Tuesday, February 26, 2002

Protecting Children from Everyone Except - The Roman Catholic Priesthood

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops have just published a statement titled, 'Walk in the Light: A Pastoral Response to Child Sexual Abuse,' in response to the media exposing the crimes of child abuse inflicted on young Catholics by the Roman Catholic Church in the USA. It is a masterful piece of propaganda that seeks to divert attention from and protect the pope's priestly paedophiles.

In seeking to divert attention away from her priests, the statement makes a great effort to point to child abuse in places other than the local rectory. It's plainly obvious the American Catholic bishops want to broaden the topic so much that their perverted priests get lost in the woodwork.

We get a hint of this in the opening paragraph of the statement: "We now speak out against...child sexual abuse, particularly in a home or family setting." I thought the immediate problem was at the church and with the priests, but you can see how Rome craftily seeks to turn the attention away from abuse at the hands of it's priests.

I found it interesting that the word 'PRIEST' is NEVER USED in describing a potential child abuser, or one guilty of child abuse in this 10 page statement. However, the statement abounds with wording and phrases calculated to divert attention. For example:

"The abuse often occurs at home." "Parents, stepparents, teachers, or clergy." "Some ordained ministers and religious brothers and sisters, as well as lay employees and volunteers." "God's ministers." "Sexual abuse occurs in all racial and cultural groups; in rural, suburban, and urban areas; and at all socioeconomic and educational levels." "Abusers come from all walks of life, all economic backgrounds, and all ethnic groups."

This is a typical kind of 'defense' liberals love to use, and we saw it used many times by the Clinton administration. The defense for their inexcusable actions always tried to get you to think, "Well, doesn't everybody do it?"

The statement even goes international! "We join the United Nations (and) the International Catholic Child Bureau...in drawing attention to the vulnerability of girls throughout the world." I'm sure the bishops would prefer the focus be shifted to something like prostitution in Thailand, instead of dealing with the priest down the street having sex with an 8 year old boy.

What is totally lacking in this document is any sense of indignation, and the justice that needs to be meted out to these horrible men. Almost every time accountability is brought up, it's coupled with pleas designed to make excuses for the priests. One example is: "Offer help and support for abusers while holding them accountable for their actions."

The bishops here are laying the groundwork to deflect demands for justice by saying in essence, 'Oh, don't get too angry. Don't you know we have to help and forgive these priests?' 35 times the words "heal(ing)" and "forgive(ness)" are used, but the bishops aren't concerned with healing or forgiveness - they're stalling for time with a hope of toning down anger and indignation. The statement piously says, "We caution against rushing the process."

What kind of a parent regularly exposes their children to paedophiles? A Catholic parent! Jesus Christ did NOT set up a priesthood that supports, encourages, and protects homosexual child abusers. MAY JESUS CHRIST PROTECT THE CHILDREN FROM THE ROMAN CATHOLIC PRIESTHOOD.

May our Lord give many Catholic children the grace to know that Catholicism is evil, to flee the Roman Church as soon as they are able, and receive Christ by faith ALONE.

Friday, February 15, 2002

Rome - The Enemy of Open Information from the Printing Press to the Internet

The Catholic Church has always hated freedom of speech and the free dissemination of information because it gives people an opportunity to think for themselves, to read their bibles and see that Rome teaches a false Christ. This Catholic loathing of the truth is evident in the 'Catholic League' March, 2001 article, "Anti-Catholicism on the Internet."

The 'Catholic League' was started by a Jesuit priest (who else) in 1973, and bills itself as "the nation's (USA) largest Catholic civil rights organization." It's president, William Donohue, can be seen on American TV news talk shows when the issue is the Catholic Church, although with the recent news out of Boston and Tucson of priests' sexual attacks on young boys, one wonders how Mr. Donohue will seek to justify the deeds of priestly paedophiles.

To watch Donohue on TV is to see the real Catholic Church - he has an intimidating and bullying persona, and puts forth his points in a machine-gun, attacking style that never lets the truth interfere with his message.

Decrying open information (books, and now the Internet) being available to people, the article states, "Anti-Catholicism has been carried along by new technologies since it's inception. The birth of anti-Catholicism in Western Civilization was strongly tied to the invention of moveable type that created the printing press...Printing presses spread throughout Europe and a passion for books became one of the effervescent ingredients of the Reformation age."

Ohhh, how the Roman heart wishes the printing press had never been invented, and how it looks back so fondly at the Dark Ages, when the people were yoked in illiteracy, serfdom, and superstition!

It may be asked, "But does not the Catholic Church have many schools and universities?" Yes, but their purpose is only to act as a counterweight to either Protestantism or the high literacy rates in some nations. A Catholic emphasis on "education" goes out the window in places like Honduras or Columbia, where Rome has the people exactly where they want them!

Anti-Catholicism flourished with the arrival of the printing press because the common man could finally have a bible in his own hands and see the lies his priest were telling him. The common man saw he could come to Christ by faith ALONE, have his sins forgiven by Christ ALONE, and see the Roman Church was totally unbiblical, unnecessary, and a great hindrance to people coming to Christ. As a matter of fact, the MOST anti-Catholic piece of literature was written by God - the BIBLE!

I pray the Lord opens the eyes of Protestants to see that Rome continues to be the enemy of freedom and the bible. May our Lord grant Catholics the grace to repent and confess being a Catholic as sin, and receive Christ by faith ALONE.

Friday, February 08, 2002

Rome - Changing it's Teachings and Still Remaining "Infallible"

The Roman Church is always looking for ways to explain her contradictory teachings, and Office of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (the Inquisition) Prefect Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger recently demonstrated that the Catholic Church can do a complete reversal in teaching, and yet still claim the "Church" does not contradict itself.

Reviewing a 'nota' (notice) published July 1, 2001 by Ratzinger, the January 25 issue of the 'National Catholic Reporter,' (NCR) in an article titled, "Ratzinger Explains How Condemnation Was Right Then, Wrong Now," tells how "the 'nota'...lifts the condemnation of 40 propositions drawn from the philosophical work of Antonio Rosmini pronounced in 1887 and then explains how the magisterium can do this without involving itself in an internal contradiction." So - the magisterium in 1887 condemned Rosmini, but then in 2001 the magisterium said Rosmini is NOT condemned!

TV villain JR Ewing in the old 'Dallas' series said, "Once you give up integrity, the rest is easy," and this accurately describes the teaching principles followed by Rome. The NCR article asks, "is this a switch," with regard to the new pronouncement? "'No,' says Ratzinger. He admits that a 'superficial reading' of these events suggests an 'intrinsic and objective contradiction' in the magisterium. But 'an attentive reading,' he explains, interprets the (1887) decree...'in the light of it's historical context and thus reveals it's true meaning.'"

Ohhhhhh, I get it! Anyone claiming there is a contradiction is only giving it a 'superficial reading,' whereas anyone giving it 'an attentive reading' can now see it's true meaning! And pray tell, who are the ONLY ones capable of 'an attentive reading?' I'll bet it's the magisterium!

The shell game Ratzinger is running here is that he says the 1887 condemnation of Rosmini's writings was "read from a neo-Thomistic perspective...and hence rightly deserved ecclesiastical condemnation." Translated, this means Rome in 1887 was using the analytical methods of St. Thomas Aquinas, which resulted in the condemnation of the 40 propositions.

But guess what!? To quote from the NCR article again, "Today the situation is DIFFERENT (emphasis mine). First, according to Ratzinger, serious research has shown that if Rosmini's ambiguous and obscure passages are interpreted in the light of his own philosophical work, which is, of course, the only honest way of reading philosophical text, THEN (emphasis mine) their meaning is not contrary to the Catholic tradition."

So - the 'nota' says that because of these new "research" methods, the 1887 condemnation "can now be superseded." Ohhhhhh, I get it! Rome never contradicts it's teachings, they just "supersede" them! That's mighty convenient!

Therefore in order to justify contradicting itself, Rome is going to start saying they are using new methods of interpretation that "supersede" the old. For example in this case, an interpretation based on the "historical-cultural factors," to quote the 'nota,' now supersedes the neo-Thomistic interpretation of 1887. A key sentence in the NCR article states, "Still, the 'nota' is an important document since it is the first time an ecclesial statement wrestles with a question that has troubled Catholics for a long time. How are we to interpret apparent contradictions in the magisterium?"

VERY interesting. Rome has a lot of baggage from over the centuries that will stick out like a sore thumb in the ecumenical age the pope desires, like the 1302 'Unam Sanctum,' which says submission to the pope is necessary for salvation, so Rome is starting to cook up new interpretation methods to cover for their previous lies.

Rome's problem is its lies can never stand on their own - they can only be covered by more lies. Proverbs 12:19 says, "THE LIP OF TRUTH SHALL BE ESTABLISHED FOR EVER: BUT A LYING TONGUE IS BUT FOR A MOMENT." May many Catholics see the "LYING TONGUE" of Rome, repent of their Catholicism, and receive Christ by faith ALONE.