Friday, May 27, 2005

Your Tax Money - Rome Wants to Use It

G-7 Finance Ministers will be meeting June 10, so the US Conference of Catholic Bishops issued a May 24 'Action Alert' urging Catholics to contact US Treasury Secretary John Snow to:

"Urge him to reach a deal with his G-7 colleagues on new debt cancellation for the world's poorest countries."

The 'Alert' said:

"IFI (international financial institutions, i.e., banks) debt cancellation would free up major new resources for investments in health, education and poverty reduction in some of the world's poorest countries, we strongly support a new debt relief agreement that would provide 100 percent cancellation of debts owed."

This statement is Catholic DECEPTION at its best! Comments:

1. "Debt cancellation." Question - Who will pay for the "debt cancellation?" Answer – Taxpayers. Cleverly, the Catholic bishops NEVER say in the 'Alert' how the banks will be reimbursed. Bankers aren't stupid, they don't make these loans for nothing!

2. "Free up major new resources." In the Catholic mind – debts are cancelled – and then – NEW MONEY is thrown at these third world countries! All of course ultimately backed by taxpayers! Again, the bishops NEVER say WHERE the "new resources" will come from.

3. Also, only a fool – or a Catholic – would believe that after debt cancellation – the dictators and corrupt officials in these countries would all of a sudden 'see the errors of their ways,' and spend the "new resources for investments in health, education and poverty reduction..."

This is a "win-win" for the Catholic Church by: 1. Draining western taxpayers. 2. Looking 'compassionate' without spending a penny of their own money.

Instead, may Christ protect our nations from Rome, and show our government officials the duplicity and naked lust for power that is – the Roman Catholic Church.

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Rome - Enemy of Your Liberties

The Roman Catholic Church continues to press for a global governance with the aim of taking away liberties and control of local affairs. This was seen in an April 25 address by Archbishop Salvatore Pennacchio at the 11th U.N. Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice.

Pennacchio's speech was printed in an April 28 'Zenit News Agency' article titled, "Holy See's Address on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice." Here are some quotes (CAPITAL emphases mine):

1. "Due to the ultramodern facilities of communication, CRIME PREVENTION IS NO MORE A QUESTION TO BE RESOLVED LOCALLY; rather it is to be discussed at international fora..."

Comment – This is typical Catholic thinking – that people locally are not capable of thinking for themselves or handling their own affairs. That surely some bureaucrat in Brussels is more 'competent' to decide what's 'best' for you!

2. "This crime (human trafficking) is partly related to DECLINING POSSIBILITIES FOR REGULAR MIGRATION coinciding with the emergence of a market for irregular migration services.

Comment – What the bishop really means is, 'Countries guarding their borders (like the USA, for example) are the cause of human trafficking.' The warped mind of Rome will stop at nothing to arrive at its own conclusions.

3. "A REDUCTION IN THE AVAILABILITY OF FIREARMS will facilitate the establishment of peace and security."

Comment – No it won’t! The pope and his church want a world where no man can stand up and defend himself.

4. "It is crucial to COOPERATE with the key segments of the political and judicial sector, with civil society and the media, in the fight against corruption."

Comment – I wonder how the archbishop kept a straight face while telling this one? The untold thousands of children sexually attacked by their priests know better!

It's very clear that Rome sees globalism as a way to attack the bible-believing Christian by taking away - his national liberties - his local liberties – and finally his personal liberties. Pray daily that Christ protect our nations from – the Roman Catholic Church.

Monday, May 16, 2005

"Justice" - Catholic Style - Part II

US Catholic bishops began a new attack on the United States May 10. This was noted in a May 3 letter from the bishops titled, 'Catholic Leaders to Launch Immigration Reform Campaign.'

The letter said this will be:

"A new effort to educate and galvanize Catholics of the need for JUSTICE FOR IMMIGRANTS (emphasis mine) and to challenge President Bush and Congress to adopt reform measures built on principles issued by U.S. and Mexican bishops in 2003."


As is always the case with Catholic priests – they NEVER give you the FULL story. Here's ANOTHER immigration story you can be sure the Catholic Church WON'T be telling:

On May 8, Denver, Colorado policeman Donnie Young was shot in the head three times and killed by an illegal alien, Raul Garcia-Gomez of Mexico. Denver police say he fired on Young from behind after he was refused re-entry to a Catholic baptismal party, of all things, that Young was working security for off-duty.

Garcia-Gomez has been searched for in Denver and Los Angeles. It is feared he has fled to Mexico to avoid prosecution. In the Denver area alone, police know of 20 suspected murderers that continue to hide from justice in Mexico.

The Mexican government has a tradition of NOT extraditing to the USA those accused of crimes that could mean the death sentence or life imprisonment.

Comment – One has to wonder if George W. Bush has ever brought this up in his meetings with the Mexican president?

Donnie Young, a Catholic, left behind a wife and three children.

To add insult to injury, Denver archbishop Charles Chaput had the NERVE to lead the funeral Mass!! If the archbishop was really an honest man (which he is NOT), he should have told the Young family, "That's tough if your husband and father got killed. We need more illegal immigrants in this country!"


It looks like the Catholic Church prefers "justice" go out the window when it comes to prosecuting illegal aliens who commit murder!

Pray that God comforts the Young family, and that He frees them from the sin of Catholicism. Also, pray daily that God protect the United States from – illegal immigration and the Roman Catholic Church.

Monday, May 09, 2005

"Justice" - Catholic Style

US Catholic bishops will begin a new attack on the United States May 10. This was noted in a May 3 letter from the bishops titled, 'Catholic Leaders to Launch Immigration Reform Campaign.'

The letter said this will be:

"A new effort to educate and galvanize Catholics of the need for JUSTICE FOR IMMIGRANTS (emphasis mine) and to challenge President Bush and Congress to adopt reform measures built on principles issued by U.S. and Mexican bishops in 2003."


As is always the case with Catholic priests – they NEVER give you the FULL story. Here's one immigration story you can be sure the Catholic Church WON'T be telling:

On April 29, suburban New York City housewife Mary Nagle was murdered by an illegal alien who earlier in the day had been at her house as part of a power washing crew cleaning her porch. After the murder he even used the dead woman's cell phone to call and taunt those on her phone list.

The illegal alien murderer, Ronald Castellanos from Guatemala, was arrested several hours later. His tourist visa ran out in 2001, yet he managed to stay in the country.

Castellanos had been arrested in 2002 for assaulting a woman, but the judge let him go. Despite this, he was able to get a job with the power washing company because Castellanos carried a California driver's license.

Mary Nagle left behind a husband, a six-year-old girl, and an eight-year-old boy.

By the way, Mary Nagle was a Catholic. Sadly, her family can thank Rome for its unwavering support of illegal immigration.

"JUSTICE?" The Catholic Church isn't at all interested in "justice," but in using illegal immigration to tear down the hated United States.

Please pray daily that God protect the United States from – illegal immigration and the Roman Catholic Church.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

What Chance Does the Average Catholic Have? Part II

According to the new pope, John Paul II must NOT yet be in heaven. This could be seen in a May 2 'Zenit News Agency' article titled, "Benedict XVI Offers Mass for John Paul II." The article said:

"Benedict XVI celebrated a Mass for the eternal rest of his predecessor Pope John Paul II on the one-month anniversary of his death and later prayed at his tomb."

If John Paul is not yet in heaven, then according to Catholic doctrine, he must be somewhere in purgatory now, awaiting enough Masses to get his soul out of purgatory!

Also, it is very probable that around the world, thousands of Masses have already been said for the "eternal rest" of Pope John Paul II.

This should be VERY troubling to the average Catholic in the pew – because if such a "great man" as John Paul II is not yet in heaven with thousands of Masses being said for him, and I think we can all agree that thousands MORE Masses will be said for him over the coming years – then:

What chance does the average Catholic have of getting into heaven? He will NEVER get as many Masses said for his soul as John Paul II – and – the average Catholic is certainly NOT nearly the "holy man" John Paul II was!

The logical conclusion to official Catholic doctrine is that the average Catholic really has NO CHANCE to get into heaven.

Jesus said in Mark 1:15b, "The kingdom of God is at hand: Repent ye, and believe the gospel." The good news for a Catholic is that he CAN go to heaven, but he must first knowingly "repent" and forsake the sin of Catholicism and it's false gospel, and receive Christ by faith ALONE for the full and free forgiveness of sins.

Jesus said in John 6:37b, "And him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out." May God give Catholics the grace to forsake Rome, the faith to believe this blessed promise of Christ, and be saved!