Friday, July 30, 2004

Rome - Enemy of the Family

The Roman Catholic Church continues to attack the family. A subtle example was seen in a July 28 'Catholic News Service' article titled, "Catholic Daughters Called to 'Feminine Genius' at Convention." To quote from the article:

"Invoking the words of Pope John Paul II, Archbishop Alex J. Brunett told the Catholic Daughters of the Americas July 22 that every woman's mission, 'is to recognize and live her vocation of feminine genius.'"

"Feminine genius?" Question - What is Archbishop Brunett REALLY trying to do? Answer - What the Catholic Church has done for centuries - puff up the woman of the family at the expense of the man. Catholicism and its boss, Satan, have always sought to undermine the authority of the man in the family.

This is how Satan attacked the first family in the Garden of Eden, and how he through the Roman Church has since attacked families for centuries.

(And don't hold your breath waiting for some archbishop to talk about a "masculine genius." It won't happen!)

The bible accurately describes Catholic priests and their method of attack on the family in 2 Timothy 3:5-6:

"Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with diverse lusts."

It's very obvious the Romish system shunts aside the natural father in a family, and instead places another 'father' in its midst - one who through the confessional probes the hearts and minds of wives and daughters, seeking weaknesses to exploit. Also - the whole cult of Mary worship emphasizes a woman at the expense of a man - Jesus Christ.

Pray that God frees many Catholic families from the bondage of priestcraft, and that He give them faith ALONE in Jesus Christ for the full and free forgiveness of sins.

Saturday, July 17, 2004

"The Horseleach Hath Two Daughers Crying, 'Give, Give'"

This quote from Proverbs 30:15a is an accurate description of the Roman Catholic Church. The latest example of this was found in a July 13 'Zenit News Agency' article titled, "Canceling Debt of Poor Nations Isn't Enough, Says Cardinal Martino."

The Hebrew word for "horseleach" has the meaning of a leech sucking blood. The 'Gesenius Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon to the Old Testament' also says the word was used by Arabs to describe:

"A female monster or spectre, an insatiable sucker of blood." I'm sure any resemblance to the Roman Church is purely coincidental!

At a July 9 seminar at the Vatican, the insatiable Roman horseleach reiterated its desire to suck more blood out of western nations. As the article reported:

"Resolving the problem of development in poor countries takes more than just canceling debts - it also takes a sharing of opportunities and duties."

Comment - So now western taxpayers bailing out third world debt is NOT GOOD ENOUGH for the Roman Church - Rome is also demanding that we share "opportunities and duties."

Let's translate what the Catholic Church REALLY means by shared "opportunities and duties" - the western taxpayer pays - and Rome takes the credit! The pope has always been expert at being compassionate with other people's money.

By the way, Cardinal Martino is a liar - the debt is not "canceled," it gets paid - on the backs of western taxpayers.

The article also spoke of the International Finance Facility of the British government, which is seeking over 10 years to collect $50 billion for developmental assistance. "Cardinal Martino mentioned the International Finance Facility..., 'for whose realization the Holy Father has promised on numerous occasions the moral support of the Holy See."

This is typical Catholicism - the British taxpayer coughs up $50 billion, while the pope adds his "moral support."

May God protect bible believing Christians from the "moral support" of the pope, and from the insatiable lusts of - the Roman Catholic Church.

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Making Good Little Globalists

The Roman Church continues to teach young American Catholics to be good little globalists. This was seen in a July 9 issue of 'The Catholic Telegraph,' the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, Ohio newspaper, in an article titled, "St. Charles' Bible Camp Celebrates 10th Year."

The article provides details of a week-long, so-called "Vacation Bible School" for children at a local Roman church.

Comment - The world over, Catholicism is ever the chameleon, changing its skin (but not its heart) to blend in with the local scenery. A Catholic "Vacation 'Bible' School???" It's laughable. If children there heard any bible truth, it was in spite of, not because of, their teachers.

(Spurgeon once summed up the real Catholic attitude towards the bible - he called it, "the pope's bane and poison." Very true!)

The week for the children did NOT start off with the American flag and singing "The Star Spangled Banner," or "God Bless America." Rome is weaning American Catholics away from loyalty to the USA - so the children began the week seeing a procession of flags of the world, and they got to sing that favourite song of globalists, "Let There Be Peace on Earth."

How politically correct! How pleased the United Nations must be!

The pope and his church do not want "peace on earth." What the pope really wants is a global religious system, based in Rome of course, that will provide "peace" for everyone - EXCEPT bible believing Christians. May God protect us from - globalism and the Roman Catholic Church.

Saturday, July 03, 2004

Spirit of Judas Iscariot - Alive and Well

"The Vatican said June 29 that overcoming world poverty is hindered by 'a certain poverty of imagination among the more fortunate peoples of the world.'" This was the leading line in a June 30 'Catholic News Service' article titled, "Vatican: 'Poverty of Imagination' Hinders Efforts to End Real Poverty."

The United Nations Economic and Social Council is now holding meetings, and Vatican representatives are there to agitate for more money from what they euphemistically call the "international community." Translated - this means the American taxpayer!

After all, Roman Catholicism is well practiced in the art of being compassionate with "other people's" money.

The Roman Church is NOT interested in ending poverty (see Latin America for the past 500 years) but in only draining away US resources, and looking "compassionate" to the third world in the process.

The bible says in John 12:4-6:

"Then saith one of His disciples, Judas Iscariot, Simon's son, which should betray Him, 'Why was not this ointment sold for three hundred pence, and given to the poor?' This he said, not that he cared for the poor, but because he was a thief, and had the bag, and bare what was put therein."

Jesus rightly said to Judas in John 12:8a, "For the poor always ye have with you," because poverty is not caused by a lack of spending money - it is caused by the sin in our world. By saying we can "end real poverty," the Vatican not only denies that this world has a SIN problem, but also plainly denies the words of Jesus Christ.

The pope, in a way, IS an apostolic successor. Question - But which apostle? Answer - Judas Iscariot! Judas was trying to "end real poverty" 2000 years ago, and so are his Catholic successors today.

Let us do good to the poor as the Lord brings such situations into our lives, not when the Vatican wants to use the UN to rob us. And may God protect us from - the thieves in the Roman Catholic Church.