Tuesday, March 29, 2005

"Vater, Vergibt Mich, Fur Ich Habe Gesundigt..."

What if a Catholic priest does not understand this? How does he "forgive" the sins of a "penitent" whose language he does not speak? The grab bag of Catholic theology has the answer in a March 22 'Zenit News Agency' article titled, "If Confessor Doesn't Know Penitent's Language."

The article quotes Canon Law 960 which says:

"Individual and integral confession and absolution constitute the ONLY (emphasis mine) ordinary means by which a member of the faithful conscious of grave sin is reconciled with God and the Church. Only physical or moral impossibility excuses from confession of this type; in such a case reconciliation can be obtained by other means."


1. If a Catholic is able to get to a priest for confession – this is the "ONLY" way his sins can be forgiven! Rome plainly says it in Canon 960. So, the warped theology of Catholicism presents a "Jesus" who says, "Don't come to Me for forgiveness, go to that priest over there!"

2. Catholic teaching always has loopholes, and we see one here where exceptions CAN be made for, "...physical or moral impossibility excuses from confession of this type..."

Regarding a priest not knowing the language of a "penitent," one loophole, excuse me, "other means," presented in the article is:

"The confessor (can make) a prudential judgment that the penitent is excused in virtue of a physical and moral impossibility and presuming the latter's sincerity in manifesting those sins confessed in his native language."

This is a hot one!! A priest may not be able to understand a single word told him, yet he still dares utter that most blasphemous and Christ-robbing of priestly formulas - "I absolve thee!" How does he know if the sins were "venial" or "mortal?" Or, if the "penitent" made a good 'Act of Contrition?' In turn, how does the "penitent" know what his "penance" is?

The Catholic Church hates the fact that people can go directly to Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins. Rome hates the promise of Jesus in John 6:37b, "And him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out."

Jesus will NEVER tell anyone, "Get away from Me, go see that priest," or, "Don't bother Me, go talk to My mother." May God's Spirit show many Catholics that they can get full and free forgiveness of sins, NO Catholic priest and NO Catholic Church needed!

(By the way, "Vater, vergibt mich, fur ich habe gesundigt" means, "Father, forgive me, for I have sinned.")

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Led of the Spirit......Or Polling Data?

"The Roman Catholic bishops of the United States plan...to launch what they are calling a major campaign to end the use of the death penalty." This was reported in the March 20 issue of 'The Boston Globe,' in an article titled, "Campaign Set Against Executions." This "plan" began March 21.

Catholic bishops say they are led by the Holy Spirit – but evidently NOT in this case! The reason the bishops are doing this NOW is because:

"The bishops, according to an aide, have been emboldened...by polling that they say shows a dramatic increase in opposition to capital punishment among Catholic Americans."

Polling data?? It figures!! Catholic bishops claim to be direct "successors to the apostles," but I don't see anywhere in the bible where Peter, John, or Paul depended on opinion polls!

This is just another attack by the Catholic Church on the American legal system. Rome has always hated and worked for the downfall of Protestant nations.

Coincidentally this same weekend, a horrible case of the abduction, sexual assault, and murder of nine-year-old Jessica Lunsford of Homosassa, Florida – taken right from her home – has been in the news. The killer has been caught and admitted to the crime. Local authorities have already said they will seek the death penalty for the killer.

We must wonder what the Catholic Church says to do with such a man?

BUT – come to think of it – the Catholic Church has always been great friend and defender of child molesters. The killer of Jessica Lunsford is probably hoping the US Catholic bishops are successful in their fight against the death penalty!

Question – Which occupation has the highest percentage of child molesters?

Answer – the Roman Catholic priesthood!

May God give Americans the grace to see that the US Catholic bishops are not only great enemies of our liberties, but have shown themselves to be the best friends of child molesters.

Friday, March 18, 2005

The Pope Tells the Truth, For Once

Sometimes the Catholic Church DOES tell the truth – although it is purely accidental. Such an example was seen in the title of a March 12 'Vatican Information Service' article. The title was:

"Burn With Love for Eucharist and Mary, Pope Tells Marians."

The pope is right!! Catholics will burn – for all eternity in hell for their worship of wafers and Mary.

Ole JP II has declared 2005 as a "Year of the Eucharist," so Catholics all over the place are falling over themselves worshipping wafers this year.

One example of this popish idolatry was seen at a Cincinnati, Ohio Catholic high school. This was reported in the March 18 issue of 'The Catholic Telegraph,' in an article titled, "Experiencing the Power of His Presence."

At a youth conference, a priest "re-enacted" the story of the woman healed when she touched Jesus' garment (Matt 9:20-22, Mark 5:22-34, Luke 8:43-48). To quote from the article:

"A powerful moment in the gathering occurred...when the Eucharistic prayer and healing service was conducted. The Gospel of the woman who touches the hem of Jesus' garment was read, then, in the hands of a priest, Jesus present in a monstrance passed slowly through the crowd of youths who had an opportunity to touch the 'hem' of Jesus' garment themselves."

But – the re-enactment wasn't QUITE complete – the article made NO mention of anyone being healed!

Wicked Roman priesthood! Telling young people they can "touch the 'hem' of Jesus" by touching an item containing a wafer. What horrible priestly deception! The only "power" these children "experienced" was a little idolatry!

Instead of 2005 being the pope's year of wafer-worship, may God's Spirit convict many Catholics of the sin of wafer-idolatry. May they repent of the sin of being a Catholic, forsake Rome forever, and receive Christ by faith ALONE for the full and free forgiveness of sins.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Keyboard Theology

Catholics of eastern Ohio continue to groan under the stale "teachings" of Bishop Thomas Tobin of the Diocese of Youngstown, Ohio. The latest example was seen in the Feb 25 issue of 'The Catholic Exponent,' in an article titled, "The Need to Delete."

Tobin, adept at taking worldly things and drawing spiritual "lessons" from them, has in this latest instance found spiritual "food" from the "delete button" on his computer keyboard! Below is some of the sawdust that Tobin fed his flock in this article:

"As I look at my computer keyboard, it's clear that I make lots of mistakes. Without my delete button I'd be really lost and forced to live with my mistakes forever. It's a little reflection of life itself...After we've admitted our sins and mistakes we need to hit the delete button and move on!"

"Our Lord Jesus, in His wisdom and love, has given us a delete button for the spiritual life. It's called the Sacrament of Penance."

Comment – Wow! Is this 'profound' or what?

Hmmmm......Let ME pretend I'm a Catholic priest and give this "keyboard theology" a whirl:

1. As I look at the "+" (plus) key, it reminds me of the extra merits I can obtain from either Mary or Joseph.

2. As I reflect on the "#" (number) key, I realize that a large number of Masses, and how many, no priest can say, will be needed to get my soul out of purgatory.

3. As I ponder the "$" key, I think of the pope of Rome, and his love for money!

May God give many Catholics the grace to see that concerning the Catholic Church, they need to hit the "ESC" (escape) key, flee Rome forever, and receive Christ by faith ALONE for the full and free forgiveness of sins.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Help for Michael Jackson?

Pop star Michael Jackson's child molestation trial began Feb 28.

One has to wonder if the Jackson defense lawyers have sought any help or advice from that world-wide organisation with the MOST experience in protecting child molesters –

The Roman Catholic Church!

Michael Jackson and Roman Catholic priests – they have more in common than meets the eye!