Monday, May 27, 2002

A "Catholic" Country?

Roman Catholics operate under the assumption that the USA would be a better country if only it was a "Catholic " country. However, nothing could be further from the truth. An article in 'The Boston Globe' on May 12 gives us a glimpse of what a "Catholic" USA would be like.

The article, "Scadal Erodes Traditional Deference to the Church," comments on the way legal and political authorities over the years in heavily Catholic Massachusetts have looked the other way while the archdiocese of Boston's priests were enjoying their sexual frolics at the expense of children. Some quotes from the article:

1. "The deference shown by Massachusetts lawmakers, three-quarters of them Catholic, helped create a system by which predators like Geoghan could sexually abuse children with impunity."

2. "Judges, many of them Catholic, were complicit in the secrecy that kept the extent of the abuse hidden from public view. Between 1992 and 1996, for example, a group of judges sitting in Boston chose to impound all the records in five lawsuits involving three priests who molested children because they reasoned that, 'the particulars of the controversy,' ought to be kept from the public."

3. "Prosecutors, judges, and politicians who once looked the other way when it came to the church's dirty laundry..."

The Roman Church hates being bound by any laws. The article said, "In a confidential 1985 report done for US bishops, the church began to realize its SPECIAL TREATMENT was in jeopardy. 'Our dependence in the past on ROMAN CATHOLIC JUDGES AND ATTORNEYS PROTECTING THE DIOCESE AND CLERICS (emphasis mine) is gone,' the report said."

This is obstruction of justice. The Catholic Church sees itself as above the law, and is not interested in equal protection under the law, but in using their political cronies to cover for the Church's criminal acts.

Pray that the Lord gives us new political leaders who will have the courage to stand up to the corrupting influence of the Catholic Church, and may the Lord continue to protect our children from the Catholic Church.

Monday, May 20, 2002

Leading Apostate to Visit Ohio

Billy Graham will bring his apostate road-show to Cincinnati, Ohio, June 27-30. On the front page of the official Billy Graham Evangelistic Association website for this event,, Graham is quoted as follows:

"I pray God's forgiveness and healing will touch the hearts of many, bringing them to faith in Christ (ED. NOTE - sounds good so far, but, see how it ends) and unity with brothers and sisters of ALL races, CREEDS, AND, DENOMINATIONS." (Emphasis mine).

Wow! According to Graham, I have brothers and sisters in ALL CREEDS AND DENOMINATIONS. Therefore, I must have brothers and sisters in Christ who are Hindus, Buddhists, Moslems, Animists, Witch Doctors, Unitarians, and Mormons, not to mention wafer-worshipping Catholics! Does this mean it would be all right for me to become a Buddhist, and still say I believe in a "Jesus?" This is why in my title I called Graham an "apostate" and not just a compromiser.

I had to learn about the heavy Catholic participation in this event from the Archdiocese of Cincinnati newspaper, 'The Telegraph,' in a May 10 article titled, "On a Crusade for Evangelism, Thousands of Catholics Expected to Attend Billy Graham Mission." By the way, the Graham website deliberately avoids mention of the deep Catholic involvement planned. A few informational notes:

1. Graham's "Christian Life and Witness" courses were held at four Catholic sites. At three churches - "Our Lady of Lourdes," "Our Lady of the Rosary," and "Guardian Angels." And fourthly, at the Catholic "Trinity Center" in Dayton. These are the courses for those who wish to be down on the field and "counsel" those who have come forward. I can only conclude Billy thinks its okay for wafer-worshippers to be "counselors." I wonder if they will be allowed to distribute the Roman eucharist down on the field?

2. So far, 362 Catholics from 64 parishes have taken this course. The number will probably go up because the "Catholic Men's Fellowship has sent out a mailing to 9,000 Catholic men requesting they participate in the course."

All the above shows that Graham's preaching and materials must be so bland that it does not offend those who think Catholic priests can command Jesus to turn Himself into a wafer. That such priests can also forgive sins, keep souls in or out of a "purgatory," and be allowed to continue enjoying sexual relations with Catholic youth.

Keep the above quote from Graham in mind for the rest of your life, and pray the Lord makes plain for all to see the apostasy of Billy Graham.

Wednesday, May 15, 2002

Now We See the Real Catholic Church

The Roman Catholic Church in the USA is changing its legal strategy in covering for priests and other Catholics who enjoy sex with children, to what the Catholic Church has always done best - intimidating and bullying people around. This was reported in an extensive article titled, "Roman Catholic Church Shifts Legal Strategy," in the May 13 issue of 'The Washington Post.'

Catholic lawyers have been instructed to begin using strong-arm tactics. For example, "In Illinois, church lawyers grilled a victim about the details of his alleged abuse by a priest, and asked whether he enjoyed it." "In Ohio, a mother whose son was molested by a Catholic school principal angrily dropped her suit after her teenage son left a deposition in tears."

A woman who has sued the Roman Catholic Church in Hawaii because several years ago, a parish sacristan molested her boys, aged 7 and 10 then, is now being COUNTERSUED by the Roman Church. They charge the mother with being negligent for allowing her boys to sleep over at the sacristan's apartment.

The attorney for the mother said, "The pope talks of charity towards victims. Tell that to the mom who's blamed because she entrusted her children to a church official."

To quote from the article, "The mother being sued said her church's sacristan took her older boy under his wing after he had trained him as an altar boy. Within a year, the church employee was suggesting the boy spend the night with him before early morning Masses.

What kind of a "Church" would blame mothers and children to hide it's sexual appetites? The Catholic Church! Please pray the Lord continues to expose for all to see the ugly and brutal heart of the Catholic system.

Friday, May 10, 2002

Bake Me a Cake as Fast as You Can

Roman bishop James Griffin of Columbus, Ohio, used an interesting word in his article on the need for more "vocations" to the priesthood in the April 21 issue of 'The Catholic Times.' The bishop wrote:

"Especially in the relation to the Sacrament of the Eucharist is the priest essential. If we are to remain a "eucharist-centered" Church, we must have priests in sufficient numbers to CONFECT (emphasis mine) the Eucharist, and thus bring the body and blood, soul and divinity of Jesus to his Church and to his people."

The verb CONFECT means to "prepare or make by mixing and combining." Bishop Griffin is not referring to his priests standing over a hot stove making wafers, but the standing over an altar, whereby the priest by CONFECT(ing) Jesus prepares and makes Him by mixing and combining! And then people eat Him!

Furthermore, the object of the verb CONFECT is the noun CONFECTION. If CONFECT is used to describe the act, then we can certainly call the result of that act, the eucharist, a CONFECTION. Hmmmmmm. Let's take a look at some dictionary definitions of CONFECTION and see how Roman Catholicism, by use of such a word, inadvertently unmasks it's eucharistic idolatry by comparing Christ to the production of a chocolate bar:

1. Any kind of candy or sweet preparation.

2. A sweetened mixture of drugs.

3. A product or work having a frivolous, whimsical, or contrived effect.

Jesus does not CONFECT Himself into an inanimate wafer at the command of a Roman priest. The Roman eucharist is truly a "whimsical (and) contrived effect." It is a sugar-coated poison pill designed to bring spiritual death. Please keep praying that many Catholics confess the sin of wafer worship, leave the Catholic Church forever, and receive Christ by faith ALONE.

Friday, May 03, 2002

"This is a Poor Priest, Have Pity on Him..."

Although I've been on vacation for a few weeks and away from the Internet, I have still via newspapers been following the ways in which Rome has been covering for their perverted priests. One such way was noted in 'The Florida Times-Union' of April 27, in an article titled, "Catholic Dispute Filters into Military."

The article in general deals with sexual escapades of Roman priests in the US military, but it also gives an example of how low a Roman bishop will stoop to make excuses for priests, by his ignoring the need for justice being done and instead making the perpetrating priest the victim!

Bishop John Glynn leads the Washington-based military archdiocese that certifies Catholic chaplains. The article recounts one time when Glynn persuaded a priestly molestation victim to not pursue justice. Here we have a person who was sexually molested by a Roman Catholic priest, and this is how Glynn persuaded the victim to not press charges:

Glynn said, "We helped the young man (the one molested by the priest) realize that he was dealing with a very tragic figure (priest). We were trying to say, 'This is a poor priest. Have pity on him. He has alcohol problems.'"

Please note how Bishop Glynn really did not care for what happened to the victim of a priest's sexual lusts, but in only trying to make the abused person feel sorry for the priest, so that the priest became the "victim" in all this!! And it worked!!

Are Catholics so brainwashed that they will allow themselves to make the criminal the victim? Absolutely yes!

In Deuteronomy 13:8, God told Israel what their reaction should be towards false prophets that lead the people away from truth and into bondage and idolatry. "THOU SHALT NOT CONSENT UNTO HIM; NEITHER SHALL THINE EYE PITY HIM; NEITHER SHALT THOU SPARE, NEITHER SHALT THOU CONCEAL HIM."

God in His word has established an everlasting principle about false prophets, and this MUST be our attitude towards the Roman priesthood. May every one of us pray daily that the Lord clearly expose the Roman Catholic priesthood for all the bondage, idolatry, hurt, tears, shame, and bloodshed it has brought on people down through the centuries - even to the present day.