Friday, November 26, 2004

Beach or Bible?

"So much of Catholic preaching today is, quite simply, bland and boring. Some of the homilies I hear on nationally televised Masses are so bad that the Weather Channel is inspiring by comparison."

This is a quote from Youngstown, Ohio Bishop Thomas Tobin, in an article titled, "Catholic Preaching: Powerful or Pitiful," from the Oct 22 issue of the diocesan newspaper 'The Catholic Exponent.'

Tobin also wrote:

"But if we really believe the truth of our message, why are we so boring? Where's the fire, where's the conviction, where's the passion of our preaching?"

Looking below we might ask, 'Where's the beef?'

Tobin has to look no further than his own stale preaching!! Such an example was found in his Aug 27 article titled, "Son of the Beach," where Tobin culled spiritual "lessons" from his vacation on the beach in Florida. Here are some "teachings" Catholics of eastern Ohio had to endure from their bishop:

1. "The beach, and the water that surrounds it, has a timeless quality. It serves as an icon of infinity."

2. "How many waves soak into the sand each day? How many gallons of water in the sea? How many grains of sand on the beach?"

3. "If we're attentive to the signs, the beach speaks to us of the infinity and perfection of God and the dignity of each human person."

4. "Time on the beach also creates a healthy perspective on the trials and tribulations of life."

Comment – And Tobin claims to be a 'successor to the apostles' with such flimsy teachings?? Catholic preaching is lame because it is Christ-less and Spirit-less. It is lame because it points to antichrist, not Jesus Christ.

But – I have to agree with the bishop on one point – the Weather Channel IS indeed more inspiring than his preaching!

This is so bad, it's man-made spiritualization at its worst......let ME pretend I'm Catholic priest and give try it:

'Just as we put on sunscreen to protect ourselves, so we must also protect ourselves from sin each day.'

Lord, give Catholics the grace to see that their priests are feeding them straw. May many Catholics repent of the sin of Catholicism and seek the true food of God – found in the bible.

Friday, November 19, 2004


Why should the Catholic Church NOT be trusted? Because they never give the FULL story on anything. Illegal immigration is such an example.

Catholic media abounds with articles calling for the legalization of millions of illegal immigrants, that the US should open its borders even more, and that illegals should be afforded full US health and Social Security benefits.

At the same time - the US Conference of Catholic Bishops constantly lobbies the US Congress on this.

Rome says this is all in the name of "compassion," but the real reason is that Rome sees the Mexicanization of the USA as a way to break the USA.

But there's one item about illegal immigration the US Catholic bishops conveniently NEGLECT to mention - it's called "TOTALIZATION."

"Totalization" - it's an agreement between two countries whereby both countries recognize the pension plans of the other. The purpose is to avoid double taxation on those people who work abroad. The US presently has this agreement with 20 nations, and this system works when there is a parity in benefits, as well as a rough parity in workers abroad between the US and the other 20 nations.

In June 2004, Social Security commissioners of Mexico and the USA signed a totalization agreement, but its text has been kept secret. We will get to see it when George Bush sends it to Congress for approval.

Is there any financial parity between the Mexican social security system and the American system? No. Is there numerical parity between Americans working in Mexico and the millions of Mexicans in the USA? No. Not to mention the millions more of illegal immigrants "El Presidente Jorge" Bush wants to grant amnesty to.

Also - the Bush plan would even cover Mexican spouses and dependents who may have never lived in the USA!

So, don't expect the Catholic Church to talk about "totalization." Adding millions of more illegal immigrants to the US Social Security system will only hasten its bankruptcy, and this will be fine by Rome.

It's sad to see the President of the United States going along with this. At best he's Rome's patsy, or at worst selling out the USA for a few Catholic and hispanic votes.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

The Base Nature of the Roman Priesthood

"Investigators have found tens of thousands of child pornography images on a laptop computer used by the Rev. Stephen A. Fernandes and are now looking into whether any area children were victimized by the priest at Our Lady of Fatima Church..." This was reported in a Nov 9 'Boston Globe' article titled, "Probe of Priest Continues - Thousands of Pornographic Images Found on Computer."

The article also said:

"According to one law enforcement source, forensic computer specialists have discovered that on at least one occasion, Fernandes posed as a girl in a chatroom and persuaded a 12-year-old boy to perform sex acts in front of a webcam."

"The images discovered on his laptop include pictures of naked children and images of children performing sex acts on men."

Hmmmm......And Catholics believe such men have the power to forgive sins and command Christ to turn Himself into wafers.

Fernandes was discovered when he turned in his laptop for repair. The repairman contacted the Fall River, Massachusetts Diocese, and the diocese then contacted police authorities.

At this point, some might be saying, "Hooray - the bishop turned him in." But - WITHOUT all the revelations the past two years about Catholic priestly perverson, would Fernandes have been so easily turned in? I don't think so.

If former Boston Cardinal Bernard Law was still in power - Fernandes would be protected and children still at risk. Thank God for the childrens' sake that Cardinal Law got kicked out of Boston!

"Fernandes, 54, pleaded not guilty in New Bedford District Court to one count of possessing child pornography."

Please pray daily that Christ protect children from the Roman Catholic priesthood. May God's Spirit continue to show Catholics that their priesthood is wicked, perverse, and - in fact - antichrist!

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Rome Covers Up Attempted Murder in the Rectory

The November 3 issue of the 'Albuquerque (New Mexico) Journal,' in an article titled, "Gallup Man Accused of Trying to Poison Nun," reported:

"A Gallup (New Mexico) man is to be arraigned Thursday on a charge of attempted murder, accused of attempting to poison an elderly nun in a bid to gain the attention of a priest. Derek Kolb is charged in a criminal summons with the attempted murder of Sister Margaret Liebst, 81."

"Kolb lived with her and the Rev. Thomas Maikowski off and on for about two years. Gallup police...alleged Kolb put acid in the nun's cereal, mixed window cleaner in her food, and tried to tamper with her insulin in 2002."

Hmmmm......WHY is an attemped murder case from 2002 ONLY being investigated NOW? The article gave the reason:

"Gallup police heard about Kolb's alleged attempts in May (2004) through a counseling service...They felt there was a crime being committed, and they needed to report it for her safety."

Once again - we see the Catholic Church covering up criminal activities against the vulnerable in its midst. The Catholic Church must wish we didn't have police departments!!

One can only laugh whenever the Catholic Church claims it is the "church" established by Jesus Christ. Nothing could be further from the truth! Jesus did NOT establish this "church" that allows for and covers up crimes against the vulnerable - whether it's children being sexually molested or old women being poisoned.

A police spokesman said, "The nun is fine."

Please continue to implore our Lord daily that He expose for all to see the wicked and perverse nature of - the Roman Catholic Church.