Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Billy Graham Says He Will Meet John Paul II Again

Billy Graham again exposed himself as an apostate and fraud in a June 27 interview on the American TV show 'Hardball,' with host Chris Matthews. Here is a portion of the interview:

MATTHEWS: Do you think that people like the late pope, John Paul II, do you have any sense of whether he accepted Jesus?

GRAHAM: Oh, I know he was a — I've talked to him three separate times. I just love him. And I followed his suffering and his death. He taught us how to suffer. He taught us how to die. He taught us about Christian living. I never knew a more wonderful man than Pope John Paul II. I think the new pope is going to be the same way.

MATTHEWS: Really? Do you think you'll meet him in heaven?

GRAHAM: Oh, absolutely. I'm looking forward to it.


GRAHAM: Maybe he'll come to see me.


1. The "Gospel according to Billy" says the Roman antichrist is now in heaven! This only proves that Billy does NOT believe in the true gospel of Christ.

2. For over 50 years, Billy has been more responsible than anyone for the apostasy, compromise, and ecumenism we see today. In fact, no one in the 20th century did more damage to the cause of Christ than Billy Graham.

3. Yes, Billy WILL be meeting John Paul II, Benedict XVI, and a whole bunch of popes someday – not in heaven – but in hell! Really!

Question - How deceived is the average Christian of today? Answer – He considers Billy Graham a great man of God. NOTHING could be further from the truth! No wonder Christianity is in its weakest state since the time just before the Reformation.

Please pray daily that our Lord would repair the damage done to His church by the likes of Billy Graham and his kind.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Rome's "American Dream"

The Roman Catholic Church continues to support unlimited illegal immigration, hoping someday to turn the USA into another Mexico. This latest Catholic support for those breaking US laws was seen in an interview with Tucson, Arizona bishop Gerald Kicanas in a June 19 'Zenit News Agency' article titled, "Seekers of 'American Dream' Need Extra Help."

Because George Bush won't guard the US border (much to the delight of the Catholic Church), individual Americans have taken it upon themselves to watch parts of the US-Mexico border and report to the border patrol any illegals seen.

But, Bishop Kicanas says of such people:

"They are involved in these militias, in which people take the law into their own hands. They must be monitored and observed."

Question: Who are the lawbreakers - the illegals? Or, the people watching the border?

Answer: The illegals.

But in the anti-American thinking of Catholicism, those guarding the border are the ones who "must be monitored and observed," while illegal aliens go free!

Rome's "American Dream" is that someday the USA can be so Mexicanized that Protestants and evangelicals can be hounded and isolated – just like in Mexico. Along with the resultant poverty and corruption that 500 years of Catholicism has brought to Mexico.

The greatest threat to the United States continues to be the Roman Catholic Church.

Please pray daily that Christ protect the USA from – the Roman Catholic Church.

Monday, June 13, 2005

The Difference Between a Catholic "Lay" Person and a Priest

"A maintenance worker at St Anthony of Padua Elementary School (Parma, Ohio) was charged with gross sexual imposition for allegedly fondling a 9-year-old girl." This was reported in the June 2 issue of the 'Parma Sun Post' in an article titled, "School Worker Charged With Fondling Young Girl."

The suspect "is being held on $500,000 bond. He faces charges of kidnapping and gross sexual imposition." The girl was attacked May 25.

Do you have the feeling that if a PRIEST had done this – the whole episode would have been covered up by the local diocese?

Question – What's the difference between a Catholic "lay" person and a priest? Answer – A lot! The "Church" has NO problem in letting the "laity" hang out to dry for such a crime, while at the same time pulling every possible string to protect its priests guilty of the same crime!

I pray the Lord comforts the attacked girl and her family, frees them from Roman Catholicism, and gives them saving faith in Christ ALONE for the full and free forgiveness of sins – no Catholic priest needed.

Friday, June 03, 2005

Catechising Catholics to Blame the Media, Not the Priests

In light of all the recent sexual molestation cases involving the Catholic priesthood, one Catholic defense has been to shift the blame and attention elsewhere – away from the priests. One version of this tactic – blaming the media – is now being put in place by the Diocese of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

The Roman Catholic Church is NOT interested in getting the perverts out of its priesthood. Therefore the diocese has begun a slow but systematic anti-media campaign, so the next time the media reports on anything critical of the Catholic Church, Catholics will already be brainwashed to blame the messenger – the media – instead of examining the message.

This anti-media campaign began in mid-2004 in the diocesan newspaper, 'The Pittsburgh Catholic,' and has continued to today. Strangely, from July 2004 back to 2000, 'The Pittsburgh Catholic' did not have articles critical of the media. But SINCE then there has been a steady stream of anti-media articles with such titles as:

"Church Under Siege – Trials in the Media"

"Church Under Siege – Suits With No Limits"

"TV and Religion"

"Report on Catholic Voting Spins Media Away From the Facts"

"Children's Access to Paper's Adult Content Questioned"

"Death and Legacy of Newsworthy Priests"

"'Our Fathers' on Cable Television: Movies Make Lousy History"

"The Prejudice of the Secular"

"Prophecy Little More than Media Conversation Piece"

"The Presidential Election, the Church, and the Media"

This is no coincidence! Catholic minds of western Pennsylvania are being prepared to just "blame the media" when the next story breaks on the Catholic Church.

Instead, may God's Spirit open Catholic minds to the awful truth about their church. May Catholics repent of the sin of Catholicism, forsake Rome forever, and receive Christ by faith ALONE.