Tuesday, March 26, 2002

The Pope's "Keyes"

The American Catholic Church is bringing in reinforcements from the "laity" in helping to explain away the acts of homosexual priests. One such man is columnist and TV commentator Alan Keyes, in his March 25 article, "How Should the Church Respond," at the 'worldnetdaily.com' website. A few thoughts on his article:

1. Keyes serves his Roman masters well by continuing the Catholic theme of avoiding mention of any accountability of and punishment due these homosexual priests. Naturally, Rome wants to move directly to the "healing" phase, not because they care for the victims, but in order to bypass a justice phase, where all guilty priests should be prosecuted for their crimes.

2. According to Mr. Keyes, the problem is that the American Church has not been listening to the pope. Keyes writes, "This guidance of John Paul II has not been received and applied in the formation of AMERICAN (empahasis mine) clergy and young people in any systematic way by those in authority."

3. Nine times in his 1-1/2 page article Keyes uses the word "AMERICA(N)." Interesting........My Catholic experience with European priests and, for lack of a better term, "hard-core" Catholics, has been that they deep down despise the "American" Church for not being more like the European Church. For Keyes, the problem is the "American hierarchy," "Church in America," "bishops of America," and "American clergy."

4. Therefore Keyes is trying to steer this issue away from being a "Church" problem, and instead making it an "American" problem, since in the Catholic mind, the Roman Church is incapable of error. The 1994 'Catechism of the Catholic Church' paragraph 889 says, "Christ who is the Truth willed to confer on her (the Roman Church) a share of his own infallibility." This sounds mighty powerful!! But I guess the Catholic "jesus" (a god who at the command of a homosexual priest, turns himself into a wafer) did not give Rome enough infallibility when it comes to the sexual appetites of her priests.

American "culture" (and yes, much of it is rotten) is always a favorite excuse the Catholic Church likes to use for its shortcomings. Keyes claims to be a pro-constitution conservative, but he is really nothing but a papal lackey as he seeks to turn attention away from the homosexual criminals in the Roman priesthood. With the Roman Church feverishly looking for ways to divert attention away from its priests, I'm sure a "blame America" campaign would be welcomed in the Vatican.

May our Lord grant many conversions out of the Roman Church, and into faith in Christ ALONE. 1 John 3:8b says, "FOR THIS PURPOSE THE SON OF GOD WAS MANIFESTED, THAT HE MIGHT DESTROY THE WORKS OF THE DEVIL." May the real Lord Jesus Christ live up to His promise and deal in an appropriate manner with a Roman Church that coddles and protects perverted men.

Monday, March 18, 2002

Pope - Praying the United Nations Collects More Taxes

The pope of Rome once again deceived the thousands gathered on March 17 to hear him speak. An "International Conference on Financing for Development," sponsored by the United Nations, will take place March 18-22 in Monterrey, Mexico. It is being billed as the first-ever "summit-level" international conference on global development. Endorsing this conference, the pope told the crowds at St. Peter's Square, "I ask everyone to pray so that the international community will respond with a generous and determined commitment to the immense needs of so many brethren who live in a poverty that wounds human dignity." This all sounds nice, but let's take a look at the real reason the pope supports this conference.
Just as when we examine the bible, and find the pope does not teach the truth of Christ, so too, the pope is not giving us all the information as to the purpose of this conference. The pope doesn't care about poverty! He wants international organizations strengthened because he can wield more influence over a few of them, than over many individual sovereign nations.

What the pope DIDN'T say was - the purpose of this conference will be to promote international taxation! The U.N. wants more money, and is looking for "innovative sources of finance," as the conference document states. U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan wants to set up a system of global taxes on transactions in the foreign currency markets, and his U.N. commission on this has already proposed the establishment of the "International Tax Organization," or "ITO."

This tax is also known as the "Tobin tax," named after a Yale University economist. On the surface, ordinary people may think this won't affect them, but every foreign currency transaction performed by their bank, insurance company, pension plan, IRA, or mutual fund would be taxed and sent to the U.N.! Some U.S. supporters of the Tobin tax are the AFL-CIO and the Friends of the Earth. Two years ago, Fidel Castro publicly endorsed the Tobin tax.

A few reasons the pope would love to see such a tax are:

1. He can look compassionate without having to spend a penny.

2. It will strengthen the U.N. at the expense of sovereign nations.

3. It will further drain the resources of the one nation standing in the way of the internationalist agenda - the Protestant United States.

I'm praying this conference falls flat on it's face. We've seen God's attitude toward internationalism in Genesis 11, when He smote ancient Babel and scattered the nations. May our fervent prayer be the Lord protects us from the pope and his modern church of Babel.

Tuesday, March 12, 2002

Bishop - Pilate and Herod Made Friends by Christ

Catholic bishop James Grifin of Columbus, Ohio, mocked the suffering and humiliation of Jesus Christ in the March 3 issue of 'The Catholic Times,' in his "Lenten Series" column. Griffin takes an example of hatred to Christ, and instead teaches such wickedness is a work OF Christ.

In the midst of Jesus' trials before Herod and Pilate, Luke 23:12 says, "AND THE SAME DAY PILATE AND HEROD WERE MADE FRIENDS TOGETHER: FOR BEFORE THEY WERE AT ENMITY BETWEEN THEMSELVES." Here are two men who have a new friendship based on their acquiescence to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, and Bishop Griffin's column says this is an example of the reconciling work of Christ! 'His Excellency' writes:

"Luke sees the outcome of the story of Jesus appearing before Herod, that is, Herod's reconciliation with his former enemy, Pontius Pilate, as a specific instance of the reconciling power of Jesus." Bishop Griffin's teaching is perverted! Jesus came to reconcile men to God by the shed blood on the cross, not to reconcile, aid, and abet the differences between men fighting the Kingdom of God. What kind of a clergyman delights in a friendship based on the shared murder of Jesus Christ? A Catholic clergyman.

The real meaning of Luke 23:12 is that when confronted by Jesus Christ, the enemies of Christ can set aside all worldly differences in defending that which they love the most - their sin. Bishop Griffin is a deceiver - Pilate and Herod were not reconciled by Jesus Christ, the executed Him!! They were only temporarily "reconciled" by their common rejection of Jesus Christ.

We see this same spirit of love to sin and hatred to Jesus Christ today in the pope of Rome, as he seeks to join his church with Moslems, Hindus, witch doctors, indigenous cultures, you name it, into a system of global religion. How can such seemingly different religions be "reconciled?" By their common rejection of the saving grace of the Jesus Christ of the BIBLE.

Regarding such wicked Roman twisting of scripture, may the prayer of bible believing Protestants be from Psalm 119:126, "IT IS TIME FOR THEE, LORD, TO WORK: FOR THEY HAVE MADE VOID THY LAW." May many Catholics repent of the sin of Romanism and receive Christ by faith ALONE.

Wednesday, March 06, 2002

All of a Sudden Rome Cares About Children

Catholic media is helping the American Catholic Church in diverting attention away from the heinous acts of paedophile priests in the USA, as new Roman smokescreens were sent out last week. The pope of course would prefer endless conferences and dialogue on child prostitution in Bangkok, instead of disciplining American priests in Boston who enjoy sex with children.

The 'Catholic News Service' reported on March 1 the publication of a book titled, "The Archipelago of Shame: Sexual Tourism and Pedophilia," by a Msgr. Piero Monni, the Vatican's permanent observer at the World Tourism Organization. To quote the 'Catholic News Service,' this book, "draw(s) attention to the great numbers of minors who are exploited for sexual or pornographic ends, and bartered or sold as slaves on every continent."

It's kind of funny that all of a sudden, for some reason the Catholic Church now claims to be interested in sexually exploited children "on every continent." I wonder why?

In a similar vein, the American ambassador to the Vatican, James Nicholson, is organizing an international congress to be held in May at the Gregorian University in Rome. The subject will be world slavery - and the forced labour and prostitution it leads to. This was reported March 1 by the Catholic 'Zenit News Agency.'

In addition, the 'Zenit News Agency' on February 28 reported that "nearly 70 individuals" in the West African nations of Sierra Leone, Liberia, and Guinea, who are "local members" (i.e., local Africans) of international humanitarian agencies have been demanding "sex from refugees in exchange for food." This seems to fit well into a Catholic strategy of not doing anything about their paedophile priests, but instead providing it's priests and "lay" supporters with stories of abuse from all over the world, even to the jungles of Africa, in order to help Catholics say, "doesn't everybody do it," when the issue of American priestly child molesters arises.

I pray the Lord comforts, heals, and grants abundant salvation to those molested by Roman priests. I also pray the Lord uses these revelations of Catholic child abuse to open people's eyes to the wicked nature of the Roman priesthood.