Wednesday, October 29, 2003

Who is "Head" of the Church?"

Whenever Catholics are told their church elevates the pope of Rome to the level of God, they get angry and deny it. However, sooner or later Catholics let down their guard and show that they really DO elevate the pope to the place of God. Such an example was found in the Oct 24 issue of the 'Pittsburgh Catholic,' in an article by Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania bishop Donald Wuerl titled, "The Pope and Bishops: One Voice."

Bishop Wuerl wrote:

"Conscious of his role as head of the church, the pope announces...that he will carry out his responsibility as shepherd of the flock."

Forgetting that there are those who dare check what he says versus the bible, Bishop Wuerl unthinkingly showed who his real god is - the head of his church is the pope of Rome.

The bible says that CHRIST is HEAD of the church.



For bible believing Christians, the head of the church is Jesus Christ. May the Spirit of our Lord show many Catholics that they need to flee the Roman Church and its false pope-god, and receive Christ by faith ALONE.

Thursday, October 23, 2003

Patting Themselves on the Back

The Roman Diocese of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, is congratulating itself for having received an award. This was reported in the Oct 17 issue of the 'Pittsburgh Catholic,' in an article titled, "Diocese Recognized Nationally for Response to Clergy Abuse Issue."

To quote the article:

"It was also announced...that the diocese had received a national 2003 Proclaim Award from the Catholic Communications Campaign for its multimedia campaign, 'Commitment and Covenant,' which was the diocesan response to the clergy sexual misconduct issue."

The Pittsburgh diocese received this "2003 Proclaim Award" for putting out some video and written materials on the clergy sex abuse scandal.

Pittsburgh bishop Donald Wuerl said:

"The designation by the Catholic Communications Campaign of several Pittsburgh projects as recipients of the prestigious Proclaim Award is an honor for our communications office and all of those involved...My congratulations to everyone involved in the production of these programs."

Question - what kind of a church molests children, covers up for the guilty, and then creates awards for those who "respond" to this scandal? Answer - the Roman Catholic Church.

Please continue to pray daily that our Lord Jesus Christ protects children from - the Roman Catholic Church.

Wednesday, October 15, 2003

Rome - Keeping People Away From Christ

The Diocese of Cleveland, Ohio, website is trying to help priests with that weekly chore - preparing the Sunday homily. In "Homily Hints for the Weekend of 11-12 October 2003," some interesting homily preparation tips were given, such as:

1. "Its (the homily) starting point is always human experience...The starting point is never singularly the (bible) text." wonder Catholic "preaching" is so powerless - it starts with human experience, and not the word of God!

The prescribed Catholic gospel reading for the Oct 11-12 weekend was Mark 10:17-30, the story of the rich young ruler. As to why the rich young ruler did not follow Christ, the website plays dumb and says:

2. "What we do not know is why the rich man could not or would not follow and love Jesus in return."

Where is that all-knowing Roman magisterium? After 1700 years, I would have thought the Roman Church could have figured this one out!

Thankfully, God has given us a free and open bible. Yes, we DO know why the rich man would not follow Christ - Mark 10:22 says, "AND HE WAS SAD AT THAT SAYING, AND WENT AWAY GRIEVED; FOR HE HAD GREAT POSSESSIONS."

The REAL reason the Cleveland diocese pretends to play dumb on this matter is because the rich man did not REPENT of his sin. The Roman Church knows full well that repentance from sin is the first step in any real relationship with Christ, and that's the last thing the Catholic Church wants anyone to have! Jesus said in Mark 1:15b, "REPENT YE, AND BELIEVE THE GOSPEL." Therefore any preaching designed to keep people AWAY from Christ - such as Roman Catholic preaching - must not mention the foundational truth of repentance."

May the Spirit of our Lord show many Catholics that their Sunday homilies are specifically designed to keep them away from Christ. May they instead REPENT of the sin of Catholicism, and receive Christ by faith ALONE.