labor Issues."

Ohio has lost 19.2% of its manufacturing jobs since 2000, and Hurricane Katrina will probably drive Gulf Coast unemployment figures above 20%. Question - So, who is the Archdiocese of Cincinnati concerned about this Labor Day? Answer – the illegal alien!!

To quote from the article:

"The Catholic Campaign for Human Development...recently...hired attorney Don Sherman who is working with the Latino immigrant community (illegal aliens) here to assist them in collecting past-due wages from local contractors."

"With the help of funding from the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, they are empowering workers, especially immigrant workers (illegal aliens), to advocate for the fair treatment and wages that our church demands for them."


1. The Catholic Church has had 500 years in Latin America to "advocate for...fair treatment and wages." Question – What GOOD has the Catholic Church done for the worker in Latin America? Answer – Absolutely nothing!

2. Consider this: Question – In what era of history did the Roman Church have its greatest power? Answer – The Middle Ages. Another Question – What was the lot of the average working man in the Middle Ages? Answer - He was a SERF.

The record clearly shows the Catholic Church is not at all interested in the plight of working men and women. And the only reason the American Catholic Church is feigning support for illegal immigrants is to:

1. Cause further divisiveness in the USA.

2. Drive down American wages.

3. Encourage MORE illegal immigration from Latin America.

The Catholic Church wants to do for the USA what it has done for Latin America the past 500 years!

May God protect the USA and the American worker from – the Roman Catholic Church!