Protecting Children from Everyone Except - The Roman Catholic Priesthood
The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops have just published a statement titled, 'Walk in the Light: A Pastoral Response to Child Sexual Abuse,' in response to the media exposing the crimes of child abuse inflicted on young Catholics by the Roman Catholic Church in the USA. It is a masterful piece of propaganda that seeks to divert attention from and protect the pope's priestly paedophiles.
In seeking to divert attention away from her priests, the statement makes a great effort to point to child abuse in places other than the local rectory. It's plainly obvious the American Catholic bishops want to broaden the topic so much that their perverted priests get lost in the woodwork.
We get a hint of this in the opening paragraph of the statement: "We now speak out against...child sexual abuse, particularly in a home or family setting." I thought the immediate problem was at the church and with the priests, but you can see how Rome craftily seeks to turn the attention away from abuse at the hands of it's priests.
I found it interesting that the word 'PRIEST' is NEVER USED in describing a potential child abuser, or one guilty of child abuse in this 10 page statement. However, the statement abounds with wording and phrases calculated to divert attention. For example:
"The abuse often occurs at home." "Parents, stepparents, teachers, or clergy." "Some ordained ministers and religious brothers and sisters, as well as lay employees and volunteers." "God's ministers." "Sexual abuse occurs in all racial and cultural groups; in rural, suburban, and urban areas; and at all socioeconomic and educational levels." "Abusers come from all walks of life, all economic backgrounds, and all ethnic groups."
This is a typical kind of 'defense' liberals love to use, and we saw it used many times by the Clinton administration. The defense for their inexcusable actions always tried to get you to think, "Well, doesn't everybody do it?"
The statement even goes international! "We join the United Nations (and) the International Catholic Child drawing attention to the vulnerability of girls throughout the world." I'm sure the bishops would prefer the focus be shifted to something like prostitution in Thailand, instead of dealing with the priest down the street having sex with an 8 year old boy.
What is totally lacking in this document is any sense of indignation, and the justice that needs to be meted out to these horrible men. Almost every time accountability is brought up, it's coupled with pleas designed to make excuses for the priests. One example is: "Offer help and support for abusers while holding them accountable for their actions."
The bishops here are laying the groundwork to deflect demands for justice by saying in essence, 'Oh, don't get too angry. Don't you know we have to help and forgive these priests?' 35 times the words "heal(ing)" and "forgive(ness)" are used, but the bishops aren't concerned with healing or forgiveness - they're stalling for time with a hope of toning down anger and indignation. The statement piously says, "We caution against rushing the process."
What kind of a parent regularly exposes their children to paedophiles? A Catholic parent! Jesus Christ did NOT set up a priesthood that supports, encourages, and protects homosexual child abusers. MAY JESUS CHRIST PROTECT THE CHILDREN FROM THE ROMAN CATHOLIC PRIESTHOOD.
May our Lord give many Catholic children the grace to know that Catholicism is evil, to flee the Roman Church as soon as they are able, and receive Christ by faith ALONE.
In seeking to divert attention away from her priests, the statement makes a great effort to point to child abuse in places other than the local rectory. It's plainly obvious the American Catholic bishops want to broaden the topic so much that their perverted priests get lost in the woodwork.
We get a hint of this in the opening paragraph of the statement: "We now speak out against...child sexual abuse, particularly in a home or family setting." I thought the immediate problem was at the church and with the priests, but you can see how Rome craftily seeks to turn the attention away from abuse at the hands of it's priests.
I found it interesting that the word 'PRIEST' is NEVER USED in describing a potential child abuser, or one guilty of child abuse in this 10 page statement. However, the statement abounds with wording and phrases calculated to divert attention. For example:
"The abuse often occurs at home." "Parents, stepparents, teachers, or clergy." "Some ordained ministers and religious brothers and sisters, as well as lay employees and volunteers." "God's ministers." "Sexual abuse occurs in all racial and cultural groups; in rural, suburban, and urban areas; and at all socioeconomic and educational levels." "Abusers come from all walks of life, all economic backgrounds, and all ethnic groups."
This is a typical kind of 'defense' liberals love to use, and we saw it used many times by the Clinton administration. The defense for their inexcusable actions always tried to get you to think, "Well, doesn't everybody do it?"
The statement even goes international! "We join the United Nations (and) the International Catholic Child drawing attention to the vulnerability of girls throughout the world." I'm sure the bishops would prefer the focus be shifted to something like prostitution in Thailand, instead of dealing with the priest down the street having sex with an 8 year old boy.
What is totally lacking in this document is any sense of indignation, and the justice that needs to be meted out to these horrible men. Almost every time accountability is brought up, it's coupled with pleas designed to make excuses for the priests. One example is: "Offer help and support for abusers while holding them accountable for their actions."
The bishops here are laying the groundwork to deflect demands for justice by saying in essence, 'Oh, don't get too angry. Don't you know we have to help and forgive these priests?' 35 times the words "heal(ing)" and "forgive(ness)" are used, but the bishops aren't concerned with healing or forgiveness - they're stalling for time with a hope of toning down anger and indignation. The statement piously says, "We caution against rushing the process."
What kind of a parent regularly exposes their children to paedophiles? A Catholic parent! Jesus Christ did NOT set up a priesthood that supports, encourages, and protects homosexual child abusers. MAY JESUS CHRIST PROTECT THE CHILDREN FROM THE ROMAN CATHOLIC PRIESTHOOD.
May our Lord give many Catholic children the grace to know that Catholicism is evil, to flee the Roman Church as soon as they are able, and receive Christ by faith ALONE.