Friday, December 30, 2005

"National Migration Week" - Another Catholic Attack on the USA

The US Catholic Church's annual campaign advocating unlimited illegal immigration is set to begin this Jan 8-14. They call it "National Migration Week."

For this event, the US Conference of Catholic Bishops is offering prayer cards, booklets, posters, and other "resources" to churches throughout America – FOR SALE, of course! (You didn't think they'd give this stuff away free, did you?)

The theme for this year's campaign is "Journey to Justice."

The bishops' migration chairman, Bishop Gerald Barnes, writes:

"The theme for 2006 is Journey to Justice, a journey which each of us is called to make in solidarity with migrants, immigrants, refugees, human trafficking victims, and other people on the move seeking JUSTICE AND PEACE (emphasis mine)."

However, Bishop Barnes hoists himself on his own petard by saying people from an area run by the Catholic Church for the last 500 years – Latin America – are "seeking JUSTICE AND PEACE." Does he mean they DON'T have it in Latin America?

500 years of Catholicism has made Latin America what it is today. And now Rome wants to dump all the poverty, disease, idolatry, and corruption they created on the USA! This is the REAL REASON Rome supports unlimited illegal immigration.

Don't look for El Presidente Jorge Arbusto, excuse me, President George Bush, to do anything about this. The attitude of Bush and his globalist gang was summed up in a Dec 27 TV interview given by the former Bush advisor on Hispanic education, Leslie Sanchez, who said:

"If you want to stop and curb the flow of immigrants, you've got to look at Mexico and these Latin American countries. What are we doing to curb poverty and unemployment there?"

This is the typical globalist (and Catholic) answer, when asked about illegal immigration: For the USA to protect itself – it has to go help the economies of Latin America?? This is how Bush and his globalist elite think – and it ought to frighten Americans!!

Americans need to be praying daily about illegal immigration, and that Christ guard the USA from Roman corruption. A prayer for protection from globalists like George "World" Bush might also be in order.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Pittsburgh Diocese Still Hates the Free Press

Because the free press in the last four years exposed the perverts and child molesters in the Catholic priesthood, not to mention the protection given these criminals by Catholic bishops, the Roman Church is fighting back against the media. The Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Diocese is doing this via a steady stream of anti-media articles, written with the intent of turning Catholics against anything the media says.

The Pittsburgh Diocese wants to inculcate (there's a good Jesuit word) Catholics to the point where if anything bad is reported about the Catholic Church, Catholics will have been so brainwashed they will think, "Ohhhh, it's just that anti-Catholic media again."

The latest example was seen in the Dec 16 issue of the Pittsburgh Catholic in an article titled, "Media Miss the Mark – Again."

In this instance, the Vatican recently released a document about, "The ordination to the priesthood of men with deep-seated homosexual tendencies." The reason the Vatican released this document was as a public relations sham to show they are 'aware' of the homosexual problems in their priesthood.

But this Vatican PR campaign backfired when the media didn't report on it in glowing terms as Rome hoped!

Catholics have a problem – They receive ANYTHING coming from the Vatican with NO questions asked. Therefore, Catholics are astounded (and angry) when the rest of us don't receive Vatican pronouncements with the same awe and wonder!

So, here's how the Pittsburgh Catholic whined about media coverage of this document:

1. "Hysterical news reports and overblown commentaries."

2. "Silly commentaries (by) those allegedly unbiased news reports that parroted the same party line."

3. "What the document didn't do was fit a cultural agenda that has drifted from the editorial and op-ed pages into the news pages in too many media outlets."

Wow!! Question - Did the media, in covering this document, get it THAT wrong – again??

Answer - Or, maybe Catholics just hate the media for exposing their wicked priests!

What's interesting is – The article said this document, "Did not break any NEW GROUND (emphasis mine) when it stated that a person who practiced homosexuality, had unresolved and deep-seated homosexual tendencies, or actively supported a homosexual agenda directly contrary to the teaching of the church should not pursue the priesthood."

Question - If there was nothing "NEW" in this document, WHY did the Vatican publish it? This is one point the editors at the Pittsburgh Catholic conveniently neglected to answer.

We thank God for a free press. What's the alternative – to believe everything the Pope and his bishops say?

Friday, December 16, 2005

Spanish/English Dictionaries - Required at Mass?

American Catholics may want to start bringing their Spanish/English dictionaries to Mass if the Roman hierarchy has its way. This issue was highlighted in a Dec 6 Catholic News Service article titled, "Tex-Mex Catholicism Offers Blending of Mexican, Texan Customs."

The article spoke about how:

"Jesuit Father Jake Empereur learned to preach bilingual homilies. The trick for Father Empereur and other priests in the San Antonio Archdiocese is to switch back and forth from English to Spanish while keeping the thread of their thought going."

Also, the hope of what American Catholicism can become was echoed by San Antonio, Texas Archbishop Jose Gomez:

"Who sees the local blending of Spanish-speaking and English-speaking religious traditions as an example for other dioceses as the Hispanic population grows throughout the United States."

It looks like American Catholics face some choices:

1. They can hunker down and start to practice conjugating verbs in Spanish.

2. It might offer a new excuse for sleeping through those dreadful Catholic homilies.

3. They can confess the sin of Catholicism, forsake Rome forever, and receive Christ by faith ALONE.

Rome not only continues to support and encourage illegal immigration – but we also see them determined to keep immigrants from being assimilated into American society. Rome knows full well what Jesus said in Matthew 12:25: "Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation."

Illegal immigration – by any other name it's still a Catholic invasion of the USA. May God protect the United States from – the Roman Catholic Church.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Rome, Bush, and Friends - Attacking American Agriculture

President George Bush spent an hour privately with Washington Cardinal Theodore McCarrick on Dec 1 discussing the upcoming World Trade Organization conference to be held Dec 13-18. This was reported in the Catholic News Service Dec 2 article titled, "Bush, Rice Urged to Protect Poor in Trade Negotiations."

The article said:

"'President Bush has proposed major changes in the US agricultural policies that are important for establishing a more just global trading system,' Cardinal McCarrick said, adding that it was 'a courageous and necessary step in the right direction.'"

"A more just global trading system." In globalese this REALLY means – "If we're going to further weaken the USA, we must tear down its agricultural system." Nothing could make the pope of Rome happier!

The Roman Church, United Nations, and globalists continue to nag the US government to reduce subsidies to American farmers. Over several years, this would result in many American farms being driven out of business, and America becoming much more dependent on FOREIGN sources for food.

Here's a question for Americans – If you like being dependent on foreign sources for oil, how much more will you like being dependent on foreign sources for FOOD?

George Bush has shown himself more than willing to sacrifice American workers and soldiers on the altar of the global economy. The next target for Bush and his globalist gang is the American farmer.

Bush would enact such measures tomorrow if he could. Bush's loyalty is to the global economy, NOT the United States of America; his actions demonstrate this. After all, what ARE the Bush and Walker (the "W.") families?? East coast investment banking families - HARDLY the friends of working men over the years!

Please pray that Christ protect American agricultural from George Bush, globalists, and the Roman Catholic Church.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Pittsburgh Diocese Continues Anti-Media Campaign

The Roman Catholic Church hates the media for having exposed their child-molesting priests and the bishops who spared no expense in covering up for them. One way the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Diocese has found to fight back has been, since mid-2004, to publish a steady stream of anti-media articles in the diocesan paper, The Pittsburgh Catholic.

The latest anti-media spin was found in the Nov 25 issue, in an article titled, "Real News from Synod Ignored by Reporters."

It seems the press coverage of the recent Synod of Bishops in Rome wasn't what the Catholic Church wanted! The article moaned that the media focused on the "ordination of women and the end of priestly celibacy," instead of the high and mighty pronouncements about wafers made by various bishops.

The article made some very sweeping claims. It said:

"The fact that EVERY REPORTER (emphasis mine) covering the synod knew neither issue (women and celibacy) would receive serious discussion was unimportant."

Comment – According to the Pittsburgh diocese, "EVERY REPORTER" got it wrong? Hmmmm......this betrays the REAL Catholic intent of this article – they are not interested in truth, but in using it as a vehicle to attack the media.

What I found interesting was the way the article complained about how they think the media operates in covering news. Instead, it's actually a good description of how the Catholic Church reads its own perverted theology into the bible! The article said:

"News editors or reporters determine how an event or series will be covered at the outset. The story is molded for quotes, facts and analysis that will buttress that perspective. This can become problematic, as the event itself becomes almost irrelevant except as a hook to the preconceived notion of how the story will be reported."

Wow! That's a rather broad statement! Question – Is the media really this bad? Or, is Catholic hatred for the media's reporting on their child-molesting priests showing through?

Answer - Catholic hatred for the media's reporting on their child-molesting priests is showing through!

We thank God for a free press – and we thank God for all the children who have NOT been molested the past three years because of media reports on the Catholic Church. I can only wonder if the editors of The Pittsburgh Catholic would have preferred those children been molested? Such is the heart of Rome.