Wednesday, July 31, 2002

Nixon and Rockefeller Plotted Against Catholics (so they say)

The pope was in Guatemala July 30 to add a name to the list of saints. But his real reason for being there (which of course the pope never mentioned) was to bolster Catholics in a country where even the Catholic Church admits that 30% of the people have left Romanism.

The Catholic 'Zenit News Agency' pouted about this movement of people out of the Catholic Church in a strange July 30 article titled, "Guatemala: A Testing Group for US Religious Sects." The article said that Guatemala is, "A country overrrun with non-Catholic sects." Also that, "In recent years, Vatican officials have stated that Guatemala has become a sort of experiment for US fundamentalist groups to penetrate Latin America."

According to a statement published in 1999 by Mexican Archbishop Javier Lozano Barragan, 'Zenit' says this "invasion" (yes, that's what they call it) had its origin, "In a report written by Nelson Rockefeller to President Richard Nixon in August 1969."

The article reports, "The Rockefeller document maintained that after the Second Vatican Council, 'the Catholic Church is no longer a trustworthy ally for the United States and the guarantee of social stability in the (South American) continent.' He insisted, therefore, on 'the need to replace Catholics with other Christians in Latin America.'"

It's amazing the excuses Catholics will pull out of the hat when they lose members. Rockefeller and Nixon - that's hilarious!!

Furthermore, Bishop Fernando Gamalero of Guatemala said, "The decrease in the number of Catholics is due, in part, to the aggressive recruitment techniques of the sects...(and)...They engage in a sort of terrorism against the Catholic Church."

"TERRORISM." This is a warning to God's born again children. We see an example of a Catholic bishop calling evangelisation - "terrorism." Pray that our Lord protects bible believing Protestants from a Catholic Church that will try to use terrorism laws to fight the gospel of Jesus Christ. Roman hatred for the gospel knows no bounds.

Wednesday, July 24, 2002

Rome in Washington, DC

The US Conference of Catholic Bishops, in their on-going anti-American agitation in Washington DC, continue to pour slow poison into the American system. A sampling of some recent examples:

On July 23, Jesuit priest Drew Christiansen, an international affairs counselor for the US Bishops, testified on nuclear weapons before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. He said, "We (Rome)...have opposed doctrines that are based on fighting and winning a limited nuclear war and those that entail the first use of nuclear weapons." Naturally, the Catholic Church would prefer the USA just lay down its arms and surrender.

On June 27, Kevin Appleby, the director of migration and refugee policy for the US Bishops, testified before the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration, Security, and Claims. With the Roman Church afraid that post 9-11 USA borders will be strengthened, thus making making it more difficult for illegal Catholics to enter the USA, Appleby supported the creation of an, "'Associate Attorney General for Immigration Affairs' position to oversee the immigration affairs of the nation," and an, "'Office of Children Services' to oversee the handling of...unaccompanied alien minors in the nation."

It's obvious that the main purpose of such new bureaucracies would be to support the massive Catholic invasion of the USA from Latin American nations.

Finally, the US Bishops write an interminable amount of letters to Congress. One such letter was written July 17 to the Senate Judiciary Committee regarding partial birth abortions. The US Bishops wrote this letter not out of any care for the unborn, but to only fan the flames of discontent. After all, when will such Catholics as Tom Daschle and Ted Kennedy be threatened with excommunication for their support of abortion?

JC Ryle wrote the following regarding England in 1879, but it also be applied to the USA today. "Once let popery get her foot again on the neck of England, and there will be an end of all our natural greatness. God will forsake us and we shall sink to the level of Portugal and Spain...Surely I have a right to say that the times require of us a renewed sense of the evils of Romanism."

Pray daily that God protects us from the Catholic Church.

Monday, July 08, 2002

You really Didn't Think They Would Go Through on This?

Roman Catholic bishops and priests are looking for ways to avoid abiding by the non-binding policy the US bishops published recently in Dallas regarding the permanent removal of any priest who has sexually abused a minor. This was reported in the July 4 'Washington Post' article, "Bishops Face Obstacles to Tough Policy." Now that the bishops are back home, the article reports:

1. "Roman Catholic bishops are encountering serious difficulties in putting it (the non-binding policy) into effect...Some priests are refusing to go quietly, and bishops uncomfortable with the policy are raising practical obstacles, such as the uncertainty about the definition of sexual abuse."

2. "Some bishops appear to see room for interpretation. In Cincinnati, for instance, Archbishop Daniel Pilarczyk has announced that he will continue to keep secret the names and assignments of four priests who have a history of sexual misconduct with minors."

3. "It is a matter of difficulties in is not as simple as it might first have appeared," according to 'Sister' Mary Ann Walsh, spokeswoman for the US Conference of Catholic Bishops.

"Definition of sexual abuse...Room for interpretation...Difficulties in application...Not as simple." I guess lay Catholics are so ignorant, they will need a teaching magisterium to tell them what "sodomy" REALLY means!

And for those readers who need a laugh today, the article said that 'Sister' Walsh, "denied that there is any lack of will among Catholic leaders to implement the decisions made in Dallas."

With the Roman priesthood looking for every possible loophole, please keep praying our Lord would shatter a Roman Church that continues to protect sexual predators.

Monday, July 01, 2002

Good News from the Archdiocese of Cincinnati

The June 28 issue of, 'The Catholic Telegraph,' the Archdiocese of Cincinnati newspaper, reported some very encouraging news in its article, "The Future of the Local Church."

The article focuses on a recent statement published by Cincinnati Archbishop Daniel Pilarczyk lamenting the decline in the number of Catholic priests. Pilarczyk said, "It is important that the statement be made available to as many people as possible and that we get as much reaction to it as we can." Well......I'm certainly willing to help the archbishop on this point!!

Pilarczyk writes, "Here is the trend (for the archdiocese): In 1968, we had 435 diocesan priests serving in full-time ministry. In 1985, the number dropped to 339. In 1996, we were down to 244...Today we have 207. Only 19% of diocesan priests are under 50 years of age...One (study) predicts we will have 120 priests in 2020; the other predicts we will have 60."

His conclusion: "Fewer Masses will be celebrated." This should bring joy to the hearts of bible-believing Protestants in several ways:

1. Fewer Masses = fewer abominations. Jesus said from the cross in John 19:30, "IT IS FINISHED," whereas the Roman priest says it is not finished, and claims to daily renew this sacrifice in the abomination of the Mass.

2. Fewer priests = fewer children being sexually attacked.

3. Fewer priests = less Catholic bondage. May the Lord open the eyes of many Catholics to see that they can personally go to Jesus Christ and have their sins forgiven. That Roman priest sitting in the confessional on Saturday afternoons has no power to forgive sins.

Thank God for answered prayer. Let us daily in prayer continue to place the Roman Church in the hands of our Lord Jesus Christ, and have Him do with Rome what He sees fit.