Friday, October 29, 2004

Billy Graham - Still a Collaborator With Enemies of the Gospel

Los Angeles Cardinal Roger Mahony sent his priests an Oct 6 letter outlining his thoughts on the Billy Graham Crusade to be held at the Rose Bowl Nov 18-21. 'His Eminence' assured his priests that Billy is NO threat to them.

As is Billy's practice - he will be giving Catholic names back to local Catholic authorities. During World War II in Europe, they had a name for those who worked with the enemy and turned in names - such a person was called a "collaborator."

Mahony wrote:

"A tremendous opportunity for evangelizing and WELCOMING BACK ALIENATED AND NONPRACTICING CATHOLICS (emphasis mine) to full sacramental life will be presented to us this November."

"These officials (Billy Graham's staff) have assured me that, in keeping with Dr Graham's belief and policy, there will be no proselytizing, and that anyone identifying him or herself as a Catholic will be referred to us for reintegration into the life of the Catholic Church."

Mahony has also assigned a priest and deacon to work with the Graham staff to:

"Coordinate our response to those who indicate through the crusade that they wish to join or become again active in the Catholic Church."

In addition - the Los Angeles archdiocesan website carried a listing of where Billy's crusade counselor classes could be taken - so that Catholics could be "counselors" down on the field when people go forward.

Billy Graham - bringing a "gospel" that Rome let alone does NOT fear, but in fact welcomes!! We must wonder what "gospel" Billy is preaching?

As he has for 50 years - Billy continues to send people back to worship wafers, pray for the dead, confess to priests, say the rosary, believe in purgatory, trust in the pope, 'ad nauseum.'

Christ is certainly capable of saving people without ANY compromise with Rome. Did our Lord ever send anyone back to the temple of Zeus? Did Paul ever send some back to worship Aphrodite? Yet Billy sends people back to Rome - and even gives their names to the priests, thus making sure that the priests will keep an extra eye on such wandering Catholics.

May our Lord pull the mask off Billy Graham and expose for all to see the great ecumenical harm he has done. Lord, protect Your church from the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association!

Saturday, October 23, 2004

"John Paul II Reminds Politicians of Their Duty to Defend Children"

Now that you've stopped laughing --- yes --- this was indeed the ludicrous title of an Oct 18 'Zenit News Agency' article, as the pope made comments when receiving people from over 100 countries meeting in Rome for something called the "Conference of Women Parliamentarians for the Protection of Children and Adolescents."

The past few years have brought to light the thousands of children sexually attacked by Catholic priests. We've seen time and time again how the pope, his bishops, and his church have tried to cover for the priestly perverts who committed these crimes. It's too bad for the children that the pope doesn't practice what he preaches!

Only the man of sin could dare be such a brazen hypocrite. Some papal quotes from the article:

1. "The pope spoke today of the 'immense cry of pain of abandoned and violated children'...The Holy Father expressed his appreciation for this meeting held in Rome, which sought to find efficient ways for institutions to protect minors."

Comment - When it came to the Catholic Church attacking children - the pope never seemed concerned about the "immense cry of pain of abandoned and violated children."

2. "They are the most precious treasure and at the same time the most fragile and vulnerable...Therefore, all their legitimate needs and aspirations must be heard constantly and with attention."

Comment - In the pope's eyes, prosecuting a priest for sexual crimes is probably not a "legitimate need."

3. "No one can be silent or remain indifferent when innocent children suffer, or when they are marginalized and wounded in their dignity as human persons."

Comment - The pope is a liar - He WANTS people to remain silent when "innocent children suffer" at the hands of Catholic priests!

4. "We all have to protect, defend, and educate with respect and love these fragile creatures."

Comment - The pope forgot say that this doesn't really matter when it comes to Catholic priests sexually assaulting children.

Regarding the safety of children, the past few years have shown that what the pope SAYS - and - what the pope DOES - are two totally different things!

Let's get real - the biggest threat to your child is - the Roman Catholic priest down the street. Let us earnestly beseech Christ in prayer "to defend children" from - John Paul II and lusts of his wicked, perverted priesthood!

Monday, October 18, 2004

American Taxpayer - Paying the Medical Costs for Illegal Immigrants

The US government continues to cringe before the Catholic Church. Such an example was seen in an Oct 12 'Catholic News Service' article titled, "Hospitals Won't Have to Ask Patients About Their Immigration Status."

The US government recently proposed a plan that would have required hospitals seeking Medicaid and Medicare compensation to document the immigration status of those seeking help through these programs. But, this plan has now been dropped. According to the article:

"The Catholic Health Association was among the organizations protesting the requirement...They also said it might have deterred undocumented immigrants from seeking timely and appropriate medical care."

The Catholic Church remains expert at being "compassionate" with other people's money!

As always with the Catholic Church - they never give you the FULL story. The article conveniently makes NO mention of the fact that such a US policy cannot help but attract even MORE illegal Catholic immigrants to the USA!

Illegal immigration continues to be a bonanza for the Catholic Church:

1. The USA becomes a weaker, third world, and more Catholic nation.


2. The American taxpayer is paying for it! Could anything cause more glee in Catholic hearts?

The most deadly threat to the USA is - the Roman Catholic Church - NOT Iraq, Al Qaeda, or even Islam. Pray that God would open American eyes to the mortal enemy we face in Romanism.

Monday, October 11, 2004

Excuses and "Diversity" in Latin America

With people in Latin America leaving the Catholic Church for other churches, Rome has to come up with excuses other than the truth to explain this phenomenon. Such an example was seen in an Oct 5 'Zenit News Agency' article titled, "Cardinal Poupard Suggests Why Evangelicals Have Made Inroads."

Speaking at a meeting in Brazil, Poupard said one of the key causes of the growth of "fundamentalists" was, "Transnational economic and political interests."

"Transnational economic and political interests." That's a funny one! It seems that Cardinal Poupard is blaming Coca-Cola or the US government for the fact that people are leaving the Catholic Church!

He added:

"In this connection, SECTS (emphasis mine) are the earthly advance of the North American cultural model."

A few comments:

1. "SECTS." In North America the Catholic Church puts on a false face saying that Protestants are "separated brethren," and that yes, Protestants are "Christians, too" (but not quite as good as Catholics). However, where Rome is the dominant religion - the mask is off - and other churches are insultingly called "SECTS."

2. "Earthly advance of the North American cultural model." Some Americans dare come down to Latin America and share the truth of the bible! Instead of admitting that the Catholic Church has for 500 years brought a 'false christ' to Latin America, Poupard sows devilish seeds of doubt by saying American missionaries are doing nothing but bringing down a North American "cultural model."

3. "Cultural model." Speaking of "culture," the Catholic Church in North America keeps saying how wonderful "diversity" is - and that we can learn much from the Latin culture. BUT - in Latin America - they don't want any "diversity!"

Will the real Catholic Church please stand up? Or - is "diversity" only good for those NORTH of the Rio Grande?

No matter how much Cardinal Poupard and his church hate it, may Christ continue to ensure that the word of God is openly proclaimed in Latin America, that many be freed from the bondage of Rome, and receive the forgiveness of sins that comes through faith ALONE in Jesus Christ - no 'padres' needed!

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Rome Needs a Weaker America

One way to make America weaker would be to increase the US trade deficit, and the Roman Catholic Church is working on this. An example was seen in an article by Bishop Thomas Gumbleton of Detroit, Michigan, in his Sept 26 "Peace Pulpit" column in 'The National Catholic Reporter.'

Before proceeding, here are some facts:

1. The US trade deficit for 2003 was $489.4 billion.

2. The combined US trade deficit for 1997-2003 was $2.579 TRILLION.

3. The only materials the US still has a trade surplus on outside of aircraft and aircraft parts are raw materials - such as coal, lumber, scrap metal, and 'foodstuffs.'

Yet - Bishop Gumbleton was complaining about US food exports, saying that these exports are as large a threat as Al-Qaeda!! 'His Excellency' wrote:

"The beleaguered Philippine island of Mindanao is crawling with communists and Islamic fundamentalist guerillas. The link between Al-Qaeda and local insurgents has made the island a battlefield...But for the farmers on Mindanao, home to more than two thirds of the Philippine corn production, subsidized U.S. imports LOOM AS LARGE AS ANY OTHER THREAT (emphasis mine)."

So - according to a Catholic bishop - American food is as bad as Al-Qaeda?? Only a man (and a church) bent on the destruction of America could make such a blatant claim!

Food is one of the few US exports left, yet there is this constant Roman harangue, especially in the United Nations, that the USA needs to stop supporting its farmers! This is a win-win-win for the pope and his church:

1. The US trade deficit would become even more severe.

2. Supporting third world farmers at the expense of US farmers would bring down the available food supplies in the USA.

3. The pope and his church can again look "compassionate" without having to spend a penny.

For American Catholics who enjoy three meals a day - all I can say is your bishops are working to change that!

The pope and his clergy need a financially and physically weaker USA before the pope's dream of true world religion and government can become a reality. You can rest assured the pope and that group of traitors known as the US Catholic Bishops will not be satisfied until every last dollar is squeezed out of the USA.

More than ever, may Christ protect the USA from - the Roman Catholic Church.