Saturday, November 25, 2006

"Antichrist" at the Races

The Diocese of Cleveland, Ohio is informing parishes that parishioners must pick their own horses if a fund-raising "Night at the Races" event is held. This was reported in the December, 2006 Diocesan Memorandum.

According to Ohio law, there is a difference between a "game of chance" and a "scheme of chance." Charitable organizations are only allowed to run "games of chance."

The difference?

"Schemes of chance...are characterized by the fact that the participant buys a chance to win a prize which is awarded wholly by chance without any opportunity of the participant to affect the outcome of the event."

"Games of chance allow for the player to increase his or her chances of winning, even if only to a small degree, with his or her skill, knowledge or active participation. As such, Night at the Races fundraisers are still considered legal 'games of chance' so long as the person making the wager is able to select the horse."

So – the parishioner has to pick a horse, and not allow the "house" (in this case, the Catholic Church) to randomly pick it for him.

What is a "Night at the Races" like? To quote from

"A Night at the Races is an audience-participation event whereby actual races are shown to your audience to re-create the atmosphere of being at the race track."

Comment – The Catholic Church loves money so much that it has no problem with turning a church hall into "the atmosphere of being at the race track."

"Races are shot in video, DVD, or 16mm motion picture film and are available for rental..." The rental kit also provides programs, mutuel tickets, daily double tickets, tote boards, and all other paraphernalia associated with the track.

Bets are placed, and then a race is shown from the video, DVD, or motion picture.

"Your banquet or meeting room (or church hall!) is transformed into a Las Vegas-style sports lounge, complete with a big screen show."

Rome is again letting its worldly slip show. May Catholics see that the pope's horse is a loser every time! The only "sure bet" a Catholic can count on is to confess Catholicism as sin, forsake Rome forever, and receive Jesus Christ by faith ALONE for the forgiveness of sins and eternal life – no "Las Vegas-style sports lounge" needed!

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Michael, Gabriel, and Other Angels - House Movers!

Catholic love for fairy tales was seen in the Christmas, 2006 issue of The Goodnewsletter, in an article titled, "Our Lady of Loreto."

According to the article, when the Moslems took over the Holy Land, they had a plan to destroy the House of Mary in Nazareth because:

"It was well known that Jesus' apostles and disciples began celebrating Mass in the Holy House of Nazareth soon after Jesus' death."

Comment – How do they know this? When DID Peter say his first "Mass?"

As the Moslems got close to the house to destroy it, supposedly Christ told a group of angels:

"Move the Holy House; take it to a safer place, far from the hatred of My enemies in this land of My birth. Lift it; lift it high into the air, where they can't get at it. Don't let them see it."

"The angels carried the Holy House, high above the mountains and deserts of the Holy Land...on May 10, 1291, it quietly set down in the little hamlet of Tersatto, in Illyria, now known as Croatia."

This is blasphemy! Attributing words to Christ that He did NOT say. The authors of the article will have to answer for God's warning in Revelation 22:18:

"For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall ADD UNTO THESE THINGS (emphasis mine), God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book."

Moving on – the "Holy House" then disappeared from Croatia on Dec 10, 1294! The article gives no explanation why.

"In the area of Loreto, Italy...shepherds reported seeing a house in the sky, flying across the sea (Ed note – sounds like The Wizard of Oz), supported by angels. They reported one of the angels...wore a red cape (Ed note – maybe it was Superman!)...they saw Our Lady and the Baby Jesus seated on top of the house...and landed into a wooded area..."

Comment – Jesus grew up to be a man, and is still a man (Acts 7:56). He does NOT turn Himself into a baby every once in a while.

It gets worse. Too many "pilgrims" were getting robbed going to see the house, so:

"The angels...lifted it again and set it down on a small hill in the middle of a farm. The only problem was, this land was owned by two brothers, named Antici, who began fighting immediately over ownership of the house."

"So the angels moved the house a third time, to another hill...the site it occupies now, and has for the last 700 years."

It is amazing the fables people will cling to when they reject the true Christ of the bible. May our heavenly Father give Catholics the grace to be free of such superstition, and the grace to receive the real Jesus Christ by faith ALONE for the full and free forgiveness of sins, no moved houses or red-caped angels needed!