Tuesday, November 25, 2003

Does it Matter if a Catholic is Left-Handed or Right-Handed?

Yes it does, according to the revised 'General Instruction of the Roman Missal.' The Roman Church has made some recent modifications to the Mass, including recommended bodily postures. The Diocese of Cleveland, Ohio has for several weeks been running bulletin inserts educating the "faithful" on this "new and improved" Mass.

One reason so many people enjoy being Catholic is that they can ignore Christ and the bible, and instead make up their own silly rules. One such silly rule was found in the Cleveland diocese November 9 bulletin insert titled, "The Reception of Holy Communion - Part II."

When Catholics go up to communion, they can receive the wafer directly in their mouth, or in their hand. As to the receiving of the wafer by hand, the bulletin insert said:

"If Communion is received in the hand, and one is right-handed, the left hand should rest upon the right (like a throne suited for Christ the King). The host will then be laid in the palm of the left hand, then taken by the right hand to the mouth. If one is left-handed, this is reversed. It is not appropriate to reach out with the fingers and take the Eucharistic Bread from the person distributing."

What rules will Rome think of next week??? Maybe antichrist is impressed with such left hand, right hand rubrics, but Jesus Christ is not.

May the Spirit of our Lord continue to show Catholics that Christ does not transform Himself into wafers, but that He is received in the heart by faith ALONE. Ephesians 3:17A says, "THAT CHRIST MAY DWELL IN YOUR HEARTS BY FAITH."

Thursday, November 13, 2003

Some Results of Mary Worship

The Catholic worship of Mary can lead to strange and unbiblical ideas. This was seen in the Nov 7 issue of the 'Pittsburgh Catholic,' in an article titled, "Lecture Series Speaker Shares 'Abundant Life.'"

The article featured an interview with EWTN (American Catholic Television) host Johnnette Benkovic. Speaking about Catholic women and their role as "evangelizers," Mrs. Benkovic quoted Pope Paul VI at the end of the Second Vatican Council:

"That is why, at this moment, when the human race is undergoing so deep a transformation, women impregnated with a spirit of the Gospel can do so much to aid humanity in not falling."

Mrs. Benkovic then expanded on this idea of women being "impregnated with a spirit of the gospel":

"Only a woman can be impregnated...(she is) Created by God to bear physical and spiritual life to the world..."

Mrs. Benkovic is trying to:

1. Convince Catholic women that some kind of "spiritual impregnation" can take place for them. This idea is nothing but a perverted twisting of the Holy Ghost coming upon Mary (Luke 1:35), which was strictly a one-time deal.

2. Blasphemously set up women as bearers of "spiritual life." Only God the Holy Ghost borns people again to new life in Christ. But then, the Roman Church has a history of robbing God of His glory.

"Spiritual impregnation" - what a hellish notion - it sounds like something straight out of that devilish movie, 'Rosemary's Baby.' If Catholic women want to become "spiritually pregnant," sadly, the devil will be more than happy to oblige them.

May God free many Catholics from such wickedness. May they repent of the sin of Catholicism, and be born again by the Holy Ghost ALONE to faith in Christ ALONE.

Thursday, November 06, 2003

Buddhist Wickedness at a Catholic University

The University of Dayton (Ohio), a Roman Catholic school, is making Buddhist wickedness available at the university library. This was reported in the Oct 31 issue of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati newspaper, 'The Catholic Telegraph,' in an article titled, "Sister Receives Award from Islamic Council."

Most of the article deals with an Islamic Council of Ohio award given to school professor 'Sister' Judith Martin on Oct 11 at the 16th annual "Islamic Day of Ohio" luncheon for her work in helping to foster the Moslem-Catholic unity the pope so desperately wants.

But - the article also notes that 'Sister' the same weekend, "Hosted 10 Tibetan Buddhist monks who were in Dayton to create a sand mandala of the Medicine Buddha in the UD library."

"Sand Mandala" - "Mandala" is the Sanskrit word for "circle," and is supposed to be a symbol of the universe and its energy. A mandala is a flat circle, at least a few feet in diameter, where various colored sands are used to create all kinds of abstract symbols and diagrams. Then - people sit around it and "meditate." Yoga practitioners use mandalas, for example, as well as the Dalai Lama.

"Medicine Buddha" - According to Buddhist "theology"(?) the "Medicine Buddha" is some kind of enlightened supernatural being with special powers of healing that can be obtained by reciting his name or a short mantra, over and over and over and over......

Catholics and Buddhists do have a lot in common. For instance, one Catholic mantra prayed repetitiously goes something like:

"Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners now......"

The sand mandala and the rosary - two wicked prayer devices straight from the depths of hell.

May our Lord show many Catholics that by using mindless, repetitious prayers as such the rosary, or meditating around a mandala, they invite demonic influences on themselves. God grant Catholics repentance from Rome, and may they invoke the only name by which one may pray safely - the name of Christ ALONE.