Thursday, February 22, 2001

Roman Bible - Art More Important than the Word of God

'Father' Eric Hollas of Saint John's Abbey spoke in Columbus, Ohio on February 21 about "The St. John's Bible" project, a Catholic Benedictine effort to produce a completely handwritten bible. When completed in 2006, it will be 1150 pages long, and 2 feet tall by nearly 3 feet wide.

'Father' Hollas attributes the original idea to Welsh calligrapher Donald Jackson, who was referred to as a longtime "Scribe to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth". The Saint John's Abbey and the University of Minnesota are funding this project at $3 million.

In referring to the time when the printing press began mass-producing bibles, 'Father' Hollas said, "Something significant dropped from the tradition..."

Comment - Yes indeed something "dropped!" People could see that Roman teachings were not what the bible taught, and the greatest move of God since the first century took place - the Reformation!

Hollas added, "One of the dangers of technology is that we get so inundated with words that we start ignoring them."

Comment - I agree with you, 'Father.' You have been ignoring those words, type-set or hand-written.

The bible will be written using the ecumenical "New Revised Standard Version". 'Father' Hollas also said that with such a bible," can tell people who you are."

Comment - Amazingly, I agree with the good 'Father' once more! Such a bible DOES tell us who he is - It tells us he is a man who represents a church that would deny the common people the word of God. It is a church that longs for the time when there were only hand-written bibles, and the people could be so easily kept in superstition.

I say thank God for the printing press and an open bible! May our Lord free more Catholics today from their heavy yoke, may they "drop" their faith in Rome, and receive Christ by faith ALONE for the full and free forgiveness of sins.

Friday, February 16, 2001

A Cardinal's Phony Humility

In a report on the newly named American Roman Catholic Cardinal, Avery Dulles, the Washington Post reports that in " to (his) my vow of poverty or just plain stinginess," Mr. Dulles has been known to layer his shoe soles with duct tape to make them last longer.

Once again, we get a glimpse of the Catholic god; a god who demands "holiness" such as described here. If anyone thinks God is impressed by an act like this, they do not know the God of the bible. I know that there are people in the world who cannot afford shoes, and may our Lord bless them and provide for them, but God does not begrudge someone a pair of shoes, especially in the prosperous western world.

Paul wrote about such false men and their "piety" in Colossians 2:23, "Which things indeed have a shew of wisdom in will worship, and humility, and neglecting of the body; not in any honour to the satisfying of the flesh."

May we instead be shod with the true "gospel of peace" by receiving the true Jesus Christ by true faith ALONE.

Friday, February 09, 2001

Fewer Priests

The "Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate at Georgetown University" has reported that the number of diocesan priests in the USA in 2000 was 30,607.

This is down 15% from the number of priests in the USA in 1965, and let us pray this trend will continue in order for Catholics to see that they don't need a Roman priest. It's rather sad that people can belong to a religion with a "priest shortage."

Bible believing Christians will never have such a problem, for our God has ensured that we will never have a priest shortage as Jesus Christ is our high priest, and He lives FOREVER to make intercession for us.

Thursday, February 01, 2001

Catholic "Jesus" Deadly to a Girl

The Richardson family in Boston has left the Catholic Church because the church refuses to give their daughter Eucharist, and in Roman theology, holding back the Eucharist from someone is tantamount to keeping someone from receiving Jesus!

The Richardson daughter, Jenny, has celiac disease, which means she cannot eat anything with the protein "gluten" in it. All wheat products have gluten, so Jenny cannot eat anything made from wheat.

With Jenny approaching her first idolatr..., excuse me, first communion, her family asked the church about this. The priest suggested Jenny take wine instead, but Jenny's parents don't want her doing that.

So the family received a letter from Cardinal Bernard Law saying that Rome would not budge on this.

Comment - If this girl's last name had been "Kennedy", I'm sure an arrangement could have been made! Also, the Lt. Governor of Massachusetts, Jane Swift, suffers from this same disease, but Swift refused to discuss how her case is handled with the church. I guess, 'High money, high mass' is still true!

A Vatican rule is quoted as saying, "Special hosts are invalid matter for the celebration of the Eucharist."

Here we have the result of a wicked system of theology that teaches that we must receive Jesus into our stomachs.

The bible says (and how Rome hates that phrase) in Matthew 15:17 whatever enters the stomach, " cast out into the draught." I need not be any more graphic in describing what eventually happens to the Catholic "Jesus."

Let us pray that this girl's sickness be not unto death, but to the glory of God. May this family's plight be used by the Lord to free many from Rome.