Monday, February 24, 2003

US Catholic Bishops Attack American Citizenship Standards

The US Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) is endorsing a bill now before the US Congress called the, "Tohono O'dham Citizenship Act." This was published in a February 21 USCCB statement titled, "Migration Committee Urges Citizenship Recognition for Tohono O'dham Nation." The "Tohono O'dham Nation" is an Indian tribe numbered at 24,000 that has members in Arizona (USA) and Sonora (Mexico).

The so-called "problem" is that 7,000 of the tribe "claim" to have been born on the USA side of the border, although there is no legal evidence of this! In their mock concern for the welfare of American Indians, the US bishops in pious lamentation say this creates, "insurmountable barriers to celebrating their faith, visiting their family members, and practicing their culture."

The "barriers" the USCCB is complaining about are that some Tohono O'dham Indians cannot get across the US border (legally, anyway) when supposedly coming back from Mexico from, "visiting their family members," because they have no documentary proof they are US citizens. Therefore the "solution" should be - a blanket gift of US citizenship automatically granted to whomever the Tohono O'dham nation says are "enrolled members."

Yet........the Roman statement makes NO MENTION of the possibility that some Tohono O'dham Indians (or others) from the Mexican side of the border could use this as a loophole to easily obtain US citizenship........I wonder why?

The Catholic Church continues to show itself an enemy of the United States by supporting any crack in the border, or any foot in the door, that will work to the purpose of opening American borders to just anyone - preferably Roman Catholics and terrorists!! Pray that our Lord Jesus Christ be glorified in protecting the USA and other Protestant nations from the ongoing intrigues of Rome.

Friday, February 14, 2003

Catholics to Help Billy Graham Again

Billy Graham's next "Mission" (since 9/11, Billy doesn't call them "Crusades" any more for fear of offending Moslems) will take place in San Diego, California May 8-11, and the Roman Catholic Diocese of San Diego will be an active participant.

The Graham 'Christian Life and Witness Course' for "Mission Counselors" will be offered at twelve locations throughout the San Diego area, including the Roman Catholic "St. Rose of Lima" parish. The only stipulation for being a counselor is that a person be 13 years of age or older.

Comment - Whether or not a "Mission Counselor" believes Jesus turns Himself into a wafer at the command of some perverted Roman priest is not a concern for Billy. Mission Counselors at Graham events are NOT identified by their denomination - so a person truly seeking Christ can end up being "counseled" by a Mary-worshipping Catholic who himself is dead in his sins!

In addition, among the local San Diego leadership for this Mission are 16 "Members-at-Large," two of whom are listed at the Graham mission website under the innocent looking names of "John Dolan" and "Dennis Mikulanis." But, the website deceptively NEGLECTS to identify these men by their full titles:

'Father' John Dolan - the priest at St. Rose of Lima parish.

'Monsignor' Dennis Mikulanis - the San Diego diocesan "Vicar for Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs."

The Graham legitimization of Romanism as a 'Christian' church the past 50 years has done enormous harm to the cause of Christ and His gospel. May our Lord shatter the ecumenism of Graham and his friends, and may our Lord bless us with a real, Christ-glorifying, bible-believing, Protestant Reformation.

Friday, February 07, 2003

Catholic Bishops Generous With Other People's Money

US Catholic bishops continue to be "compassionate" with other people's money, in this case, the money of US taxpayers.

The US Conference of Catholic Bishops is now nagging the US Congress to amend a bill passed in 1996 called the "Heavily Indebted Poor Country" initiative (HIPC). Its purpose is to provide "debt relief" for countries whose corrupt governments continually go out on a limb and accept World Bank and IMF loans, no matter what the risk.

The US taxpayer has paid out over $800 million since 1996 under this program, but Rome doesn't think that's enough! Rome wants to milk Americans for more.

The Catholic bishops are liars to call it "debt relief" because the debts get paid - on the backs of US citizens! "Debt relief" is REALLY:

1. American taxpayers bailing out banks that make irresponsible loans to third world nations. Also - these banks make loans knowing full well that organizations like the Catholic Church will whine and complain for "debt relief" when third world nations decide not to pay their debts.

2. Rome using American money to ingratiate itself with third world nations.

The Catholic Church is very clever - getting the US government to fork out the money, while Rome gets all the glory. And with not a penny leaving the pope's pockets!

Rome has always been the mortal enemy of Protestant nations. Please pray daily that the Lord protects the USA from the sinister workings of the Roman Catholic Church.