Tuesday, August 31, 2004

It's Not Our Fault, They're Just Ignorant...

Such was the attitude of Bishop Mario de Gasperin of Queretaro, Mexico, interviewed in an Aug 24 'Zenit News Agency' article titled, "Why the Church Isn't Responsible for Social Underdevelopment."

Recently some Latin American politicians have dared to come out and say that the Catholic Church is responsible for the poverty in Latin America! Fighting back for Rome, Gasperin blames the politicians for the poverty there. He was asked:

"What is the origin of the insistence of some political leaders in Mexico and Latin America in faulting the Church for the underdevelopment and poverty of large sectors of the population?"

Below are some reasons Gasperin gave for why he thinks the Catholic Church is being blamed:

1. "I think it is ignorance."

2. "Their ignorance is such that they feel they can opine in such a nonsensical way..."

3. "Politicians themselves...are the ones directly responsible for underdevelopment, ignorance, lack of health services - in a word, poverty."

Hmmmm......but such statements actually demonstrate the FAILURE of Catholicism in Latin America!!

1. After 500 years of total Catholic control in Latin America - people are still "IGNORANT?" How many more centuries will Rome need before the people become "UN-ignorant?"

2. We see the real Catholic attitude to those who dare challenge Rome - they are automatically dismissed as "ignorant." In the Catholic mind, I guess only Roman bishops are allowed to "opine." The pope and his church have always hated the liberty of free speech.

Yes - the poverty of Latin America IS the fault of 500 years of blasphemous Roman Catholic idolatry.

From the Rio Grande to Tierra del Fuego, people have been lied to by the Catholic Church. Blessings will come to Latin America only when they tear down their altars, kick out their priests, and receive Christ by faith ALONE. Please pray that God blesses Latin America with Reformation.

Friday, August 27, 2004

A Catholic "Deal"

The Catholic outreach advisor to the Bush campaign, Mr Deal Hudson, resigned from the Republican National Committee Aug 18. Hudson is the editor and publisher of the influential Catholic magazine 'Crisis.' This was reported in the Aug 20 issue of 'The Catholic News Service,' in an article titled, "Bush Campaign's Catholic Outreach Strategist Resigns."

Hudson was also the "Catholic Outreach" advisor in the Bush 2000 campaign.

Hudson resigned because details are coming to light about his 1994 resignation from Fordham University (a Catholic school in New York City), where as a philosophy professor he was accused of sexual misconduct with an 18-year-old student. Hudson settled out of court with the student for $30,000.

According to another Catholic publication, which shall not be named because it provides surprisingly graphic details of the sexual encounter:

1. The sexual misconduct took place after both attended that most Catholic of inventions - a "Fat Tuesday" party - at a Greenwich Village bar!

2. The next day (the first day of another unbiblical Catholic invention -"Lent") Hudson took the student to a McDonald's and told her not to tell anyone about the incident.

3. Ray Flynn, former Boston mayor and US ambassador to the Vatican, said of Hudson, "He's probably the most prominent lay Catholic recognized by the Bush administration."

'The Catholic News Service' article reported:

"He (Hudson) is widely regarded as having had significant influence over the past four years on Catholic appointments by the Bush administration and on which Catholics are given access to the White House."

May God use this episode to show the Bush administration, the Republican National Committee, and Americans, the real face of Roman Catholicism. Please continue to pray that Christ protect the USA from the influence of - Roman Catholicism.

Monday, August 23, 2004

Columbus, Ohio Catholics - Guarding Their Wallets Closely

Bishop James Griffin of the Diocese of Columbus, Ohio has hired Joseph Smith as his new diocesan chief financial officer. The Aug 20 issue of the Cleveland, Ohio 'Plain Dealer,' in an article titled, "Diocese ex-CFO to Get Same Job in Columbus," reported that this is the same:

"Joseph Smith (who) resigned from the Cleveland diocese in January under a cloud of suspicion, accused of accepting more than $750,000 from an accounting firm he had hired to work for the diocese."

The article also reported:

"The FBI is investigating the payments, and the diocese's insurance company reportedly has filed a claim against Smith to recoup the money."

A spokesman for the Cleveland diocese confirmed there is a criminal investigation against Smith, but declined to comment further.

Griffin, who in the early 1980s was assistant chancellor in the Cleveland diocese, has known Smith for over 20 years.

Roman Catholicism once again demonstrates itself to be a system where it doesn't matter what crimes you commit, be it sex abuse or embezzlement - but - are you friends enough with a bishop who will take care of you, no matter what the cost is to the average Catholic sitting in the pew?

We thank God for continuing to expose the wickedness of the Roman clergy. May God's Spirit use this to free more Catholics from their church, and give them faith ALONE in Jesus Christ for the full and free forgiveness of sins - NO Catholic priest or bishop required!

Thursday, August 19, 2004

'They Forced Me to Become Bishop'

Ask any Catholic bishop if he sought the job of bishop, and in mock humility he'll always vehemently deny it. A classic example of this was seen in the Aug 13 issue of 'The Catholic Universe Bulletin,' the newspaper of the Diocese of Cleveland, Ohio, in an article titled, "25 Years a Bishop - Bishop Pilla Works to Discern God's Will for the Local Church."

The article is about Bishop Anthony Pilla's 25th anniversary of becoming a bishop, and is chock full of the false self-abasing every Catholic bishop says about himself with regard to him being a bishop.

You'll never hear a Catholic bishop say he ever wanted to become a bishop, he'll always claim it was thrust upon him, and Pilla is no different! The article reported:

"When Father Anthony Pilla heard in June 1979 he was being named an auxiliary bishop in Cleveland, no one was more surprised than he. In fact, he said, there was not the least indication he was under consideration for anything..."

Comment - "No one was more surprised than he." This is a lie. Pilla spent the five years before 1979 working directly under the previous bishop of Cleveland as Secretary for Services to Clergy and Religious. I'm sure he had some "indication." Also:

"'I never thought about becoming a bishop. I was looking forward to being a parish priest...Although I didn't expect it, didn't pursue it, don't need it, I felt obligated to do it,' Bishop Pilla said."

Yeah......sure......every Catholic bishop will say he just wanted to be a humble parish priest. Catholics, ex-Catholics, and even Catholic clergy know better. Anyone who ever spent time in the Catholic Church has seen these guys like Pilla schmoozing, bootlicking, politicking, and angling for that bishop's mitre! For Catholics it's actually quite humourous watching these priests debase themselves striving for that bishop's throne.

Catholics privately chuckle about this trait of their bishops. But may God use it to open the eyes of Catholics to see the phony nature of the office of Catholic bishop, and may God grant Catholics the grace to confess Catholicism as sin, reject Rome, and to receive Christ by faith ALONE for the full and free forgiveness of sins - no Catholic bishop or priest needed.

Friday, August 13, 2004

The Catholic Church CAN Move Quickly When it WANTS to!

On Aug 10 the US government announced plans to allow US Border Patrol agents expanded powers of "expedited removal" - which means illegal aliens can be sent back to their countries without having a hearing before a US judge. On Aug 11 the US Conference of Catholic Bishops was already fighting back against American attempts to strengthen its border security. This was seen in an Aug 11 article titled, "Immigration Policy Violates Rights, Creates Conflicts of Interest," issued by the bishops.

The Catholic reason for opposing this policy is that somehow political "asylum seekers" would not be allowed to present their claims for "asylum" before a US judge.

Comment - There isn't even one bonafide political "asylum seeker" for every 100,000 illegal aliens crossing US borders. Yet Rome would use this as the excuse for the US to not defend its borders.

Also, the Catholic Church would just love to tie down the US legal system with hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens presenting their "cases."

The REAL aim of the Catholic Church in all this is to turn the USA into another Mexico. But I have a suggestion for the US bishops and the 64 million Catholics in the USA - if Mexico and its 'culture' is such a wonderful thing - you don't need to wait for the Mexicanization of the USA - you can pick up and move down there today!

I implore bible believing Christians to pray daily that Christ protect the USA from the Roman Catholic Church. If we don't pray that our Lord protect the USA from Rome, maybe He won't!