Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Graham Meets a Real Catholic

For over 50 years Billy Graham has deceived Protestants around the world into thinking Catholics are "Christians, too." But recently, Billy ran into a Catholic who gave him the REAL Catholic view of ecumenism. This was reported in the March 19 issue of 'The National Catholic Reporter,' in an article titled, "The Word from Rome."

The article featured an interview with actor James Caviezel, who portrayed Jesus in "The Passion of the Christ" movie, and gave an example of Caviezel's staunch Catholicism by describing a recent encounter he had with Billy Graham. Graham, in his patented, 'We're all Christians together' manner told Caviezel, "They should emphasize what they have in common."

Caviezel told Billy in reply, "Let's not go down that road."

Ouch!!! Poor Billy - he's spent a lifetime groveling at the feet of Catholicism, debasing himself and the gospel in order to have large crowds and a well-known name - and this Catholic actor rebuffs his ecumenical overtures!

It is doubtful this incident will be mentioned in Billy Graham's 'Decision' magazine. Also - it is doubtful that Protestant pastors who foolishly recommended the "Passion" movie told their congregations that during filming of this movie:

"Caviezel carried relics of St Francis of Assisi, St Padre Pio, St Anthony of Padua, St Genesius (the patron saint of actors), and Anne Catherine Emmerich (the 19th century German mystic whose visions supplemented Gibson's version of the passion). He also carried a piece of wood believed to be from the True Cross. Caviezel had a special compartment sown into his loincloth for the relics."

This is NOT the stuff of the Holy Spirit.

So......"Holy Underwear" just isn't for Mormons anymore! May God open the eyes of bible believing Protestants to see the great harm Billy Graham and his pro-Roman ecumenical friends have done to the cause of Christ.

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

A Catholic Vision of "Jesus"

The Devil offers many different "christs" to choose from, and the Catholic Church is more than willing to go along with this charade. One of these false "christs" was described in the Lent 2004 issue of 'The Goodnewsletter,' in an article titled, "The Miracle of the Eucharist of Bois Seigneur Isaac."

The article details the visions of John du Bois, a nobleman living in what is now Belgium, in 1405. Over the course of a few nights, John had visions of a "Jesus" who appeared wearing a blue coat lined with ermine (fur). To quote from the article:

1. His body (the vision) was covered with welts, bruises, and open bleeding cuts...'Look how they have mistreated me. Find me a doctor and an administrator of justice (a law enforcement official)...'"

Comment - 1400 years after the crucifixion, this "Jesus" was asking for earthly medical help and a policeman. Okayyyyyy......

2. The vision also said, "If you can't find me some remedy, at least place your hands on my wounds to relieve me. Do what you can. I will be grateful to you until you can do better..."

Comment - in the bible, the REAL Jesus did the healing. But in this Catholic vision - it's "Jesus" who asks for help! This only reflects the Catholic belief that Jesus is such a helpless wimp that He needs the assistance of Mary, St. Peter, popes, etc.

In a later vision, John was told to go to Mass the next day. At the consecration - the big wafer the priest was using started to bleed! This disturbed the priest, but - dad-dah-dah-DAH, dah-DAAHH - John was there to assure the priest, "Father, don't be afraid. This miracle comes from God."

So the priest set the bleeding wafer aside and used another wafer for the Mass. All the while, the bleeding wafer continued to bleed until it floated in a pool of blood.

The Satanic deceit Catholics will fall for as a result of their rejection of the real Jesus Christ of the bible, and their acceptance of any other "christ" Satan may provide. Please pray the Holy Spirit would continue to break Roman chains, free Catholics from the sin of Catholicism, and grant them faith ALONE in Jesus Christ for the full and free forgiveness of sins.

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

The Catholic Judicial System at Work

Roman priest James Haley of the Diocese of Arlington, Virginia, is being brought before a church tribunal March 17. This was reported in the March 11 issue of 'The Washington Times,' in an article titled, "Priest Targeted After Testifying in Suit."

What "crimes" is Arlington bishop Paul Loverde charging Haley with?

1. As the article quotes the diocesan charge: "Use of instruments of social communication (the media) to injure good morals, to express insults and to excite hatred or contempt against the Church."

Haley dared to go to the media and expose two priests, one of whom "...stole from church collection plates and maintained a stash of homosexual pornography." The other "...kept a collection of homosexual pornography in his rectory bedroom."

Comment - My guess is Haley went to the media because Catholic bishops have a track record of protecting thieves and homosexuals in the priesthood.

2. Haley is also charged with: "Sexual misconduct (and) absolution of an accomplice in sexual sin."

Haley was found innocent of this charge by his former bishop in 1998, but Bishop Loverde is dragging it up again in his effrots to smear Haley. The common law concept of "double jeopardy," where one cannot be tried twice for the same crime, has no place in Catholic law - the Roman Church never feels bound by any rule of law!

Bishop Loverde is also going after Haley because he was a good citizen and obeyed a 2002 court subpoena to testify in a trial regarding a priest who had an affair with a married woman, then later married her. In this lawsuit brought by the woman's former husband, Haley supported the husband's contention "that the diocese knew about the affair for months before the priest was ordered to stop seeing (the woman)."

In a last slap of Roman "justice," Haley's assigned defense canon lawyer was only notified this past March 5 of the March 17 tribunal date.

So......this is Catholic "justice." If you're not praying daily that Christ protect bible believing Christians from the Roman Catholic Church - you'd better start!

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Roman "Food"

Since Catholics reject the bible, they have to resort to lessons from cheesy stories to "feed" their Catholic faith. One such tale was found in the March 5 issue of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, Ohio newspaper, 'The Catholic Telegraph,' in an article titled, "Gift of Life a Triumph of Community of Love."

The article was about two Catholic men, one of whom donated a kidney to the other - and I'm glad this was able to take place. But what's so sad is how the Catholic mind tries to whip up spiritual teaching from this event. For example:

1. The donor said, "We all know Someone (Jesus) who donated not one but two kidneys, His liver, pancreas, lungs, etc."

2. "Just as the kidney was delivered to (the recipient),...so is the Eucharist given to us."

3. The donor also said, "Donating a kidney helped me better understand the mystery of Christ's true presence in the Eucharist..."

Comment - None needed.

The men are also convinced Mary helped them with this because the operation took place on Dec 12 - the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. In addition, the kidney recipient is a refugee from Rwanda, Africa - so Rome was able to add some "political correctness" to the story, as well.

Please pray for the conversion of more Catholics, that they might be fed by the word of God, and not by useless "lessons" as seen above.

Wednesday, March 03, 2004

The Psychologists Didn't Tell Us it Was Wrong...

This is one of many more excuses, as Roman Catholic propagandists work overtime in their efforts to make excuses for priests who enjoy sex with boys. A new batch of Catholic flim-flam appeared in the Feb 23 issue of 'The Catholic News Service,' in an article titled, "Understanding of Child Sex Abuse has Evolved in the Last 50 Years."

The article is a summation of interviews with "leading North American experts" on sex abuse. Some highlights:

1. "In the late 1960s there was so little professional literature on people who sexually abused minors that 'you could read it all in one morning'..."

Comment - So......since psychologists 35 years ago weren't writing papers on sex abuse, the Roman clergy didn't know any better?

2. "Leading North American experts described a sharp learning curve on sex abuse in the United States and Canada and a few other countries around the world in the 1970s, '80s and '90s."

Comment - Ohhhhhh......no wonder US bishops let their priests have sex with thousands of boys - they were on a "learning curve" about sex abuse! Question - when will this "learning curve" end for the Roman clergy?? Answer - You should live so long!!

3. "They (the "experts") described a combination of pervasive societal, legal, professional, and organizational obstacles that made it far more difficult years ago to recognize child sexual abuse, report it, prevent it, arrest or treat perpetrators of abuse, or generally provide the tools to halt child sexual abuse as a major problem in society."

Comment - Those poor Catholic bishops. They faced so many "obstacles" that they just kept letting their priests have sex with boys. This is a Catholic lie - the "obstacles" were the Roman Catholic bishops themselves.

One tool "to halt child sexual abuse" would be to kick every last Roman priest out of the USA. This would protect thousands of children from the lusts of lecherous priests.

May Christ continue to expose the depraved nature of the Roman Catholic priesthood.