Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Help to Break US Law

The Catholic Church continues to openly help those who break US law. This was reported in the April 20 issue of 'The Catholic News Service,' in an article titled, "Crossing the Border: Migrants Regroup at Tijuana Church-Run Shelter."

The article praises the activities of a safe-house for illegal aliens called "Casa del Migrante," which is just across the border from California. It's run by the Scalabrinians - yet another one of those innumerable orders of the Catholic Church. To quote from the article:

"The shelter, run by Scalabrinian missionaries, provides hot meals, showers, and a place to sleep for about 80 migrants each night. Since its founding in 1987, Casa del Migrante has sheltered some 130,000 migrants."

"Residents can stay for two weeks...the goal is to give them time to plan their next move -- usually an attempt to cross the border."

"In Mexico, the Scalabrinians also run migrant shelters in Ciudad Juarez, which borders El Paso, Texas, and in Tapachula, on Mexico's southern border with Guatemala."

Rome is running a well-oiled machine to assist illegal aliens from Mexico and all points south. The Catholic goal in all this - the Mexicanization and eventual break-up of the USA. The pope knows full well that, "EVERY KINGDOM DIVIDED AGAINST ITSELF IS BROUGHT TO DESOLATION; AND EVERY CITY OR HOUSE DIVIDED AGAINST ITSELF SHALL NOT STAND." Matthew 12:25b.

Bible believing Christians need get their heads out of the sand and realize that Satan's ultimate "weapon of mass destruction" is - the Roman Catholic Church!

Unfortunately, President George Bush, candidate "Hanoi John" Kerry, and US politicians in general will do nothing about this Catholic invasion. They prefer being side-tracked with things like Iraq.

If Americans don't pray daily that Christ protect the USA from the Roman Catholic Church - maybe He won't.

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

"Father, Don't Forgive Me, For I Have Not Sinned..."

Such was the attitude of Roman priest Richard Arko, as he was sentenced April 6 for growing 35 marijuana plants in his church rectory. "The judge suspended a two-year prison sentence, ordered Arko to perform 100 hours of community service and undergo random drug testing during his two years of probation." This was reported in the April 7 issue of the Akron, Ohio 'Beacon Journal,' in an article titled, "Priest Gets Probation in Drug Scandal."

Although Arko plead guilty for purposes of legal expediency, he remains unrepentant about marijuana. At court yesterday he said:

"I look forward to the day when this particular crime will not be punishable."

Arko also made reference to his prayer life. The article reported:

"He said he prays for the day the state of Ohio recognizes the positive uses of marijuana."

"Arko requested a leave of absence from the diocese and he said in court that his return to the priesthood is unlikely."

Police believe Arko has been cultivating marijuana for 10 years - and Catholics believe Arko, or any Roman priest, has the power to command Christ to turn Himself into wafers and wine.

May God use this latest episode to open the eyes of more Catholics to the phony nature of the Roman priesthood. Let Catholics confess Catholicism as sin, forsake Rome, and receive Christ by faith ALONE

Monday, April 05, 2004

Good News from the Diocese of Cleveland

Good news from the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland, Ohio was reported in the April 5 issue of the Cleveland 'Plain Dealer,' in an article titled, "Catholic Diocese's Income Declines."

By percentages reported in the article, the number of active Mass-goers in the Cleveland Diocese has declined from 504,000 in 1970 to 224,000 in 2002. Also, the number of active diocesan priests has fallen from 925 in 1970 to 575 in 2002, and is projected to be at 100 by 2030.

We rejoice in these numbers, knowing that forsaking the Roman Church leaves people much more open to the true and saving gospel of Christ. Plus, fewer priests means that wicked and Christ-denying abomination - the "sacrifice" of the Mass - is performed less frequently.

However, as the article title indicates, Rome's main concern is still money! The article says:

"Fewer people in the pews translates to less money in collection baskets...In fiscal year 2002-2003, for instance, there was a $2.5 million decline in offertory giving...Gifts of stocks and bonds, once a welcome source of revenue for the church and a tax shelter for donors, have dried up over the past three or four years..."

But, the article did provide some comic relief. Cleveland Bishop Anthony Pilla supposedly, "Is most concerned about the diocese's spiritual well-being, not income from parishes."


Please continue to earnestly beseech God, praying Him to free more people from Rome, and to grant them faith ALONE in Jesus Christ for the full and free forgiveness of sins.